Soenatte Posted November 30, 2013 And I return to this thread after a year to finally give a far more detailed response. By the time I had first written anything here I hadn't really established a flowing theme for my Dollfie Dreams name-wise. Generally, I don't really even have themes with doll names and yet somehow it happened with these ones. It should be noted that all my dolls (dollfie dreams and resin ones likewise) are original characters and not pre-established ones, however... so I find it natural to name them something different than their original sculpts. For these ones I generally seem to follow a set of self-imposed rules. First of all, all my Dollfie Dream (and SQLab) characters have Japanese names. These names are typically constructed by two kanji (with one exception) and three syllables (with one exception). Thus I have 入江 Irie, 光輝 Kouki, 未来 Mirai, 真白 Mashiro, 凪斗 Nagito, 火神 Kagami, 水月 Suigetsu (who breaks the syllable rule) and 軈 Yagate (who breaks the kanji rule without breaking the syllable one). DDH07: Naoshin | Yui: Eclaire | DDH10: Noah | DDH01: Mafuyu | P-chan: He Tian | Hime-Ane: Millefeuille Kaito: Sora | DDH01: Astraia | Tiamat: Ravus | DDH08: Alto | DDHo9: Leilani | DDH07: Fyodor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aile Posted November 30, 2013 I guess in my case it's kind of whatever I feel fits the girl most? I'm not too fond of keeping my girls by their default names so I at least try to give them a different one. So far though with the way I name my girls, there's a noticable pattern: they all have names pronounced w/ two-syllable names . The only exception is Nao, although to begin with it's just a shorter version of 'Naoto' so maybe that really doesn't count much :V I don't have an name for Miku yet though. But I might follow with the celestial theme that's prominent with Stella and Luna. MAYBE. CREW: Haruna (Alter V2 remakeup ver) ☆ Nyx (Rise remakeup ver) ☆ Senka (Rise ) ☆ Aila (DDH-01) ☆ Nero (Saber Extra) ☆ Sora (Miku) ☆ Anemone (Sasara V2) ☆ Beauvoir (Sheryl Nome Remakep ver) ☆ Nymnir Nyven (Yuriko & Liliru) ☆ Jeanne D' Arc ☆ Y'shtola ☆ Leucothea (2b Remakeup ver) IG Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Soenatte Posted November 30, 2013 So far though with the way I name my girls, there's a noticable pattern: they all have names pronounced w/ two-syllable names . The only exception is Nao, although to begin with it's just a shorter version of 'Naoto' so maybe that really doesn't count much :V Just a note, but Nao is a two-syllable name in Japanese xD Since you write なお na-o in kana? It doesn't break the pattern~ It's the same reason why my Kouki counts as right in my naming pattern since you read こおき ko-o-ki and Suigetsu doesn't すいげつ su-i-ge-tsu DDH07: Naoshin | Yui: Eclaire | DDH10: Noah | DDH01: Mafuyu | P-chan: He Tian | Hime-Ane: Millefeuille Kaito: Sora | DDH01: Astraia | Tiamat: Ravus | DDH08: Alto | DDHo9: Leilani | DDH07: Fyodor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aile Posted November 30, 2013 So far though with the way I name my girls, there's a noticable pattern: they all have names pronounced w/ two-syllable names . The only exception is Nao, although to begin with it's just a shorter version of 'Naoto' so maybe that really doesn't count much :V Just a note, but Nao is a two-syllable name in Japanese xD Since you write なお na-o in kana? It doesn't break the pattern~ It's the same reason why my Kouki counts as right in my naming pattern since you read こおき ko-o-ki and Suigetsu doesn't すいげつ su-i-ge-tsu oh wow I actually didn't know? I actually assumed it was a word that's only pronounced with one syllable Good to hear that it still somehow falls under that pattern , the more you know~ CREW: Haruna (Alter V2 remakeup ver) ☆ Nyx (Rise remakeup ver) ☆ Senka (Rise ) ☆ Aila (DDH-01) ☆ Nero (Saber Extra) ☆ Sora (Miku) ☆ Anemone (Sasara V2) ☆ Beauvoir (Sheryl Nome Remakep ver) ☆ Nymnir Nyven (Yuriko & Liliru) ☆ Jeanne D' Arc ☆ Y'shtola ☆ Leucothea (2b Remakeup ver) IG Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SisterKyoya Posted December 1, 2013 Its interesting hearing about restricting the syllable count, that's something I hadn't thought of. The syllables in my DD names range from one (Bree) to four (Tamayuki) and there may be one later with five. Then