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Politely Nefarious









The Ecchizonans

Zoom Meetup







October Collection - October 20th

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That wa-loli outfit is adorable! Agh, why does this have to be the weekend after my first con ? ;~;

At Home: Kiyo, Hikaru , Nikko, Komaki, Miho, Kana-chan, Tamakits, Illya, Misa, Deku, Nao, Zana, Ciri, Aki, Alisa, Kana, Yuka, Kiki, Komaki (Oni Mode), Ai, Chili, NagisaDDh03Erica, Miyabi, Jun,  Haruka, Sasha, and Laila

Saving for: Accessories! Clothes! Shoes! The Works!

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That wa-loli outfit is adorable! Agh, why does this have to be the weekend after my first con ? ;~;



Drat, that's also the day we're having the Halloween doll meet at my house! And I really want the pink Aquarium set and the red bunny set! I may have to sneak away from yall to try for these.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Ooohh yeah I forgot about that! x.x *ninjas a laptop over if she can remember*

At Home: Kiyo, Hikaru , Nikko, Komaki, Miho, Kana-chan, Tamakits, Illya, Misa, Deku, Nao, Zana, Ciri, Aki, Alisa, Kana, Yuka, Kiki, Komaki (Oni Mode), Ai, Chili, NagisaDDh03Erica, Miyabi, Jun,  Haruka, Sasha, and Laila

Saving for: Accessories! Clothes! Shoes! The Works!

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This sounds like you need a DD LAN party.


I have 3 things I definitely want.

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I'm liking that holiday outing set. ^^. (runs to count tip money…)

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There's 3 outfits i would like


I hope that when i hit Osaka 5 weeks later that if there any left i could buy them, but if no luck i travel to Tokyo a few days later and i'LL try volks there as well

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I would love all of the 5 upper outfits but I'm usually unlucky with click wars ;__;

At home: Rina and Reina( Twins ),DD Neris,Oscar(DD Beatrice),Bunni DD Akira)Melon( DD Yuki.M)Saber Extra(x2), Toki(DD Rise), Saber Alter, Saber Lily and Kudo, Rosalie, Cirno and Kan'u,Melty, Aoko, mika(06), Rin Tohsaka

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I'm going to need help getting everything since I won't be in town during that time, darn!

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If anyone could go for the aquarium sets incase I don't win them I would pay extra!!! I would love seeing my girls in them

I have a gorgeous family of DD girls

See my profile for a list of my beauties!!

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If anyone could go for the aquarium sets incase I don't win them I would pay extra!!! I would love seeing my girls in them


They aren't a lottery, it's just the regular store thing.

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Woooooooow!!!!! TnK label why must you make my bank account cry from all these gorgeous outfits??? T_T


Gahhhhh I see too many I want so bad!


Well at least I already own the pink Saturday at the Aquarium set, one less thing to worry about. Too bad I want the other 6 TnK has up for grabs...lol! XD


Here's to being forever broke and having super fashionable girls. =3

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This is the first time one of these collections has come out that I've been sitting there thinking, "I want that, and that, and that..." Almost all of the outfits would be awesome. Not thrilled with the shoes, and the schizophrenic "Is that a kimono, miko outfit, or maid outfit" thing I just don't get. Maybe without the apron... No, stop it, brain I don't want to want another! It's a good thing I can at least tell myself that the guy outfits wouldn't quite fit right on Tamayuki.


But those telephones... WTF? The flying squirrels were cute, these don't even make sense.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Naiomi is longing for the respected mentor maid set. She has told me repeatedly that it is the only maid outfit that she would wear. I"m not surprised since she totally hates short skirts like the traditional French maid outfits, and doesn't like them any shorter than mid-calf unless there is a good reason (like a costume). Tamayuki has quietly mentioned how he might rather like the classical swallowtail set and the classical black ribbon set, even with the shirt being so ruffled. Dolly on the other hand would LOUDLY give his thoughts on the design.


I wish it was an option at the moment, but in the long run they will both appreciate what I'm working towards instead.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Wow the outfits are amazing!!

10 bucks says i won't be able to access the website on the 20th =( Volks really need to do something about website capacity and performance. I haven't been able to purchase from any of their after events or clothing collections on launch day.

If anyone is doing a group order from a physical store or volks USA when they have them then i'm in!

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Oooooo!!!! I really love the Stylish Maid et and the Holiday set and the Grey Aquarium set. I am thankful to have the Pink Aquarium set already, one less to stress over!!!!

Daughters~Mai,Ryomou,Kanu,Moe2,Yukino,HH02,Yoko,Marisa,Escalayer,Ms. Mariko,Lucy,Saber Xtra,Saber Alter,Rise,Sasara,Alna,Akira,H05,Mayu



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Does this ran out fast? still doubting I could go on for the day since I'm at school around 7am



Home: ~Soleil~ (DD Sendo Erika) ~Lilith~ (DDS Melty) ~Quinzel~ (DDH-07) ~Haruka~ (DD Mio)

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Oh well these are cute cute cute! Soooo poor uugghhh Is that the 07 head in the black bunny set?

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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I'm going to try and get the Stylish Maid Set.


Dolls: Saber, Saber Alter, Saber Lily, Saber Extra, Saber Alter 2nd,

Aozaki Aoko, Alice Kuonji, Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Nagato

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I love the grey aquarium set. I have the pink one, too, and it is one of my very favorites.

~ Misheru...the *M* in H&M House of Vinyl ~ ℒℴѵℯ❤

( ͒ ु•·̫• ू ͒) ˚₊✩‧ All your dolliehs are belong to us! ✩‧₊˚ ( ͒ ु•·̫• ू ͒)

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I'll be trying to pick up some of the maid stuff when I go to the DD Gathering in person on Saturday. Trying to figure out how early I should show up at the store to have a higher chance of getting what I want. This will be my first time going to a DD event in Japan.

Are you ready to rock? ^_^

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This event is called "DD Gathering 2012"


Fitting when you put it in context to the Highlander franchise:


When only a few of us are left, we will feel an irresistible pull towards a far away land, to fight for the Prize.


Because it will be a battle in which many will competing for their respective "Prize"

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It's also fitting that in the end, there will be only one outfit gotten by each person! XD

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I got the Stylish Maid Set !


Dolls: Saber, Saber Alter, Saber Lily, Saber Extra, Saber Alter 2nd,

Aozaki Aoko, Alice Kuonji, Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Nagato

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