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Naming your DD girls

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Do you keep the company/character name for your doll, or give her a new one?


I've noticed that, more so with Dollfie Dreams, people tend to refer to them by their company given name.

Is it because so many of them, unlike most resin bjd, are character dolls from a game/anime/etc... and people want to keep thinking of them as the character?


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I think that's definitely part of it, that they actually have set characters. Though oddly enough, my girls who do keep their standard name don't really have a personality that matches their character, except for maybe Mari who still retains shades of it. I think, at least for me, it does have a lot to do with liking the characters. For example, the only one who I have currently renamed is Sakuno, and I know literally nothing about her. Mari, Saber Lily, Marisa and Noumi all have their standard names still (and so do Soniko/Kirino/Kuroneko, but they are customs so I guess that is a bit different?), and Mari and Saber are 2 of my favorite characters!

DD Family: Mari, Saber Lily, Marisa, Soniko, Noumi, Kirino, Kuroneko, Sakura (DD Sakuno), Aerie, Akira, Kiki, Koko, Rose (DDS Mariko), Kureha, Ryoko, Lucy, Haruka, Rise, Extra & Alter!

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I (will) rename mine. Even though they are based on characters already, new wigs and clothes quickly make them completely different. In drawn Manga and Anime the face isn't what typically makes the character unique as much as the hair and clothes. One of the big reasons I like this hobby is the ability to make my own characters. As a kid I always wanted a toy made from my own comic characters. Now with DDs and BJDs I can do that.

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That's a good point.

All my BJD girls have their own names. But I still can't separate my DD daughters from their original characters. I was never intending to keep their characters and I don't think of hem as of original characters but still it's very hard for me to rename them. Just like no other name will stick or something like that. I'm still intending to do so though...

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Well, actually Latooni's original name is "Latouni"... Ok, this doesn't count like a change of name XD

The Alna I have just bought had been renamed Alana by her previus owner; I don't want to change her name, I don't want to steal her memories so I have renamed her Juno Alana!

Generally I would never change the name of one o my DDs, it's too characteristic!

enthusiast pasta girl - she/her - power bi

Mini Mode Lab

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For me I like to keep their character's name. No real reason other than it just feels right for me. When I adopted Yukino the idea was that she would become Alicia from Aria the Animation.


Since I wasn't ready for the full transformation when she arrived she spent a week or two as Yukino and now that's who she is. She does like to do her favorite cosplay as Alicia from time to time.


I do have plans in the back of my mind of creating my own DD girl. Either doing my own face up or getting one of the after market ones from Yahoo Japan. For that I'll have to give them their own character as they don't come with one to begin with. I actually like idea of that as well.



Otaku Depot's growing family.



Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.

― Terry Pratchett, Jingo

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I guess I am kind of split on names since I have 3 custom girls. But two of them had names when I adopted them.


Manami was my first and she was a custom DDdy girl. I liked the name Manami and in my head, it was easier to continue calling her that so as not to confuse her or me.


Miyuki was the same. She was already named and that is how I knew her.... as Miyuki. So when she came to me, I kept that name. It suited her and I like it.


Now Mamimi, she was all my choosing. I built her and had her persona setup to be Manami's little sister. So I wanted another "M" named girl that was similar to Manami. Only two letters off so it owrked. An added bonus was my favorite character from FLCL was named Mamimi!


As for my character girls, I had to keep their given names. I can't see Rei, Yoko or Mai as anyone else but who they are. By no means are they like their namesakes except in broad terms. Mai remains a fighter and Rei remains a bit distant and cold sometimes and Yoko is bubbly and younger. but that's about it. These girls are their own persons and change and evole as a real girl would.


So that's my take on my girls.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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The plan was to rename my girl but there hasn't been a name yet which made 'click' with how I have her in my mind. Maybe I'm also to attached to the name Beatrice.


I know that the portrayal of my girl doesn't match exactly the original character, personality wise and in appearance, so I think it'll only be fair to give her an own name. It just makes everything much more personalised! When everyone keeps the original names it kinda reminds me of a clone army, thehe.

home  Victoria Beatrice {DD Beatrice}  DD 2B  DDB 9S  Lavi {TF Murphy}  Mocha {TF Fluffy}  Anastasia {TF Ashley}  TakoTako {TF Piercy}

waiting for  DDS Alisaie  DDSB Alphinaud  TinyFox Poison

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I decided on naming my first DD Hime/Himeya for a few reasons.

1) I wanted her to solely be lolita-based in clothing and what not, and it was fitting as Hime translates to princess

2) The Aria/Aqua series is my all time favorite anime series. I have a BJD named Aria after Aria company/President Aria :3. Himeya is named after Himeya Company, but nicknamed Hime after their company's president. XP I plan on having these two wear undine uniforms >3<


I've never had any dolls named after their sculpt, I liked the originality of naming dolls myself But I feel that if I had a limited DD, say, Nia, then I might keep her as Nia because that's who she would be when I'd get her.

