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Volks JP Question?

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Hello! I browsed around and asked a friend of mine, but I'm still not sure...

I'm considering purchasing the new MDD Rena from the Japanese Volks website.


I live in the US, and I was wondering if the JP site would ship here?

I'm sorry, this is such a stupid question, I know.

But I'm still very confused and I want my first DD purchase to go smoothly.


( Also, if anyone can answer this, is the MDDIII body a large improvement to the original MDD body?

I'm stuck between model Rena and a MDD body from the US Volks site + SQ Lab head. )


Thank you for your time! <:

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Volks JP/International will ship pretty much everywhere. Including the US. They even accept Paypal!

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Oh, that's great! Thank you very much for the quick help and answer!

Now I just have to wait to see if my wallet keeps up this month and I'm golden.

So exciiited!

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( Also, if anyone can answer this, is the MDDIII body a large improvement to the original MDD body?

I'm stuck between model Rena and a MDD body from the US Volks site + SQ Lab head. )

Thank you for your time! <:


The MDD3 body is VASTLY improved on the original. Where the original often was floppy and needed a bit of reinforcement just to stand up, the MDD3 body is very well balanced, stands up on its own without much trouble, and to date I have not heard of anyone breaking theirs (though correct me if I'm wrong).


That said, you might also consider a parabox40 body in the future if you decide to get anymore girls; same size, a tiny bit more range of motion, and costs less (but needs a 3rd party neck adapter). But since this is your first one, go with an MDD3, you certainly won't go wrong with it.

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They sold out of Rena... ; o ;

And a lot of the MDDIII parts on there are listed to be restocked as well.


This is just my luck. oTL

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The MDD3 body is VASTLY improved on the original. Where the original often was floppy and needed a bit of reinforcement just to stand up, the MDD3 body is very well balanced, stands up on its own without much trouble, and to date I have not heard of anyone breaking theirs (though correct me if I'm wrong).


That said, you might also consider a parabox40 body in the future if you decide to get anymore girls; same size, a tiny bit more range of motion, and costs less (but needs a 3rd party neck adapter). But since this is your first one, go with an MDD3, you certainly won't go wrong with it.


Rena is to be restocked. I think she sold out this morning? oTL

Also a lot of the MDDIII parts are listed to be restocked as well.

Would you happen to know how long that will take? >_< Sorry.

After knowing what you've told me I'm now trying to avoid the original MDD body.

I want her to stand for sure! I plan to keep her standing on my desk--with a doll stand--but still.


Where can I look into this parabox body, if you don't mind me asking that as well?


Thanks for your help--I'm really stressing over this first purchase.

My fiance's had to comfort me more than once hahahah. I'm such a baby.

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That said, you might also consider a parabox40 body in the future if you decide to get anymore girls; same size, a tiny bit more range of motion, and costs less (but needs a 3rd party neck adapter). But since this is your first one, go with an MDD3, you certainly won't go wrong with it.


Where can I look into this parabox body, if you don't mind me asking that as well?


Thanks for your help--I'm really stressing over this first purchase.

My fiance's had to comfort me more than once hahahah. I'm such a baby.


I think the person is talking about the Obitsu40 body since parabox doesn't make their own bodies. But parabox is an obitsu retailer that's the only one I know of who sells the bigger obitsu bodies to outside of asia and it's one of the more popular sellers.





Obitsu40 page:


Corellia(DD Marya), Sirius(DDS Sirius), Luka(DDdy OOB N-04), Alessa(DDdy Sakura Honya Head) Genma(Azone Kanojo)

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I think the person is talking about the Obitsu40 body since parabox doesn't make their own bodies. But parabox is an obitsu retailer that's the only one I know of who sells the bigger obitsu bodies to outside of asia and it's one of the more popular sellers.





Obitsu40 page:




Oh. Thank you very much for the links!

I'll look around those, then. <:

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I have another question, if anyone could answer it.


Rena is 'to be restocked' on the Volks JP site.

How long on average do they take to restock?

Like, am I looking at a week, a month?

