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HELP! DDdy body joint problems!

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Hey I got Yoko awhile ago and today when I was getting ready to go out and do a photoshoot her leg came apart at the thigh O___o so since I had taken off the bottom half of the leg before I figured I would be fine with the top half boy was I wrong! I did manage to fix the screw problem and tighten them fine but now I cant get the thigh piece back on!! I have tried heating it up with a blow dryer and pulling/twisting it but I just cant get it past the knee bend can anyone help me? perhaps so me pictures of how you have done it? or pictures of how to take her apart completely get the legs on and then get them back onto the torso pieces? I don't have a problem taking her apart further if it will get her back together but I can't find anything online to help in the way of images or info so any help would be greatly appreciated. If ya need a picture of what I am talking about just let me know my poor girl...*feels like a horrible DD parent*

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A piçture may help. I don't know about anyone else,but I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Did you take the vinyl piece off the inner skeleton, or is the leg just off the hip peg?


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A piçture may help. I don't know about anyone else,but I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Did you take the vinyl piece off the inner skeleton, or is the leg just off the hip peg?


Hey sorry I know it was confusing but its cuz I was confused as to what to call it >___< it IS the vinyl piece off of the skeleton I fixed the initial problem I had but now I cant get it back on =/ so here are some pics just in case your still not sure..



The Vinyl on the side with that tiny hole is what I think is my main problem




the pen is pointing to the area I believe is causing my problem in not being able to put the vinyl piece back on but I'm not completely sure...


if there is a way to do this without lots of tugging/pulling/ heating up vinyl I would love to know as I have tried for a few hours without any luck I'm starting to wonder if its just not possible at all the way I'm doing it XD

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Yeah, the knee joint won't go through that hole. Try taking the thigh apart in the middle and inserting pieces through both ends.




This picture shows how I pulled the main leg piece out through the small knee opening, but left the larger hip joint inside the vinyl. If I wanted it out, it would go through the top hole instead. I just didn't feel like pulling it out since I had no reason. Then once you get the parts inside, you have to feel around with the ends until you can re-insert them together. Hope this helps.


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Yeah, the knee joint won't go through that hole. Try taking the thigh apart in the middle and inserting pieces through both ends.




This picture shows how I pulled the main leg piece out through the small knee opening, but left the larger hip joint inside the vinyl. If I wanted it out, it would go through the top hole instead. I just didn't feel like pulling it out since I had no reason. Then once you get the parts inside, you have to feel around with the ends until you can re-insert them together. Hope this helps.


OH!! geez I feel stupid XD I didnt know that the ball hip piece wasnt attached to the leg >___< so basically just to make sure I have this right I just UN-attach it from the hip ball and put the vinyl for the thigh on and then just work it back together inside the vinyl instead of what I was trying to do XD Thanks so much!

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No problem. Not everyone realizes that there are several places the inner structure can come apart at first.


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No problem. Not everyone realizes that there are several places the inner structure can come apart at first.


=) thanks that makes me feel less stupid XD and now off to fix poor Yoko who has been leg-less long enough >____< something tells me that I will have to fiddle with it ALOT to get it back together inside the vinyl but at least I know it DOES go back together

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