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP) // Akechi - DDH-25 

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The only one that's actually mine, and therefore up to me, is Beatrice, and she's definitely keeping her name and character. I don't even know if I'd be buying a DD if it were any other than her, except for a Saber, who would also keep her name and character.

DD Beatrice - DD Saber/EXTRA

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It took me a while to find a look and name for my Elle so she spent several months being called Yukino. But once her current look was established calling her Elle comes naturally now.


My other character DD girls Yoko and Saber Lily have kept their names though I've dressed them so differently. I will have the luxury of naming two of my custom heads though one is based on Rei so her name's been chosen for her. The other head I will name once I have established a look for her. (I think I need more wigs!)


Please visit my YouTube channel for helpful DD tips, tutorials, and reviews!

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I like the whole originality of making the character your own, even if they are based off a character from an anime/game/etc. It just makes her that much more special.

Before I got my DD Moe, I knew what I wanted to call her. I was watching Batman TAS for a long time, and loved the character Harley Quinn, the Joker's henchman/on-off-girlfriend.

I think I mostly keep the name of the doll, unless I have a character in mind, like Yami is named after Golden Darkness in To Loveru, but for Saber Lily, I didn't fully know her character, but I liked Lily enough so I left her name just as Lily.

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Naming huh? Nice, well for me... Hmmm...Syann and Kyrene pretty much named themselves... Rain and Anesska existed within my mind before I gave them a physical form. Ash...started out as a Volks Dollfie Dream image character Aoi, only a new wig and what not. As for when I get the Neirs or Akira (if I win the lottery) I really don't know if I'd change them in anyway or rename them...

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My two girls that are based on a game/anime kept their original names, because to me Yuki M. is Yuki M. and Sakura Matou is Sakura Matou. I just can't imagine them being anyone else.


As for my other 2 girls I did change their names. Alna is an okay name, but I just wasn't in love with the name, so I changed it to Allison. A little bit similar to Alna, but still different enough and I think to me the name Allison really suits her.


As for my custom girl, her first owner had named her Sai, but again I just wasn't totally loving that name. Also that was who her old owner recognized her as, since she belongs to me now I really wanted to make her mine by changing her name. So I ended up with the new name Sara. I named her Sara to pay tribute to Sara from Shamanic Princess. Shamanic Princess was the first anime I ever purchased and I loved it so much. I liked Sara's character and this sweet DD girl I adopted made me think of her. But I don't think I would ever change Sara's look to be like the Sara from the anime, she will just be named after her.

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My planned custom girl was named Shizuka because it translates to 'quiet', and the kanji I used make it specifically 'quiet flower.' She's going to be an Oujo-san character with a quiet personality who has feminine makeup using the lolita pastel set, which is very flowery.

I used Nanami (seven seas) as her family name because I love the anime Mermaid Melody, and she's going to have blue hair in waves like the ocean. If I can get it, she'll have a blue private school uniform as well.


Also, Nanami Shizuka looks very pretty when you write it out in Kanji~

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Since I had an idea of the character of Akane before I picked her name, I choose names from a long list of Japanese girl's names and meanings that I felt either suited her character or that I just liked the sound of. I then went through the list again and again, whittling it down until eventually I choose Akane!


It's a little ironic as there is a character in Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (The Eternity That You Desire or Rumbling Hearts) called Akane who you can very close comparisons to my own Akane!

My blog at Kyokohunter.net - Japan, figures and everything.

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That is an interesting coincidence, Kyokohunter. Akane is such a nice name.

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I'll probably only make DDs of characters I have roleplayed. I used Suzuna as a face character for an rp I've been doing since I was 14, though for the doll I'll be calling her Suzuna instead of the character's name.










As far as I can tell by looking it up, her last name is something about a treasury in a forest, and her first name is "little bell".

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Using those characters, "Suzuna" actually means "turnip". The first character means bell, and the second character means vegetable.


"スズナ 《菘; 鈴菜》 【すずな】 (n) (uk) (See 蕪) turnip (Brassica rapa) "

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I doubt someone would name their kid turnip! XD I know the names have different meanings than usual readings, but that still gave me a giggle. Of course, you never know...


This is actually pretty funny. I don't want to go into details (since it's old and embarrassing), but some of the crazy rp I did when I was a kid involved her in with those Saiyans from DBZ. Now she has a vegetable name too! Bwahahah.

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That is so funny! Aside from DBZ and its connection to vegetables, Tokyo Mew Mew has a character named Lettuce.

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All of the TMM girls have food names.

Their names mean Strawberry, Mint, Lettuce, Pudding, and Pomegranate.

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It always drove my friend crazy that Lettuce didn't have a dessert-y name too.

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