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Naming your DD girls

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Took me a while, but I think I finally found a name for Mikuru...


Millie I took the name from the character Millie of "Freaks and Geeks" XP Now that I'm getting Rise in the mail soon, it's time for a name for her. It's a little more challenging for me to pick out names for characters that are already characters.

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP) // Akechi - DDH-25 

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I'm looking for a name for one of my girls... I've assembled a list of potential names, but it's hard deciding/getting something to stick!


I always give my dolls new names, I can never name them after their sculpts. We'll see if I ever get a character doll (for the sake of the character, not just the sculpt), that might complicate things! The idea of owning a character doll feels strange, though, like they don't really belong to me.

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I went with Tana's name based on MegaTokyo's "leetspeak" substituting letters for numeric characters.. T being 7, A being 4, N was left alone, and 4 as an A... Hence: 74N4 = TANA. Originally, I thought of her as Tohya Miho, from the online series. But, as time went on, she has developed her own personality.. *And I'd never take that away, now!!*

As far as if I ever found a "character" DD? I don't think so... If I could find a Saber or Mai, I think they would get a new name and a personality.... *just to fit into the storyline I've made so far....*

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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Well, actually Latooni's original name is "Latouni"... Ok, this doesn't count like a change of name XD

The Alna I have just bought had been renamed Alana by her previus owner; I don't want to change her name, I don't want to steal her memories so I have renamed her Juno Alana!

Generally I would never change the name of one o my DDs, it's too characteristic!



Oh really? You kept her name? Thats so cute. I think she love you much more for this ^__^

Please send her many christmas greetijgs from here. We miss her so much ...



Btt i rename all my girls... I give them names after i've finished there first style. I look at them and *bang* there is a name x3 ... Most of the time xD ...

I dont have lots of charaDDs but i cant keep the company name when i get one chara girl. If i would do it would feel like a mass production for me. Each one has the same girl... Thats why i would rename each girl.


☆〜(ゝ。∂) ♥ Dollfie Dream Faceups ~ ☆

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Mine are probably going to all be case-by-case basis.


Agatha is one of the standard, number-only heads, so she never really had one from Volks. She did have a name from her previous owner, "Kasuga" (apparently means "spring day"). I liked the name well enough, but I knew the second I saw her sales listing who she was going to be, so I compromised: I now consider Kasuga Agatha's middle name, even though it doesn't fit the origin or style of the rest of her name. XD It's one of the ways that my Agatha has drifted from Girl Genius canon Agatha, which considering that my stories put her into a complete alternate continuity works fine by me!


Nanoha, on the other hand, did have her name direct from Volks, and through them the creators of her character. I'm actually a fan of the show, so I wanted her to actually be that character. However, I did have a backup plan to rename her if she decided to buck her official identity; in that case she would possibly have been a Holly or an Almeda. Didn't happen though--she was pretty clearly Nanoha from the second I opened her box! Good thing I got her full set.


My future doll plans are vague enough that I can't say even who's coming home, much less whether or not they'll keep their identities. I do have some guesses though: If I ever manage to nab Fate, I very much want her to still be Fate, as she and Nanoha totally belong together. A Saber Alter would likely get a rename, as I'm only familiar with the F/SN anime (which doesn't have her) and I think she gives off a VERY different air than the original Saber. Nearly all the other molds I'm oggling are potential custom bait so are almost certain to get different names if they ever get into my door, presuming they don't end up having their own plans.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Let's see.


Zoe (Aoi model) was my first. She was named after a character in the comic Legion of Super-Heroes whose codename was Kinetix. I'd liked the character even though they later butchered it, first by mutating her, then killing her off. My Zoe has pretty much nothing to do with the comic character in personality, but that's where I got the name.


Sketch of a version of Kinetix that I have:



Saber (Saber original) was next. She was the one that really got me into collecting DDs, so I had to keep her name and most of her backstory.


Aya (Alna original) was my third. She both did and didn't keep her name. I decided that she would be an idol and ALNA! (complete with caps and exclamation point) would be her stage name. For her real name, she was named after Aya Matsuura. Though, instead of the

, Aya is more of the love ballad type singer.



Aki (Mari Illustrious Makinari) was next. Originally, she was going to be the character that M became. For her cover identity, I went with her sculpt name, but with the nickname of "Maki". After being replaced, I was having problems bonding with her, so I decided to go with a personality change. So, I decided that she would be a manga/anime geek who is crazy about Japan. So, she was renamed as "Aki", short for Akira. But the real origin of the name came from Akihabara.