I was trying to buy one asap because of money and Christmas coming up...

And the MDD body is apparently unavailable on the US site, so I'd prefer to just buy a whole model doll rather than wait for the MDD body to be available, and then an SQ Lab head as well.

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That said, you might also consider a parabox40 body in the future if you decide to get anymore girls; same size, a tiny bit more range of motion, and costs less (but needs a 3rd party neck adapter). But since this is your first one, go with an MDD3, you certainly won't go wrong with it.


Where can I look into this parabox body, if you don't mind me asking that as well?


Thanks for your help--I'm really stressing over this first purchase.

My fiance's had to comfort me more than once hahahah. I'm such a baby.


I think the person is talking about the Obitsu40 body since parabox doesn't make their own bodies. But parabox is an obitsu retailer that's the only one I know of who sells the bigger obitsu bodies to outside of asia and it's one of the more popular sellers.





Obitsu40 page:



Actually, in this case Parabox does make the body, its a bit of a hybrid from several sized Obitsu ones I believe.


"Inner structure from the Obitsu 50cm body & Parabox original skins" as quoted from the website


As for restock times....the last time was like a 9 month dead zone for restocks, but they seem to restock things at any old time now, so unfortunately none of us would be able to give you an exact time frame :/

You basically just have to keep looking at the site. Now that said, Rena is not a limited model so she will definitely get a restock, just no idea when.

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I have another question, if anyone could answer it.


Rena is 'to be restocked' on the Volks JP site.

How long on average do they take to restock?

Like, am I looking at a week, a month?

I was trying to buy one asap because of money and Christmas coming up...

And the MDD body is apparently unavailable on the US site, so I'd prefer to just buy a whole model doll rather than wait for the MDD body to be available, and then an SQ Lab head as well.

Usually the best people to ask about when a doll will be restocked is Volks themselves.


It was this time two years ago that I bought my first doll from Volks USA after waiting for nearly 2 months for a restock. Just keep the money set aside and don't include it in your Christmas budget. Then keep an eye on Volks JP's site for the restock. I've said this to so many newcomers but DD's are generally a hobby of patience.


Please visit my YouTube channel for helpful DD tips, tutorials, and reviews!

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Actually, in this case Parabox does make the body, its a bit of a hybrid from several sized Obitsu ones I believe.


"Inner structure from the Obitsu 50cm body & Parabox original skins" as quoted from the website


My fault, thought Parabox only made heads, clothes and accessories of their own.

Corellia(DD Marya), Sirius(DDS Sirius), Luka(DDdy OOB N-04), Alessa(DDdy Sakura Honya Head) Genma(Azone Kanojo)

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Actually, in this case Parabox does make the body, its a bit of a hybrid from several sized Obitsu ones I believe.


"Inner structure from the Obitsu 50cm body & Parabox original skins" as quoted from the website


My fault, thought Parabox only made heads, clothes and accessories of their own.

For those curious, check out http://www.parabox.jp/eng_new/40_parts.html which lists all the parts used in the Parabox 40cm body. The 50RP parts are Obitsu 50cm ones, and anything labelled as RP40 is by Parabox.


I'm unsure who actually manufactures the Parabox specific parts, my guess is that Obitsu makes the parts for them seeing as they have such a close relationship. But that's just a guess.

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Actually, in this case Parabox does make the body, its a bit of a hybrid from several sized Obitsu ones I believe.


"Inner structure from the Obitsu 50cm body & Parabox original skins" as quoted from the website


As for restock times....the last time was like a 9 month dead zone for restocks, but they seem to restock things at any old time now, so unfortunately none of us would be able to give you an exact time frame :/

You basically just have to keep looking at the site. Now that said, Rena is not a limited model so she will definitely get a restock, just no idea when.


Nine months? My goodness. I certainly am glad the wait won't be that long!

I was told on DoA by two users that I kinda picked a bad time to get into the DD hobby...

They said a lot of people are buying stuff left and right all of a sudden...

Is this part of why? The big gap of time without restocks? It sounds like a DD drought! >A<

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Nine months? My goodness. I certainly am glad the wait won't be that long!

