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I cant seem to get anything posted over on figure.fm....everything I've ever posted has just ended up with phantom hits and no comments or replies via email (in the case of classifieds).


I'm trying to unload a couple grand worth of figures to fund my I-Doll (Idol Doll ) project but the post wont even show up! I cant seem to find much about it on google...and I know that quite a few of you post over there pretty frequently. So I figured this would be a good place to ask.


Any ideas/help would be greatly appreciated!

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I know that all the comments I was supposed to be getting emailed to me got sent right into my junk folder by Google for no reason last week. But as for being able to post, I haven't had any issues over there lately. I've made 2 or 3 posts in the last week with one being Friday and no issues yet.


Maybe check your settings for it being seen? I know you have to make the post "visible" after you do any kind of uploading or changes are made. Maybe that box isn't checked? Go into the spot where you can edit your posts and make sure it's marked as visible. That's really the only thing I can think of.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Thanks for the idea, Billy. I just went into the post and cycled it from visible to not visible then back again. Maybe that might get it "unstuck". I also went ahead and sent in a support ticket. Hopefully I can figure something out...Hikaru132 is likely going to have my faceups done by the time I can get the money at this point.

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I can't post at figure.fm either. There is no button visible for uploading photos.

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There is no button visible for uploading photos.


I had that issue, also. I was told by Danny Choo and Chris Gaunt (Server Admin dude) to try a different browser. (I was using Safari) I decided to go with Google Chrome for my MacBook and it worked out.

Dunno what type of computer you're using, but give the different browser a try, then, if it's still not working, go to the "categories" bar, (just below Mirai at the top of the page) you'll get a pull-down menu...

The third link from the bottom is "Support". Click on it, then fill out the message box with what's happening.


Hope that helps, I've gone thru Twitter for most questions, so if you have it, try adding @dannychoo or @chrisgaunt to your follow list...

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Also if these are your first ever posts on FFM I'm pretty sure it takes a little bit for them to show up. I'm not exactly sure how long that time frame is, but I'm thinking all new users that make posts have to wait for them to show up on the main page. I guess that is their way of checking the posts and that the new user isn't trying to spam the site or something.


If I remember correctly I think it took about 3 or 4 posts until mine automatically would be seen as visible on the front page.

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Well Im able to post regular stuff...just not classifieds. But yet I can see members who have never posted anything other than classifieds...What a weird standard FFM tries to uphold.....

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I'm having this issue aswell. I tried making a second account and that has the same problem.

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I'm having this issue aswell. I tried making a second account and that has the same problem.


Are you having an issue with posts overall or just posts in the Classifieds section?


It's getting so frustrating...I spent hours carefully boxing up all my figures and taking pictures so that I could sell them on FFM. It's not like I'm trying to use the site just to make money...it's just the one place where I know people would be most appreciative of the opportunity to purchase them at prices well below ebay prices. I'm about to start posting a lot on the site but adding a link at the end to my classifieds post that wont show up...I just don't want to get banned or anything.


Also if these are your first ever posts on FFM I'm pretty sure it takes a little bit for them to show up. I'm not exactly sure how long that time frame is, but I'm thinking all new users that make posts have to wait for them to show up on the main page. I guess that is their way of checking the posts and that the new user isn't trying to spam the site or something.


This is indeed the case, I made some posts years ago but I guess it wasn't enough. I do have to wait for approval for my normal category posts...but it's like I'm locked out of the classifieds category entirely.


It's be nice if they could take the time to type up a simple rules/requirements post. Mirai Gaia makes plenty of cash...I'm sure a few minutes of their day to help out new users wouldn't be too hard. All the googling I've been doing in order to figure this out has turned up quite a few people who are frustrated and saddened because they have no idea why they're being moderated out on FFM. I found some 30-40 photo long photostory intro posts that never made it on the site, too..

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I've had the same problem posting in the classifieds it takes a few days to clear and then never shows up on the classified page uugghh

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Spoke too soon....

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