M (Beatrice) actually replaced Maki. Maki was going to be revealed as Saber's sister, Morgaine le Fey. Once I saw Beatrice, I knew that she was going to be Morgaine. Though, I really don't care for the name Morgaine, so I decided after she started to reform a bit and got depowered, I'd have her change her name to protect her from old enemies seeking revenge. The name M came from the comic Generation X with a character who is well, a bit of a bitch. There will be a bit in-story later about this.




Tia (Aoi) is my first (and so far only) custom character. She was intended to be a innocent maid type who ends up being a foil to M a lot. She was named a maid in an anime called Mei King.




Caitlin Siobhan Pendragon (Saber Alter) was originally named Mordred by M. Much like M, she has that name originally, but I don't really like it, so through cirbleepstances yet to be revealed, she will be renamed. Her character is based in British myths, so I wanted to keep that sort of flavor. I was looking for ideas in Welsh or Scottish or Irish names. Poofiemus suggested looking at some online list of female names, so I did and these two popped out at me. I originally picked Siobhan after the real name of the comic book villain Silver Banshee:


But I decided that she needed to be a bit more pretentious and be referred by all three of her names, I moved it to her middle name and picked Caitlin, named after the character Fairchild from the comic Gen 13:



Fred (Miki) was interesting. I didn't have a personality or name picked out for her until she got her. When she did, I decided that she would be a tomboy and so, needed a boy-ish nickname. The one that popped immediately into my head was Fred from the TV show Angel.


Fun fact: First time that Billy heard the name, he said "FRED...... seriously?" Once she matures a bit, she'll probably start to go by Winry instead. That, of course, being the character from Full Metal Alchemist.



Non-DDs for completeness:

Phyla du Vell (B&G Milaya Windrunner) was named after the comic character Phyla-Vell, also known as Captain Marvel, Quasar or Martyr.




Yuki (Feeple 65 Chloe) is short for Shirayuki. She was named after the character from the anime Otogi-Jushi Akazukin. When I first was planning her, she had a much different personality and was named Shiratori, after the Japanese word game. But after getting her, the personality didn't work, so I changed it slightly.



Rinrin (VMF50 Nao) was named after the character from the anime Sister Princess. Her character is very similar.



Amala (Iplehouse Isar) was named after the character from the anime Devadasy. A really bad anime that's a horrid rip-off of Evangelion. NSFW picture here:


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The only girl I have that will keep her given name is Rise. Other than that, I normally always think of new names for any of my dolls.

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Mine so far keep their original names, though now I get three replies whenever I call "Saber!", so maybe this policy needs changing. Calling them Lily, Alter and Extra really doesn't seem right.

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Usually I keep the name they came with. The default name also identifies the sculpt, so renaming forces me to memorize the new name in addition to the old one. That's more work, yo!


I find it much easier to name dolls that have no name to begin with ("company baggage"), like DD basic heads and Volks resin FCS heads.


@Nigoki: Saber isn't really a name either, just a servant title.


Lily is an actual girls' name, so that's not too bad. But if you want names, use Arthuria (x2) and Nero.

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@Nigoki: Saber isn't really a name either, just a servant title.


Don't look at me, that's what they seem to prefer .

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For Momoko who is a Prepainted 06 head I thought long and hard about what sort of name I wanted for her. I went through several names in my head before deciding on Momoko because I love the meaning (Peach Child) and it was a name that to me wasn't used often. Once I had her in my hands that name was all hers


For Seraphina (Saber Nero) it took me awhile to find a name I liked. My husband was actually the one who found it for me She's still Saber Nero to me, but I wanted her to have a brand new name for her brand new life. Plus I wanted something that derived from Latin & had a meaning that matched her personality. Seraphina means "Fiery One" which was absolutely perfect for her. I still call her Saber from time to time, but her official name is Seraphina


For me the name is on a case by case basis :3 Right now I'm waiting to hear if I'll be adding Melty to my DD family and if I have the good fortune of getting her she will not stay as her default character since I have something else in mind

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I just named them even though they joined the family some time ago. The default names are nice and it is difficult to think of a original name that is better. So I just followed my gut instinct.


Becky - Custom [sqlab Hitomi with face mods, short hair styles, M Bust, mostly maid outifts, short skirts]

Haruna - Shining Hearts Sakuya [default pony tail, L Bust, highschool uniform and long dresses]


coming soon:

Asuka - DDH07 [most likely S bust, long wigs, school uniform and casual outfit]

Beatrice - Beatrice (no plans yet, most likely light color wigs with short bangs, her short skirt outfit)

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I'm terrible at naming dolls, so DD or otherwise, they're always just named after their sculpt. Guess I'm unoriginal .