I was told on DoA by two users that I kinda picked a bad time to get into the DD hobby...

They said a lot of people are buying stuff left and right all of a sudden...

Is this part of why? The big gap of time without restocks? It sounds like a DD drought! >A<

I can't... really say I understand why this would be a bad time? Volks have finally started restocking stuff, and they released all the new body pieces/etc. Looking around there's plenty of both new and used sales.


Sure, prices are higher than the old Volks USA pricing but with the yen being what it is I doubt we'll get those prices back any time soon.

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Actually, in this case Parabox does make the body, its a bit of a hybrid from several sized Obitsu ones I believe.


"Inner structure from the Obitsu 50cm body & Parabox original skins" as quoted from the website


As for restock times....the last time was like a 9 month dead zone for restocks, but they seem to restock things at any old time now, so unfortunately none of us would be able to give you an exact time frame :/

You basically just have to keep looking at the site. Now that said, Rena is not a limited model so she will definitely get a restock, just no idea when.


Nine months? My goodness. I certainly am glad the wait won't be that long!

I was told on DoA by two users that I kinda picked a bad time to get into the DD hobby...

They said a lot of people are buying stuff left and right all of a sudden...

Is this part of why? The big gap of time without restocks? It sounds like a DD drought! >A<


Basically yea, impatience in this hobby tends to cost you more money at the moment. People split perfectly good full sets left and right all the time just to give themselves a discount on the body most times. This is because people selling just bodies right now can charge more, just from supply and demand principles. However, its not going to get 'better', at least they stock stuff sometimes right now at least.


The reason for the lack of restocks from the past 9 months is almost certainly the Saber preorders, which I'm willing to bet KOSMOS will do the same thing. I mean really:




when one person got away with this many, via whatever means, is it any wonder volks might be a bit backlogged?


Also, I wouldn't rely on DoA for 'trends' on DDs, theres a general dislike for DDs there from my impressions already.

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I can't... really say I understand why this would be a bad time? Volks have finally started restocking stuff, and they released all the new body pieces/etc. Looking around there's plenty of both new and used sales.


Sure, prices are higher than the old Volks USA pricing but with the yen being what it is I doubt we'll get those prices back any time soon.


Maybe I'm just used to the exaggerations of DoA. But they also mentioned that a lot of people seem to be getting into the DD hobby as well. <: I was worried because I felt like I was going into this semi-blind. Hahah. I guess they specified it as a bad time to someone with such a strict idea of what they wanted combined with my budget? That may have been it. I've been trying to soak up as much information as I can, so I am very likely to have misinterpreted something. I'm sorry. >A<

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Basically yea, impatience in this hobby tends to cost you more money at the moment. People split perfectly good full sets left and right all the time just to give themselves a discount on the body most times. This is because people selling just bodies right now can charge more, just from supply and demand principles. However, its not going to get 'better', at least they stock stuff sometimes right now at least.


The reason for the lack of restocks from the past 9 months is almost certainly the Saber preorders, which I'm willing to bet KOSMOS will do the same thing. I mean really:




when one person got away with this many, via whatever means, is it any wonder volks might be a bit backlogged?


Also, I wouldn't rely on DoA for 'trends' on DDs, theres a general dislike for DDs there from my impressions already.


Oh. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm still very new to the way the DD community works as opposed to the 'traditional ABJD' community, and particularly DoA. While being similar, they are also pretty different. So, I apologize for my misinterpretations and misunderstandings!


I noticed Saber is quite the popular lady! <: Is the community against when people stock up like this? I'm curious. I don't know how to feel about it. Something tells me it's bad... But, I don't know, I'm still confused with all of this; apologies again. (I did however manage to nab a MDD Rena! Excited. )

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Oh. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm still very new to the way the DD community works as opposed to the 'traditional ABJD' community, and particularly DoA. While being similar, they are also pretty different. So, I apologize for my misinterpretations and misunderstandings!