Naiomi (ナイオミ) is a Japanese version of Naomi and my grandmother's name. I don't have any severe need to keep my DD's names Japanese, I did think about it in the beginning, but Rainie had other ideas. Besides, she's too brash and straightforward like many Americans to have a Japanese name work for her. She's too much of a loudmouth and decided to name her brother as well... and trying to write Ralph in Japanese just wouldn't translate well. Plus there is so many great names out there that I don't see much of a need to restrict them to Volk's country of origin. If I had any rules for naming, I'd probably just break them with the next DD I'd get. ~Sister Kyoya Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! } Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sleepywolf Posted December 1, 2013 So far though with the way I name my girls, there's a noticable pattern: they all have names pronounced w/ two-syllable names . The only exception is Nao, although to begin with it's just a shorter version of 'Naoto' so maybe that really doesn't count much :V Just a note, but Nao is a two-syllable name in Japanese xD Since you write なお na-o in kana? It doesn't break the pattern~ It's the same reason why my Kouki counts as right in my naming pattern since you read こおき ko-o-ki and Suigetsu doesn't すいげつ su-i-ge-tsu Correct me if I'm wrong but I'd say こおき is pronounced kô-ki (two syllables) and すいげつ is pronounced sui-ge-tsu (three syllables). At least that's what it sounds like to me when Google Translate speaks those names. [rimg][/rimg] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SisterKyoya Posted December 1, 2013 I'm thinking that the three syllable pronunciation may be more right according to Japanese pronunciation. The easiest example I can think of is 好きです or if it is all written in Hiragana すきです. Reading it by just the individual characters it would look like it was pronounced su-ki-de-su, but much of the time when my Japanese teacher pronounced it, it sounds like ski-dess. I often struggle with wanting to pronounce each character as a hard consonant, but Japanese doesn't work that way and would make your mouth tired very quickly. If a vowel sound follows another, they often get blended together (but there are always exceptions.) Of course I still can't figure out if わたなべ should be pronounced wa-ta-na-be or wa-tan-a-be. In the end though your girls are your girls and you can name them, and pronounce them, whatever you wish. I'm just thankful that the forums aren't filled with Welsh names, because then I'd never get any of them right. ~Sister Kyoya Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! } Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ikumi Posted December 5, 2013 scince i only have one DD, and shes a custom, so i dont really know from experiance what to do, but if i had like, a saber, i'd call her saber as to not confuse me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JolieMariella Posted December 6, 2013 I don't have a DD that came with a name (though I do have a DDH-01 on the way!), I think whether or not the character of the doll really 'spoke' to me would be the deciding factor on whether or not I kept the original name. If the doll ends up being one that I turn into my own character with a totally different personality, I would definitely change her name. If I keep the original character's personality, though, I'd probably keep it. Most likely I would make it an OC though, and just have it cosplay occasionally since I plan on doing photostories and such, and I prefer using OCs to established characters made up by someone else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreenDragon Posted December 19, 2013 I only have one so far and she didn't fit the character name because I saw something else in her. As far as who I will be getting in the future I am sure that some of them will keep their character names because they will fit, but I really never know for sure until I have them there in front of me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obsidian_Shadow Posted December 20, 2013 After getting to know her some, Suna is a much more fitting name for my Asuna. I was planning on keeping her original name, but I guess her personality is a bit different Anyway, I think Suna is a great name (and she does too! ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pahsmina Posted December 22, 2013 I'm a big dork and have already named my Miku DD. orz Gonna name her Janice after Janice Quatlane from "The Eternal Diva". For a long while I told myself "God Pahsy you can't name her THAT", but it quickly grew on me. Plus it feels pretty clever, after all Miku is an eternal diva as well~ Own- Melina - DD Rise Kujikawa, Luke Triton - MDD hybrid, Clive Dove - DD hybrid, Arianna - DD Yui Hirasawa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oni-Chan Posted March 14, 2014 My girls are my Children, so they have "Ko" Names ^v^ My first DD was a Custom Haruka Niimi whose name was Hanako, and while that was cute, I have a "Hanako" doll already, so Hanako became Hatsuko Meaning First child - so that worked out pretty good. My 2nd girl was Mariko who kept her name as I can't see her as anything but. she is my only Character doll, all my others are customs. I use the Kanji/Meaning of truth Child for her name. Before my 3rd girl arrived, I made a list of all "Ko" names, and when she arrived, Emiko / Emi-chan meaning beautiful child seemed fitting for the MDD girl with eyes of deep green >v< my 4th girl was Previously Kiyomi, Driflooncazzies MDD but grew up in transit and she became Kiyoko meaning pure child. my 5th girl was previously Elise, owned by Stellarkei. She is now Chieko, or chi chan, meaning wisdom / 1000 blessings child. Her daddy chose her name, and calls her Cheeky Chieko. My pre order Hatsune Miku will stay as is. she's an Idol, but maybe she'll tell me a Cover name for when she wants to avoid the paparazzi :p I have more dollfies than my age in years *×* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meghan-chan Posted March 14, 2014 Well... I'm a little weird when it comes to naming my girls. My first girl is a DDdy Standard Model Miko. She is named Miniko. She was suppose to be Minako, 美奈子, "beauty, apple tree, child" 美那子, "beauty, unknown character to me, child" 美菜子, "beauty, vegetable, child". Google fu turned up beautiful winter, but you can't always believe google. I named her that because she is beautiful, I got her in winter, and she's my child haha The reason it changed from Minako to Miniko is because of my daughter, she was 4 when I first got Miniko and kept calling her Miniko instead of Minako, so it stuck haha Also, her original name is Miko. I wanted to keep that but change it at the same time, so by adding the Ni syllable in between Mi and Ko, I was able to achieve it My second girl is a DDS Standard Model Mayu. She is named Mayuki. Same thing basically happened. I wanted to keep the Mayu part in there somwhere, so added Ki at the end. It's suppose to be Miyuki, but I felt there was too many ee sounds and it wouldn't keep the Mayu part. Miyuki 美幸, meaning "beautiful fortune" or "beautiful happiness" 深雪, meaning "deep snow". Which has three reasoning's behind why I named her that. Once again I got her while it was winter, hence the snow part, she's beautiful, and as far as the happiness part, she's a 04 head... big smile haha I have Hatsune Miku pre-ordered and she will probably stay Miku. I love Miku and the Vocaloids so I was ecstatic when I heard Miku was to become a DD. She will be my first semi-white skin and SS bust ^_^ I have too many girls that start with M and it doesn't help that my name is Meghan.... No wonder my husband just refers to them by bust size. "No the one with the huge boobs" "No the small boobed one" At home: Miniko ~ DDdy Miko Mayuki ~ DDS Mayu Mizuki ~ SQ Lab/MDD hybrid Waiting on: None LOOKING FOR: MDD Ratwuni/Latune (Purple hair and dress) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weenie Posted March 15, 2014 My girl is a custom DDH-07 in white skin. At first before she arrived in the mail I was gonna name her Sagetsu cause the name sounded really pretty to me but the day she arrived it started snowing and the moment I looked at her and saw just how pail the white skin DDs are she instantly became 小雪-Koyuki, meaning "Little Snow". I think it's a cute name. I'm always like that with dolls though, I never truly know what their names will be until I see them in person. Even if I've thought it over about 100 times before they arrive! