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Would the bow behind Saber's wig stained her neck area?

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Hi,i needed some advice from Sabers' parents.


This is regarding the black or red bow behind Saber Extra/Saber Alter's wig.

I wondered if it would stain the back of her neck if i were to put on the wig for her?


I have put on white body stockings on her to prevent staining,however the body stocking did not go up high enough to cover her neck thus i still did not want to put on her original wig on her even though i liked it so much.

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I have Saber Extra and have had her default wig with the red ribbon on it on her since day one. And it has made no marks on her neck at all. I don't think the ribbon is made of a material that can stain. So I wouldn't worry about Extras ribbon at all.


As for Alter, I can't say because I don't own her.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I haven't gotten any stains for the ribbons so far but then again, they don't really touch her skin. So I think it's okay!

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I have tried my best to have that ribbon from touching her skin. I wish there was a wig similar to her default hair to use so I don't mangle mine even further @_@'

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I have Saber Extra and have had her default wig with the red ribbon on it on her since day one. And it has made no marks on her neck at all. I don't think the ribbon is made of a material that can stain. So I wouldn't worry about Extras ribbon at all.


Billy is right, it seems to be made of a material that cant stain.

I wouldnt mind about stains with any part of her outfit, Volks really did a good job to keep our girls safe from that beautiful red dress. Shes been in it for like 5 months straight and no stains at all .


Keep an eye on her sword though, it will leave noticeable red stains on her hands after a few hours.



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I was worried about Saber Alter's bow when she arrived, but it doesn't touch her anywhere.

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I hadn't thought of the ribbon. I have one of the wigs on layaway for my Alna, and now I hope I can carefully remove the ribbon,

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Thank you so much for the informations everyone.

Now i don't have to worry about the bow staining her neck part.....just that at times i find the bow color is not matching with the outfit,thought of removing the bow from the wig,but might mess up the hair if not careful

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