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Hujoo Action, anyone?

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I'm not very good at starting these kinds of topics. I don't actually have any pictures to share because my girl's still not quite finished (still needs a wig and clothes. . . at least underwear). But I have a Hujoo Action Dana, and I did the face up myself (poorly, but I'm learning).


Anyway, if you've never heard of this doll before, it's a MSD-sized line from Hujoo. The ABS dolls are surprisingly affordable, even in full sets. It's a very pose-friendly and flexible doll with several points of articulation. She's strung with elastic, like most of Hujoo's dolls.


Here are some links:


1. Action: http://www.hujoo.kr/shop/step_submain.php?b_code=B20110308111813


2. Chicaloca (which uses the Action body): http://www.hujoo.kr/shop/step_submain.php?b_code=B20100804033835


As soon as I can share pictures of my doll (and as soon as she's finished), I'll post some. I'm looking forward to hearing about other people's dolls or at least some discussion.

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I've heard of them from AsenvaBJD on YouTube. They look like really great posers despite never handling one. I think that it's pretty cool that they have all those gears to help, I'm looking forward to seeing your Dana!(0v0)


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Asenva's review was actually what convinced me to get Dana. I forgot to pick up fabric this pay period, but here's a face shot (I need to readjust her eyes a bit).




She used to have eye brows, but. . . they turned out really manly looking. She's still a work in progress. I'm hoping to get her a wig with pigtails and make her a nice outfit.

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I don't have any Hujoo dolls, but I really would love to get at least one. ^^ I would buy either Dana (been eyeing her for a while) or Teen Yumi.

DD family: Miyuki (DDH-03+Obi50), Saber (Alter v2 on DDIII + L bust)

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I have 2 smaller hujoos, and I used to have a Hujoo Dana. She just didn't fit into my group so she moved in with my BFF.


Very cute dolls. I want one of their new boys :3

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I have one of there new boys (45cm boy mathew) on it's way home.

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