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DD base body II,III, DDS price check (used one)

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I'm looking for at least 2 Dollfie body, probably a DD2 or a DD3. even a DDS,


Anyone has at least a decent price update on them (used) w/o scalping someone off?? or anyone willing to sell theirs hit me up/



Thank you,

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DDS parts from Volks International:




2,100yen DDS-BF-01-WH / Upper Torso Internal Frame / White (Item Code: 4518992394145)

7,350yen DDS-A-01-WH / Arms (Internal Frame Included) / White (Item Code: 4518992394121)

3,150yen DDS-B-01-WH / M Bust / White (Item Code: 4518992394084)

3,150yen DDS-FO-01-WH / Feet (Internal Frame Included) / White (Item Code: 4518992394138)

4,725yen DDS-HL-01-WH / Thighs (Internal Frame Included) / White (Item Code: 4518992394107)

4,725yen DDS-LL-01-WH / Shins (Internal Frame Included) /White (Item Code: 4518992394114)

5,250yen DDS-W-01-WH / Waist (Internal Frame Included) / White (Item Code: 4518992394091)


Sub Total: 30,450 yen

Shipping fee: 2,800 yen

Handling fee: 0 yen

EMS fee: 100 yen

Total Amount: 33,350 yen

USD: $422

Plus another $24 if you get hands from Volks USA. So the total would be around $450.


DDS parts from Volks USA:


$24 USD DDS-BF-01 / Upper Torso Internal Frame

$85 USD DDS-A-01-WH / Arms (Internal Frame Included)

$36 USD DDS-B-01 / M Bust

$36 USD DDS-FO-01 / Feet (Internal Frame Included)

$55 USD DDS-HL-01 / Thighs (Internal Frame Included)

$55 USD DDS-LL-01 / Shins (Internal Frame Included)

$61 USD DDS-W-01 / Waist (Internal Frame Included)


Sub Total: $352

Shipping fee: maybe around $20

Total Amount: $372

Plus another $24 if you get hands from Volks USA. So the total would be around $400.



Pricing for the DDIII parts is the same.


If Volks USA were to restock DDII, they charge $254 before shipping. So a body directly from Volks would be around $275.


If you can find someone to split a body, you can get a DDII around $250 to $300 depending on how expensive the DD up for split is.


For DDIII or DDS, I see them for $350 to $450 depending on the split.

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International and U.S. pricing is turning out to be pretty similar for DDIII and DDdyIII.




DDdyIII parts from Volks USA:


$24 USD DDS-BF-01 / Upper Torso Internal Frame

$96 USD DDIII-A-01 / Arms (Internal Frame Included)

$48 USD DDdyIII-B-01 / Normal Bust

$41 USD DDIII-FO-01 / Feet (Internal Frame Included)

$62 USD DDdyIII-HL-01 / Thighs (Internal Frame Included)

$62 USD DDIII-LL-01 / Shins (Internal Frame Included)

$69 USD DDdyIII-W-01 / Waist (Internal Frame Included)


Sub Total: $402

Shipping fee: maybe around $20

Total Amount: $420

Plus another $24 if you get hands from Volks USA. So the total would be around $446.




DDIII parts from Volks USA:


$24 USD DDS-BF-01 / Upper Torso Internal Frame

$96 USD DDIII-A-01 / Arms (Internal Frame Included)

$41 USD DDIII-B-01 / M Bust

$41 USD DDIII-FO-01 / Feet (Internal Frame Included)

$62 USD DDIII-HL-01 / Thighs (Internal Frame Included)

$62 USD DDIII-LL-01 / Shins (Internal Frame Included)

$69 USD DDIII-W-01 / Waist (Internal Frame Included)


Sub Total: $395

Shipping fee: maybe around $20

Total Amount: $415

Plus another $24 if you get hands from Volks USA. So the total would be around $439.

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