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Greets from Japan!

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Hello to fellow dollfie dreamers!


I'm a Japanese PhD student doing research out and about Japan and the Netherlands. Spent most of my life outside Japan (mostly around Europe and in East Asia). Been hooked on DDs since it was first released (around 2003 ? I think). However the first ever DD I did get around to buy was Nemu, who continues to be one of my fav doll together with my Haruhi doll (definitely they're always at the centre of my collection).


I love customizing my dolls, so I do a lot of face-ups (both minor retouches and from scratch), tweeks and complete replacements of the inner frames so they become more movable, etc. Recently acquired an old 1980's sewing machine for free so am planning to slowly cultivate skills to make original outfits. Just starting off with easy stuff like sewing tights and leg warmers'n stuff


My most recent custom DD was a Sakura (from Sakura Taisen), but I don't have any name for her yet.


Looking forward to sharing the love for a common hobby with all of you from around the globe!


Oh are there any fellow Nemu or Haruhi owners around?

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  ZepSnufkin said:

Oh are there any fellow Nemu or Haruhi owners around?


One haruhi owner atleast here. Have had her for a few years now.


And welcome to the forum.


These dolls are quite amusing in the sense of what side hobbies they spark (sewing, carpentry, mold making for resin casting for the more daring, etc..)

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  finnleo said:


These dolls are quite amusing in the sense of what side hobbies they spark (sewing, carpentry, mold making for resin casting for the more daring, etc..)


Hi, Finnleo.

Great to hear from a proud Haruhi owner and thanks for the welcome!

You're so right about that one. Never imagined I'll be sewing stuff. And yes I've also tried mold making and resin casting when I made original shoes for my dolls. Sculpted shoe soles out of putty then made copies of it with resin. I used to be a huge Gundam modeling and garage kit buff, so I guess a lot of the techniques I learned through model making came in handy with DDs.


I wonder where the carpentry is connected to. Did you build a doll house (or room) for your dolls? I'll love to do that, but there's absolutely no space to fit such a thing. A 1/3 room will be pretty huge. The least I could do was to make a display space (in my book shelf) that looks like a room (with wallpaper and faux wooden flooring), but I realized I can't really see much of it once I displayed all my dolls in it. But I move all the dolls and use the space to take pictures now and then.


BTW any pictures of your Haruhi? Will be lovely if you have any

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Another Haruhi here! She was my first and is special to me.

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  ZepSnufkin said:

I wonder where the carpentry is connected to. Did you build a doll house (or room) for your dolls? I'll love to do that, but there's absolutely no space to fit such a thing.


Personally I've yet to do any real stuff, but some people on the board have done tables, etc, and brushed up things found elsewhere with nice results.


But I've had some own ideas and plans to do if I get the time (and money) ... for instance a japanese shrine gate to go with my miko ladies, and maybe a similar display space as yours, in a clubhouse diodrama fashion, but 16 ladies take up all of my free shelving as it is.. heh.


  ZepSnufkin said:

BTW any pictures of your Haruhi? Will be lovely if you have any


I havent done any haruhi specific shoots, but here are some random photos:

kookie thief

at christmass 2011

christmass 2012

christmass 2012 alternative

a makeover day special shoot

random funny shot

Her current look, with my homemade yukata

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Hi! Sorry for the late replies. Busy with studies...


  PrettyCranium said:
Another Haruhi here! She was my first and is special to me.


Hello, PrettyCranium! Great to hear from yet another Haruhi owner. We have bit of a Haruhi league goin on here haven't we. It's Sooooo nice to hear that Haruhi's your "special." Haru-nyan fills a very special slot for me too. She's so cuuute!! Any pictures of your Haru-nyan? Perhaps?



  finnleo said:
But I've had some own ideas and plans to do if I get the time (and money) ... for instance a japanese shrine gate to go with my miko ladies, and maybe a similar display space as yours, in a clubhouse diodrama fashion, but 16 ladies take up all of my free shelving as it is.. heh.


A shrine set sounds really cool! Clubhouse diorama sounds awesome too. Will love to see when you get around to actually make them. Hehehe 16 ladies is quite a family you have there! Like you, my family's pretty big so, yeah pretty much the same situation here. Shelf space is completely filled up...


Thank you so much for kindly sharing your pictures! I love the cookie thief picture. SO cute! Some quality Japanese captions on there too (do you study Japanese?). Haruhi looks so gorgeous in her china dress. Nagato-san is looking great too. And the "Fall of Hyperion" prop definitely triggers a grin

Your homemade Yukata looks really nice. Haru-nyan looks so happy in it! I wish I can sharpen my sewing skills to this level soon...