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Syu_Akagi Posted March 19, 2014 I do want to give new names to my girls, but to choose nice and proper names is very hard. Coming Soon ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flowerhoney Posted March 27, 2014 Change the name! I wanna make the DD into her own person. (。・3・。) I feel like she needs to be able to have room to have her own name and personality and be whoever she wants to be, not just something that's preset. I feel like if you don't give your DD girl a chance to be something else, you might miss out on something amazing she could have become. That being said, my girl is a custom DDH-05, so she had no character or name to begin with. xD I think if I did get one with a preset character that I would still give her her own name though. C: (Also,) My girl's name is Honey. She is named after the character Miss Honey from Matilda by Roald Dahl. <3 ☆ If you have to ask, you'll never know. If you know, you need only ask. ☆ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minty Posted March 27, 2014 I will be giving my dolls new names and they will be named after flowers or plants. I haven't decided on which names to go with for them yet, and until I do, I will call them by their original names (Mayu and Miku). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vegablack Posted March 28, 2014 I don't have any sort of rule for naming my girls. All but two of them have Japanese names but that's because they're supposed to be Japanese. And only two of them are named with consideration for each other's names but that's because they're twins, Asahi (morning sun) and Tsukiyo (moonlit night). My Saber is Rikky (pronounced the same as Ricky) because she's a tomboy and my elf girl is Ninimiel (Sindarin for snowdrop daughter). At home: Tomoe (HD03), Hotaru (Haruka), Setsuna (Rise), Rikky (Saber Alter), Kotori (HD06), Kanako (MDD HD04), Asahi (Lucy), Tsukiyo (Alice), Nozomi (modded HD01 MDD), Ninimiel (HD03 elf), Nene (Marisa), Miuna (HD07), Sylvie (HD06) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bellalupina Posted April 6, 2014 I don't have a general rule for naming dolls, aside from perhaps names that mean something for their character/story. However with my DD I picked a Japanese name because I always thought of her as such. She doesn't have a particular story line yet, but I just knew I wanted a Japanese name for her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knc Posted April 10, 2014 I haven't picked out a name for my girl yet, but I don't really have an official name to go off of since she's not a limited. I kind of want to name her something Japanese, but I'm not sure yet! I think that if I got a character one, I might keep her name if I bought her for the character. If I just buy her for the face, I would almost definitely change her name. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pharaviel Posted April 17, 2014 The naming pattern of my family is actually: Italian names meaning related to the word "white" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misheru Posted April 18, 2014 All of my girls have a first and last name and many have a middle as well. Most are Japanese and a few are their original names or are based on their originals. If I have "families" within the main doll family (like the 4 Miu Amaha sisters + 2 cousins on H's side), then they all get the same last name. But I have to keep a database list or I get lost at times. It is fun, though. ~ ❥ Misheru...the *M* in H&M House of Vinyl ❥ ~ ℒℴѵℯ❤ ( ͒ ु•·̫• ू ͒) ˚₊✩‧ All your dolliehs are belong to us! ✩‧₊˚ ( ͒ ु•·̫• ू ͒) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bakura34 Posted April 21, 2014 I only have 2 girls but there names came from hearing the name and it just seemed to click. Veronica was named from rewatching Veronica Mars and I heard Miho's name from somewhere and they both stuck and I couldn't rename them even if I wanted to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xhuxhurocket Posted April 22, 2014 My custom girls get their own names. In this case Haruko and Yomi. My only character doll is DDS Akira and she is still called Akira. If (when) I get any other character dolls they will probably keep their names but will have their own personalities and style. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites