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Zelda concert

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So I'm super excited I didn't really need to start a whole new topic but I couldn't help myself


I'm going to see the Symphony of the godesses tonight in Boston. I LOVE Zelda and have since I played (or tried to play) at 6 years old.

The game was way to complicated for me at the time lol. But it was the most wonderful mysterious magical thing ever. I used to walk around -trying not to die- in search of the beautiful Princess Zelda.

The main theme still gives me butterflies in my stomache its one of the prettiest melodies EVER!

Zelda was and still is my unicorn. Magical mysterious and aloof.

I'm taking my 8 year old daughter who I've made a big fan with me!

I'm making my next daughters middle name Zelda!

So I was wondering if anyone here has gone to the concert, or if your a Zelda fan!

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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My sister went to the Toronto one, with an epic nice Link cosplay (I bet if you searched you could find a photo of her). I on the other hand went to hang out with the Toronto DD crowd xD;

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I went to the Zelda: Symphony of the Goddess last year and I was so glad that I did. It was in San Francisco and even the Nintendo of America team was in the audience for the viewing. Zelda has always been a big part of my life. I've got al my Zelda gear from backpacks, to jewelry, to clothing, and I hope to get a triforce tattoo in the near future.


The concert was fantastic and the experience was very unique. Every piece of music they played was well rehearsed and is accompanied by video presentations that included in-game recordings. There was a couple sitting next to me and my boyfriend and they gave us each a little ocarina handmade charm. Everyone was in awe, I even cried, when the main theme from Ocarina of Time was being played. How can we not? It's our childhood, our memories!


At the concert, they sold t-shirts, posters, an recordings so don't miss out on those! There were also a lot of cosplayers.


Overall, I highly recommend anyone that's a Zelda fan to go to the concert! There is another one at San Jose (I think) in December so I'm going to try to go to my second Zelda concert soon.

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Oh good good! I haven't bought anything coz I've been saving my money lol

I also told my daughter I'm going to cheer hen they play Zeldas lullaby haha she's 8 and like uuugghhh MOM.

I am also getting the triforce eagle tattoo for Christmas I kinda want to work the sheikah symbol in too!

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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