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Naming your DD girls

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I don't generally lust after the character dolls. I prefer getting the parts and making my own (Call me DR Frankendoll) so when I name dolls it's very much an name pops into my head and it fits the doll I have in mind so voila a name. Though to be honest my partner came up with Kari's name.

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I keep their anime name

but for costume head, I re-name them


umm...but I'm going to re-name yoko into Minako,

Mirai into Ami, and 06 head into Usagi...as they are under my DD Sailor Moon project


Nightfall -  props, clothing for DD & BJD


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OK, here's my very first post here!


I have roughly 100 dolls, mostly resin, but with an ever-growing swatch of DDs and Obitsus - and thanks to a wonderful Birthmas present, a Smart Doll Mirai. Only about a quarter of them actually have names.


I am THE WORST, and I envy those of you to whom names just appear. I just really struggle.

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I think the only reason I'd actually name a character doll differently from what she came with, I'd have bought her for my own character to customize or something. Otherwise the name they came with is the name they keep.

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Oh, I'm definitely going to rename my future DD(s)! I don't really know about most character models so I won't be keeping their original character as it just doesn't feel right. But they are also going to get custom face-ups befitting their "new" character and personality as well, so that's that.

I guess Japanese names would be most fitting and I already got some favourites, but I'll know for sure once they get here.


OK, here's my very first post here!


I have roughly 100 dolls, mostly resin, but with an ever-growing swatch of DDs and Obitsus - and thanks to a wonderful Birthmas present, a Smart Doll Mirai. Only about a quarter of them actually have names.


I am THE WORST, and I envy those of you to whom names just appear. I just really struggle.


Don't worry, most of my resin crew are also still nameless and I love them to bits! Sometimes good names just take a while.

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I always love to name my dolls. Usually I start to think of names before I even order. I have a huge collection of bjds which all got names (I rarely keep the original name for them). I have named my first DD (Saber) "Yuna", this was the first which came in my mind when I saw her, it sounds so gentle and pure.

At home: Yuna (DD Saber Extra) • Kaho (DDdy Miko)

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I always name my dolls for one of many reasons. I love to write and I like to choose dolls that can embody the characters I've made. Sometimes I'll get a doll to make a new character off of (which is always really fun~).

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I named my first doll Cake. My second doll that I am still waiting for new eyes and chest will be named Salsa. Despite the fact she is a DDS Nanami. My third doll probably won't get a name as I plan on reselling her after I fix her up.

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I've named all my dolls so far and DDs are no exception. Well, my first girls are basic heads, so it would be sad to just call them "DDH-06" anyway. :'D But I always like to think about at least a personality for each of my dolls (some have more detailed background and future stories as well) and I feel that giving them a name is essential. :3


With my DD girls I've given them names that suit their personalities and/or appearance. Umeko is "apricot child" which refers to her eye colour and Emiko is "laughing child" which refers to her personality. I plan to continue this with my future DDs as well. ^^

My doll family: Umeko DDH-06 Megumi DDS Mariko Suiren DDdy Sheryl Nome Yuuri DDS Kagamine Rin Yuuya DDSb Kagamine Len ♥ Kanade DDdy Megurine Luka Miharu MDD Arle Nadja Rion DDb Kaito Enju MDD Marisa
+ guardian to DD Y'shtola
My blogcarrd | instagram

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A few more...*cough*


Illyasviel von Einzbern or Illya for short. She, like a few of my girls, keeps her original name because that's the character that I want her to be.


Maps or Megan Ann Powers (DD Melty). She was partially named after the character Maps in Gotham Academy. To go with that, I decided that her initials would be MAP and picked names to go with that.



Elfriede (Smartdoll Kizuna). She was waiting on me when I got back from my trip to Europe...primarily Germany. So, I decided that I would go with a German name for her. Look through a list and that one jumped out at me. I remember hearing it in an anime, but not sure which one (maybe Tsukuyomi, but not sure).

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i got a Standard Model Candy and i don't know if i should keep her name or change it

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I usually name my dolls after my favorite novel characters only if the name seems right. Other times, I just look at the doll (I need to have them in my hands, not looking on the computer ) and a name will come up.


My boy DDS Miku was named that way. I just looked at him and the name "Sky" came to my mind whereas my boy DDS Momo was named after a very dear character called "Jorgen" and it sounds right for him.



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I think naming a doll is one of the best parts about owning a doll. I've been trying to think of a name for my MDD that I know I'm eventually going to own... but I can't think of anything quite yet. I have a feeling I'll need to own her first, and then the name will finally come to me.

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I have a slightly modded DDH 01 that's getting her body (an obitsu 40cm) today! I'm at a loss for a name though . Some dolls practically name themselves, some I really struggle with. I've never had trouble with naming a DD til this one.

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I shall call her...mini-me Celebrate outdated reference day wisely


I don't have a dollfie yet but i do have an oc that will more or likely be projected on to her.

DD Family:...

On the Way Home:

Saving for: ???

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I already knew I was going to name my Candy Standard Edition something different from the moment I decided to order the doll.


But if I had purchased a Miku or a Momo, would I have named them something else? I'm not sure. I think I would have, but I can't say for certain.

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