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Mamachapp stain help! :(

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Hello all,


I was looking at my mamachapp today and noticed she has a black dot on her face!

I don't know how it happened, she never wears dark colors...


Does anyone know how to remove this??

It's right below her cheek. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know, thank you!

I'm so worried ><


(also posted about this on flickr, but the mamachapp group is not very active u_u )



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I think everyone knows how rubbish I am with staining, I never bother removing them, but I'll try to offer some words, I know the mama chapp community is somewhat lacking.


One of my mama chapps has a couple of black pin size dots like that on her face. Personally I've never tried to remove it as it doesn't bother me, but if it does bother you, Mama Chapp heads are vinyl, so you should be able to apply the same techniques which you would use on vinyl dolls too. Just be careful if the stain is on a painted area.


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Your girls have these marks too? :o I wonder what causes this T-T

I actually tried the oxy 10 treatment on her (since Mayu is getting this treatment atm), and I didn't continue because I noticed it was turning that area yellowish

Maybe removezit will work, I hear it's a lot stronger. Least I know what her head is made of now XD

Thanks so much for the advice! ^^

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Maybe removezit will work, I hear it's a lot stronger.

I don't know... If the Oxy 10 started to turn the treated area a bit yellow I would think that Remove zit would cause the yellowing to happen even quicker because it's stronger.


I could've sworn I read about a similar stain happening on a Mamachapp, but can't for the life of me remember where. If I find anything about it I'll be sure to post here!

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Ohh yeah good point ;u;

I checked today and the yellowing is gone o.O

Maybe I will test removezit on an inconspicuous area, and if thats ok I will try treating her with it @_@

My other plan would be to make her a miniature band aid and just have her wear that forever XD lol

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