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House of Nyan: If Saber Was A Boy...

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Someone please let me know if this is the right spot for this or not and I'll move it okay? I'm not sure if I should post this here or in the off topic section.


Anyway, I had always thought Saber had a very androgynous look so I finally decided to see how he looked as a boy. Here are a couple of shots of a very bishi Saber on an Obitsu 55cm body (I borrowed my Yuuto's body). Let me know what you think.










Full Body Shot:


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Oh wow I love this Saber looks great as a boy hehe~ Now you've got me wanting this body for a future custom boy *o*

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oooh, he belongs in a shojo manga. Such as cutie as a boy, what a fun experiment thanks for sharing

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Saber looks GREAT as a guy! This needs to become a real thing. I'd love to see him with a blond bushy surfer-style wig. Saber beach bum...

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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LOL. I didn't have any blonde wigs, just a red and a blue-gray mohair one. I didn't take a photo of the red one, but here is one with the blue-gray. I don't have a surfboard though.





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Wow! It's too funny just how well this works! It's easy too see why the historians in her universe might have gotten a bit confused. I'd love to see a whole genderswapped Fate game, though.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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LOL. Thanks. What 'd love to see is Archer as a DD. But a male Saber in full armor would also be awesome. I can't wait for Obitsu's 65cm body. I kinda want to see how Saber look 'older'. Or I can ask if hikaru can do an archer like face-up and use that. I just have to find the right head.



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Wow! Saber looks so awesome as a boy. He's adorable!

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Wow! Saber looks so awesome as a boy. He's adorable!


Thanks. Next time, I'll try Mari because she looks pretty good as a boy too but I was using her in a photostory so I just used Saber instead. Also, it feels weird since my Mari actually has a boyfriend. LOL.



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Wow! Saber looks so awesome as a boy. He's adorable!


Thanks. Next time, I'll try Mari because she looks pretty good as a boy too but I was using her in a photostory so I just used Saber instead. Also, it feels weird since my Mari actually has a boyfriend. LOL.


Mari as a boy. . . is that one of Mari's fantasies or one of Kaylus's nightmares?

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Wow! Saber looks so awesome as a boy. He's adorable!


Thanks. Next time, I'll try Mari because she looks pretty good as a boy too but I was using her in a photostory so I just used Saber instead. Also, it feels weird since my Mari actually has a boyfriend. LOL.


Mari as a boy. . . is that one of Mari's fantasies or one of Kaylus's nightmares?


That... remains to be seen. I think it would be funny to see how that pans out. *light bulb moment*



We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den

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Thanks. Next time, I'll try Mari because she looks pretty good as a boy too but I was using her in a photostory so I just used Saber instead. Also, it feels weird since my Mari actually has a boyfriend. LOL.


Mari as a boy. . . is that one of Mari's fantasies or one of Kaylus's nightmares?


That... remains to be seen. I think it would be funny to see how that pans out. *light bulb moment*


Totally, YES! Now the first Saber boy just needs to wear the red glasses...


~Sister Kyoya


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He reminds me of Yu Narukami~! :3

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He reminds me of Yu Narukami~! :3


He does, he does.lol. just looked him up. Now I just need a uniform...



We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den

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You know, I can totally see it, he'd be super bishi, but yes... yes... there it is!




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Oh my this is just so cute and awesome at the same time XD I would have never thought of trying this and yes I agree with the others Saber makes a seriously cute looking boy! are you gonna keep taking her head back and forth between bodies to do pics and stuff?

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Saber looks great as a dude!

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Just out of curiosity Katnaper, what Saber was that? I'm really bad at identifying the different Saber sculpts. I nearly got a nosebleed from looking at these pics again. Bishie boys FTW!!


~Sister Kyoya


*five minutes later SK wanders back*


Wait... I thought I sent this?!?


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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