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Naming your DD girls

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if you has more then 1 wouldnt that be confusing.


Yes, yes it is. Although with Raven, if he had more than one DD (and left to name them) they would end up with ones like DD 01 girl, normal skin DD 01 girl, MDD 01 girl, other MDD 01 girl, pink hair girl, boob girl 01 (DDdy)...


That would be fine except for two things: 1.) It makes the girls sound so impersonal 2.) it would drive me completely bonkers.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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if you has more then 1 wouldnt that be confusing. if you call cat and then 5 of them appear


Actually, as it is, with our two cats, "Moose" and "Dimples", it doesn't matter which one we call, they both come. I think each one assumes that they are the only one that matters, so whichever name we use it must be them.


Yes, yes it is. Although with Raven, if he had more than one DD (and left to name them) they would end up with ones like DD 01 girl, normal skin DD 01 girl, MDD 01 girl, other MDD 01 girl, pink hair girl, boob girl 01 (DDdy)...


I'd leave off the 01 part, simply because that would make the names too long, and probably the MDD and DD part, too. I can't stand names that take more than one second to say, it feels like too much effort just to waste on calling somebody.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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When it comes to naming DD's or just..dolls in general I usually name them whatever comes to mind from picturing what they will look like or what they already look like and also whatever is catchy and sticks, you know? x3

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I have such a hard time when it comes to naming DDs. I can name my resin crew in no time at all but my DDs always seem to get the short end of the stick. I tried to rename my old Mashiro and Yui but just ended up calling them Momo and Yumi (respectively) since it sounded similar to their Volks names...

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I looove picking out names, and I always have. Sometimes I pick a name because I like the way it sounds, and sometimes because I like the meaning (or both ). For example, my first girl was a custom, and I named her Ayano because I liked the way it sounded and because it means "my design" so I thought it was amusing. I really like to name my DD girls Japanese names unless their back story won't allow it, since I really like many many Japanese names but rarely have a use for them.


I guess I just like languages in general and names fall into a similar category.


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With the exception of the SQ Labs Tsubaki that I made into Victorique, my other girls have kept their mold names. I like the design as they come, which is why I choose to get them. I see no reason to change their names.

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I ended up naming my girl after the color of dye on her box....XD It suits her though!

Cocoa (Custom Tan Yukino) is currently taking over my house, and soon...THE WORLD! Now Mocha's here...And Latte too...this escalated quickly didn't it...Wait...is that...is that SABER EXTRA?! and now there's a Yukari


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I always /try/ to name my dolls, but then when I talk to people I always end up referring to them by their sculpt.


I am planning to get a Rise, and I have to admit I am a big fan of her character in persona 4, so perhaps this time I will just give in to fate and leave her name as the default.

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*quietly delurks*


It's all about the character. Yeah, Anri came from Volks as a Feena fam Earthlight, but once she got to me she became Ana'Rhiselle d'Vuartiana [Anri for short] and it's no different for any of my other dolls. The only time this would change would be if the original doll was a character I loved as their default.


*resumes lurking*

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DDs are too anime for me to slap a character on ^^;

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For my limited girls, I keep their default names. For custom girls, I use various Japanese names since I am a big anime fan, and these are anime based dolls after all!

At Home: Nanoha, Ilya, Sasara, Rin Tohsaka, Sakura Matou, Saber Lily, Saber Alter ver. 2, Kud, Yuki Morikawa, Yumi(DDH-06 limited), Sakuno, Mayu, Yukino, Sakuya Maxima, Neris, Candy ,Marisa, Melty, Nanami, Sakuya Izayoi, Erica, Miku, Rin Shibuya

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Seeing as how I wanted a custom blog mascot of my own I gave DD Miko a different name. I gave DD Miko the name of Varakitsu to represent my blog mascot that was hidden in my mind. Meaning? Vulpes Arctic Kitsune(fox). I don't even know if that name sounds right when other people hear it. It's simply a name that took me forever to "make up" to name her.


I've been meaning to ask what people think or feel when they hear her name. Vara makes me think Varadero in Cuba >.<

The proud master of a foxy (DD) Varakitsu, Renge, & Caster; Kon!~ Kon!

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It's kind of a mix with me, Most of the DD's I truly want are based of of characters I already know and I want them in my family becuase they are those characters, Saber and Asuka I have kept default. My first though was Ericka (Shining Hearts Neris) Who I bought because I loved her head mold. She's a completely different character. =3

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My one girl is named after a really old character of my own. I rarely keep dolls with their sculpt name. Only currently have one doll with her default name and that is my Soom Galena. So I know that when my eventual second girl appeats she will more than likely.get a name change. Especially if I don't know the.character the.doll is based on :3

At Home: Kiyo, Hikaru , Nikko, Komaki, Miho, Kana-chan, Tamakits, Illya, Misa, Deku, Nao, Zana, Ciri, Aki, Alisa, Kana, Yuka, Kiki, Komaki (Oni Mode), Ai, Chili, NagisaDDh03Erica, Miyabi, Jun,  Haruka, Sasha, and Laila

Saving for: Accessories! Clothes! Shoes! The Works!