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I named my girl in a silly but cute way. As my first girl was a Saber (Saber Extra/Nero) I call her Seityann, which is just Sei-chan spelled diffrently, and Sei-chan is such a cute nickname for Saber!


It's all thanks to my darling Coffee for helping me coming up with the name for her.


Will probably name my future girls in a similar way too. C:

My Saber collection.


Seityan - DDIII Saber Extra, Kosma - DDIII KOS-MOS.

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All my girls have flower names or flower related names. The sister have flower related names in Japanese since they are a Japanese family.


Sakura (Cherry blossom)

Fujiko (Child of Wisteria)


I was kinda planing to make a family of three sisters, but got side tracked along the way with Haruka. So I made her a french exchange student.


Rosalie (Rose Garden)


I may not rename Kos-Mos. Not really sure yet, maybe the girls will give her a nickname or something.I think coming up with a story and background for each girl makes naming them easier.

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I'm a big fan of naming themes. I named all my Pullips after flowers, even after 20+ girls, going so far as to buy a giant encyclopedia of flowers just to make sure I never ran out of naming options.


The DDs are all being named after cities (towns / municipalities / etc) in the US. So we have:

Sonoma (CA) = Saber Alter 2nd

Savannah (GA) = Haruka

"Ari," short for Arispe (IA) = Marissa

"Lilli," short for Lillington (NC) = Melty, once she arrives

Harlem (NY) = Rise #1

Salem (NY, not the one in MA) = Rise #2


I actually spent... I don't know how many hours going through Wikipedia, hunting down city names that I liked, so now I have a huge list of about 500 cities that I'll use for naming future girls.

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Unlike with my resin bjd, for any DDs I will get, I allow myself to use japanese names. Torn on what mine will be... might be Mizuho, or Shion, or I dunno! First I need to get the doll lol.

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All of my resin dolls have their own names and personalities, but my figurines (Figmas, Revoltechs, Busou Shinki's, Chogokins, ect) are what they are-character models. I guess DD's fit somewhere in the middle! XD I'm not really familiar with the Xenosaga series (but my boyfriend insists it play it now) so I think my Momo will become her own entity. I'll probably give her a different cute-sounding Japanese name, but it's hard to know exactly what she's going to be called until I have her sitting in front of me.

Living with: MDD H01, DDSB Yayoi Takatsuki, DDP Akira, DDS Nia Teppelin

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My fiance and I have given our four resin girls their own names; so it only felt natural to give my MDD a name of her own, as well!

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My DDs all have their own personalities and names~ I don't have any sort of general rule about their names though, each gets something that fits them I'd suppose.


My -by now- custom Aoi's name is Irie but my Momo doesn't have a name yet. I'll figure her out in the meantime while waiting for her arrival, however~

DDH07: Naoshin | Yui: Eclaire | DDH10: Noah | DDH01: Mafuyu P-chan: He Tian | Hime-Ane: Millefeuille

Kaito: Sora | DDH01: Astraia Tiamat: Ravus | DDH08: Alto  DDHo9: Leilani DDH07: Fyodor

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Just like my resin dolls, I just use whatever 'clicks' or just sounds nice to me XD My incomming Milhi's name is Ai >v<~

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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I'm quite OCD when it comes naming. The name should fit the character I have in mind for the doll; for example my new DDh-07 will be called Shizuka when she's finished. I think that my girl should have a fitting name for her personality or else it wont sound right.They also all have Japanese names so far because of the rest of the characters I plan on getting. I've been doing this with my resin girls as well. If I ever get a character model DD I don't think she'll be renamed unless a girl already has that name (which is very unlikely...)

At home; DDH-07 'Medea',

Saving for; A body and Saber Lily ^_^

Waiting for:

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Naming my DD is not really custom for me. Usually I just use odd food names. like Noodles, Pumpkin, Sushi, Raisin etc etc. names that could make you smile effortly ba-na-na!


Even sometimes their name changes overtime, and sometimes for re-selling sake to make ohh and aahh comments I read here and there, lol that's cute.

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I am horrible at thinking up names. If I had to do it on my own, Yuriko would just be named "Girl", and the cats would all be named "Cat". Fortunately, SK helps me think through it a bit more thoroughly. I like for all of my dolls/pets/etc to have unique names that reflect their personalities. All of my DDs will probably end up with Japanese names, since that's where they're from.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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if you has more then 1 wouldnt that be confusing. if you call cat and then 5 of them appear

making my triumphant return

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