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I'm sure the price for Sasara's head & eyes will be great since the price for her fullset is quite high. You just need someone to notice your thread who is in the know about prices for her. Perhaps change the subject to "What's the current price for Sasara's head & eyes?"


Also there is another thread titled "DD Pricing" that people have been posting in. Might want to post there as well to get more people looking at your question.



Sasara is very lovely and once you find out her worth I do hope you are able to find her a good home should you decide to sell her

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Here are a few Japanese auction examples to help get an idea of what Sasara is worth.


full set (59 bids) 311k yen - $3910

full set 248k yen starting price - $3117

full set 379k yen (buy-it-now) - $4765

full set 280k yen (buy-it-now) - $3520

full set 310k yen - $3900

full set 250k yen - $3143


A while back there was a full set for 420k yen (buy-it-now) which would be $5280, but I don't know if she ever sold at that price.


Average auction ending price is around $3700 for a full set based on this information. I saw an auction for her outfit+wig that went for 80k yen (over $1000 USD). A body would be less than $500 or around that, so the cost of full sets minus $1500 should give you an idea for her head's worth. That would make it around $2200.


That seems consistent with auctions for her head alone.

head with eyes 170k yen (108 bids) - $2140

head with eyes 150k yen - $1890

head with eyes 164k yen (95 bids) - $2060

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Great job with gathering this information Mitsuki! I figured if anyone would have a good answer it would be you It's crazy how much just Sasara's head & eyes go for though

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Wow, that information was really useful... Now I am 100000% certain I got a great deal on my Sasara. "

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Thank you, Innocentsake.


That is great you got a great deal on your Sasara, Arienette. She is hard to find at a good price. Most people don't want to give her up once they have her.

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I love her eyes Lol

wish i could find them for an affordable price lol

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