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I give all my DD's different names, mostly cause then they feel more like mine and in my mind I know it's mine I'm talking about :I (I'm wierd that way) The only one who kept her character name was Lucy because I really couldn't think of a name for her when she arrived XD She was such an impulse buy that there was no character development. But in looking into the ToHeart2 character, I'm hugely entertained by her so I'm okay with keeping her character name.

At Home: Kirsteen - Lucy - Hanako - Chikou

Waiting for: ~No one atm~

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I only have the one, and she's pretty much kept her default name. Though, when I acquire some more, I may think harder about bestowing actual names upon them. (Miku will likely be Miku forever--when she gets here, that is.)

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Most of my girl have names chosen by me. Illaysviel and Sabre bothe kept their manufacturer names because of their characters, though I did give them middle names of Liesollette and Elisaveta, respectively. I also went with a British spelling of "Sabre" to further indicate that she is my doll.


That said, I still have a hard time with my Heather (aka DD Rina). I'm not too fond of the name "Rina" itself, and I even changed her wig to charcoal grey, but I still keep referring to her as "Rina" if I don't think about it. I'm pretty certain it is because she had been my unicorn DD doll for a number of years. When you think about a doll and mentally refer to her by her default name, it tends to stick as her name, whether you like it or not. "A rose by any other name . . ."

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I also went with a British spelling of "Sabre" to further indicate that she is my doll. . ."


Don't you mean the correct spelling of Sabre?

Now with +/- 15% more uncertainty!

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I also went with a British spelling of "Sabre" to further indicate that she is my doll. . ."


Don't you mean the correct spelling of Sabre?

depends on what you see as correct. fate stay series is japanese. they use katakana to spell it. so its actually closer to [seibaa]

making my triumphant return

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For my first girl I really struggled with names, since I had absolute no idea about what I wanted to name her. Though after a while I rememberd the name Melina, which is the name of a character from the Professor Layton movie. And ever since I got that name stuck on my mind I just couldn't get it out and thus my Rise was named Melina. The name is really perfect since it's very nice sounding and it's related to my biggest fandom, haha. I see no problem with renaming character dolls, I know they are made after specific characters. But since I wanted my doll to be my doll and not "just another Rise" I felt I had to rename her.




The only problem now is, shall I rename my Miku to a matching name soundwise, or should she be named after a PL character as well? D:


Own- Melina - DD Rise Kujikawa, Luke Triton - MDD hybrid, Clive Dove - DD hybrid, Arianna - DD Yui Hirasawa

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I know for Ravendruid's Miku he's going to keep her name and I can understand that. I'm not going to change Kiyoteru's name simply because he's going to be in DD form. Since I'm not overly fond of Miku's character I told him that her other side would have to be an otaku so she wouldn't be alienated in our family because I wouldn't know how to deal with her. Diva personalities and me don't get along well. And then both Bree and Rainie have the tendency to give their siblings whatever names they feel are more suitable and I highly doubt Miku will escape that. As for his Momo, since it means peach we found a Japanese word that describes a shade of peach that also will work great for a name.


Figuring out names can be confusing for sure, but I do it to make it feel like my DD are unique from the masses rather than being the 'same same' all the time. The one that's going to be hard is when I get my Yukino, well because she's Yukino. I have a different name I have for her, but I have no idea what one will stick.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I had a hard time naming Iris... I wanted to give her an exotic name, like Lachesis or something Japanese like Shizuku. But then it's so hard to pronounce and people won't understand what I'm saying

I mean, I can pronounce Japanese, but it doesn't sound as clear out loud as it does in my head, and many of the sounds are indistinct to English ears. So if I'm talking about her to my sister or something, that'd be awkward for both of us. So I gave up that ^^; I sifted through so many names! But, I knew she'd have red eyes and white hair most of the time, and the word Iris makes me think of red and white. Plus it sounds pretty and moderately exotic, plus it's a flower name. And easy to say!


My other DDs got their names easier. Shia's name came to me before I even got her, and Cynthia's name just popped into my head and stuck after I put her eyes and wig on. Mila wasn't too hard either, and Suna is named after my original character.

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As for me, naming my girls happen the day I assembled them in their so called default look. like what baldylox said, once you take the doll out of the box, they seem to call out their name to us.. : )


Ayane Nana

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My method of naming is really simple; if it is my original creation I created before I get a DD, then it goes by the creation's name. If it is based off a canon character or the name the limited came with, it will go with that name.

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My four girls have all kept their original names and characters. I'm very uncreative with coming up with my own character ideas (I have my resin bjd for that anyway). All of my DD are also kept in their default outfits, put on stands, and put on display. I guess they're more of 'cabinet babies' then 'playthings'.

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