Here's some new & old pics of my Haruhi(s) in turn. Had fun taking these pictures, hope you all like them too! I've converted two of them to DDdy bodies 1 with normal DD upper body parts and one's the Yoko DDdy body (sorry to Yoko, her head's now placed in a box..). Replaced their eyes with resin anime eyes. Tights and legwarmers are homemade with my sewing machine.




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  ZepSnufkin said:
I love the cookie thief picture. SO cute! Some quality Japanese captions on there too (do you study Japanese?).


No, I dont really study japanese to actually call it studying, only know of spoken language what I've picked up by watching anime over the past 10 years.


But, that photo was done for a person who was more determined to learn japanese through actual classes.


  ZepSnufkin said:

Your homemade Yukata looks really nice. Haru-nyan looks so happy in it! I wish I can sharpen my sewing skills to this level soon...


Thank you, and you seem to be off to a good start with the tights and leg warmers.

You shouldnt be too far off I think. the Yukata I did for haruhi was the sixth thing I ever sewed, and the third with a liner because the top fabric is see through.


  ZepSnufkin said:

Here's some new & old pics of my Haruhi(s) in turn. Had fun taking these pictures, hope you all like them too!

Replaced their eyes with resin anime eyes. Tights and legwarmers are homemade with my sewing machine.


Oh I see you have three Suzumiya's (or three different phases?), I do like how they all have their own style, with little details like the nails. The added lipgloss and lipline do bring out her smile just that little better.

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Hi! Welcome.


Your Haruhi looks quite adorable. I hope to see more photos of her and of your projects for her. These gals do spark one's creativity and you can often find yourself keeping an eye out for DD sized stuff to use with them, that or you end up making them stuff. Either way, its all good.



We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den

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  finnleo said:
Thank you, and you seem to be off to a good start with the tights and leg warmers.

You shouldnt be too far off I think. the Yukata I did for haruhi was the sixth thing I ever sewed, and the third with a liner because the top fabric is see through.


Thanks for the feedback finnleo! I guess it's all about trying it out. I have plans to try sewing a hooded cape (with bear ears), so I've already bought some new fabrics n'stuff. Problem is time... I'm gonna start head on when I get enough of it


  finnleo said:

Oh I see you have three Suzumiya's (or three different phases?), I do like how they all have their own style, with little details like the nails. The added lipgloss and lipline do bring out her smile just that little better.


Thanks for liking my Haruhis! I sort of think of my Haruhis as being completely different characters (I probably should give em different names - I tend to be really negligent of naming my DDs...). You caught it so well when you felt that each of them have their own style. Yeah they're different personalities, so I always try to fashion them accordingly. Lipgloss.... I love lipgloss! Personally I find them really cute with gloss and a smile which stands out more (I've noticed you've also given your Haruhi a more distinct smile). Whenever I adopt a DD I start out with fidgeting with face-up and the first thing I do is re-touch their lips with a bit more detail and glossing. I tend to think that small touch-up makes the default face-look even better.


BTW Where did you get the eye-glasses for your Haruhi? I'm trying to find several decent pair of glasses for my DDs. Any recommendations?


  katnaper said:
Your Haruhi looks quite adorable. I hope to see more photos of her and of your projects for her. These gals do spark one's creativity and you can often find yourself keeping an eye out for DD sized stuff to use with them, that or you end up making them stuff. Either way, its all good.


Hi katnapper! Thanks for the welcome and the positive feedback! I'm so happy you liked my Haruhis (I'm sure they appreciate it too I took a little peek at your blog, your dolls look great! Made me realize how DD girls look really nice when in frame with cool guys (such fitting couples!). And I so totally understand how you end up looking for stuff that may fit your DDs whenever you're out shopping. I also do it all the time

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  ZepSnufkin said:
(I've noticed you've also given your Haruhi a more distinct smile).


The added lip detail was actually done by her previous owner in japan, but I do like how it was done.


  ZepSnufkin said:

BTW Where did you get the eye-glasses for your Haruhi? I'm trying to find several decent pair of glasses for my DDs. Any recommendations?


Those are the Volks Jewlery box glasses that came with Nagato's optional dark witch costume. If I recall volks used to make some glasses in the past, so its a bit of a shame they havent really continued with them.


Im also a bit on the lookout for good glasses for a few of my ladies, so far I only know of what Azone has produced that come with actual lenses, and SQ-labs ones that I think are just frames without lenses.

Neither are spectacular in style but I guess would go for a casual look.

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WOW! It sounds like you are SUPER busy! I'd love to see your customs.


I am an addict when it comes to customization. Heehee.

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