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Dollfie Dream internal frame structure and Dimensions

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Oh wow Mitsuki, do you happen to have a similar image for the MDD body?


I can try constructing one if I survive the cuteness.


I am glad it is helpful for you, klein.

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I can try constructing one if I survive the cuteness.

Awesome. My *ahem* mother has been bugging me ever since I got Eimii about measurements as she wants to make something for her and an image like that would be great.

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Thanks mitsuki! You're the bestest!

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This information is very good and thanks for sharing it.

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I don't suppose anyone has a DD III body handy for more specific measurements like those on the first post? I know they're pretty darn close, but I'm planning on getting some outfits commissioned for a DD3 L-bust body that I don't have yet ^^; and I'd like to just make sure I don't hand them measurements that result in unhappiness later.

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wow idk why but that looked scary.... wonder if they sell just the skeletons lol

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how about the feet of a DDII? width and length?



Home: ~Soleil~ (DD Sendo Erika) ~Lilith~ (DDS Melty) ~Quinzel~ (DDH-07) ~Haruka~ (DD Mio)

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I would also love to know the exact measurement of a DD3 body, with M-bust!



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Updated with DDIII and DDdyIII measurements:







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Thank you so much Mitsuki!!

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Awesome! Now I know measurements.. Which I'm good at.. Now to figure out how to actually work that evil thing known as a sewing machine. It tried to attack me I swear it did.


Thanks Mitsuki for all your hardwork on this.

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Thank you so much Mitsuki



Home: ~Soleil~ (DD Sendo Erika) ~Lilith~ (DDS Melty) ~Quinzel~ (DDH-07) ~Haruka~ (DD Mio)

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Does anyone have the measurements for DDS L bust, and DDS Shapely L bust?

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I can measure those if I don't forget. Once I get home, I get distracted. Remind me if I haven't done it yet.

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I can measure those if I don't forget. Once I get home, I get distracted. Remind me if I haven't done it yet.

Thanks mitsuki, you're the best-est!

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im sorry if this has been asked before but if the arm sockets/joints are loose what does that mean? how would i go about fixing it? and her neck is super floppy like the wiring is all spread out (shes second hand and 6 years old) can i use the coolcat neck joint to fix her neck?

resin boys and vinyl girls, thats what i love!

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The neck joint problems are more easily solved by getting a Cool Cat neck joint.


I think what happens for older DDs is that there is less and less friction in the shoulder joint to keep the arm in place. I heard of some owners superglue sueding this joint to help add thickness and friction. You have to be careful not to put the joint back together to fast and superglue her in place instead.


I have never done it before but scripple has:


I've tightened an elbow just using super glue, but clear nail polish should work as well. Basically take the joint apart and apply super glue or nail polish to the inner piece of the friction joint. Let things dry completely, then reassemble the joint. Basically you're making the joint thicker (just like you did with the washer) and rougher so it holds better. You should be able to make a thinner layer this way than using the washer, which will put less stress on the outer portion of the joint.


I did this on my Saber as she couldn't hold her sword when I first got her. But between this and lots of chocolate she's doing much better now.


I put kips on my MDD knees, but I don't really like how it pushes out the outer portion of the joint, I'm afraid that it might crack some day. I might try using super glue on them some day too, but I'm lazy and it's not a priority.

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I have used the clear nail polish on Tamayuki's joints quite often and it works great and less messy/frightening than super glue even with a longer drying time. After getting his joints stuck a couple of times because I was impatient, I'd suggest letting it dry about 3 hours or so. I actually like the nail polish because it seems to retain a little bit of grab after it dries. Just like the super glue, if you add too much just sand it down a little bit with a fine grit sand paper. In the long run it probably needs to be reapplied more often because it wears away quicker than the super glue would. That doesn't bother me though. I'm pretty sure Tamayuki gets a lot more wear and tear than most DD because I'm moving him around all the time.


~Sister Kyoya


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Would the DD2 arms fit the obitsu 60cm body? due to l'v tryed the DD2 L bust on my Moka but there big gaps in the arm holes so l was wondering if the DD2 arm would fit and are they the same size as the obitsu 60cm body.

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Sorry, I haven't tried anything like that. I don't have any Obitsu bodies to experiment with.

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