I noticed Saber is quite the popular lady! <: Is the community against when people stock up like this? I'm curious. I don't know how to feel about it. Something tells me it's bad... But, I don't know, I'm still confused with all of this; apologies again. (I did however manage to nab a MDD Rena! Excited. )



I don't think "stocking up" is a huge no-no, but it can be frowned upon a bit. The reason this particular instance is especially upsetting to some people, is that When Volks issued the Saber pre-order, the volume of orders was so huge and overwhelming that it caused a backlog of over a year, and Volks stopped (or at least greatly slowed) production on all the other bodies while they tried to catch up. I believe that people were supposed to be limited in how many they could order, so seeing that someone "cheated" to order extras, contributing to the problem, is bothersome. The thought being that if one person did so, multiple people likely did, and that if they had kept within the limits, the wait for new bodies would not have been nearly so long. Hopefully Volks has learned from this and will either improve thier production capacity or tighten up on the ordering limits for future pre-orders.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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I don't think "stocking up" is a huge no-no, but it can be frowned upon a bit. The reason this particular instance is especially upsetting to some people, is that When Volks issued the Saber pre-order, the volume of orders was so huge and overwhelming that it caused a backlog of over a year, and Volks stopped (or at least greatly slowed) production on all the other bodies while they tried to catch up. I believe that people were supposed to be limited in how many they could order, so seeing that someone "cheated" to order extras, contributing to the problem, is bothersome. The thought being that if one person did so, multiple people likely did, and that if they had kept within the limits, the wait for new bodies would not have been nearly so long. Hopefully Volks has learned from this and will either improve thier production capacity or tighten up on the ordering limits for future pre-orders.


Oh my gosh. Over a year? Jegus. I can understand the issue there then, for sure! I had no idea something like that happened in the hobby. I don't know what to say about that other than it's a real shame it's happened! Hopefully it won't happen again, or at least to that level. My goodness. D8 Just, wow. Thanks for the information! Cleared some of that up for me. <:

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I don't think "stocking up" is a huge no-no, but it can be frowned upon a bit. The reason this particular instance is especially upsetting to some people, is that When Volks issued the Saber pre-order, the volume of orders was so huge and overwhelming that it caused a backlog of over a year, and Volks stopped (or at least greatly slowed) production on all the other bodies while they tried to catch up. I believe that people were supposed to be limited in how many they could order, so seeing that someone "cheated" to order extras, contributing to the problem, is bothersome. The thought being that if one person did so, multiple people likely did, and that if they had kept within the limits, the wait for new bodies would not have been nearly so long. Hopefully Volks has learned from this and will either improve thier production capacity or tighten up on the ordering limits for future pre-orders.


Oh my gosh. Over a year? Jegus. I can understand the issue there then, for sure! I had no idea something like that happened in the hobby. I don't know what to say about that other than it's a real shame it's happened! Hopefully it won't happen again, or at least to that level. My goodness. D8 Just, wow. Thanks for the information! Cleared some of that up for me. <:


Thinking back, maybe not quite a year, definitely over 6 months, but I don't remember the exact dates... But it WAS a huge issue.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Thinking back, maybe not quite a year, definitely over 6 months, but I don't remember the exact dates... But it WAS a huge issue.


Yep, it was well over 6 months for most people. SakuraSylph and I ordered Saber Alter v2 back in the beginning of November last year. We didn't get it until September of this year. That was a 10 month long wait. Ours was part of the last set that was delivered.

Are you ready to rock? ^_^

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I waited for Alter almost a YEAR, but via proxy.

The actual wait between order and shipping from Volks USA was something like 11 months...

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I don't think "stocking up" is a huge no-no, but it can be frowned upon a bit. The reason this particular instance is especially upsetting to some people, is that When Volks issued the Saber pre-order, the volume of orders was so huge and overwhelming that it caused a backlog of over a year, and Volks stopped (or at least greatly slowed) production on all the other bodies while they tried to catch up. I believe that people were supposed to be limited in how many they could order, so seeing that someone "cheated" to order extras, contributing to the problem, is bothersome. The thought being that if one person did so, multiple people likely did, and that if they had kept within the limits, the wait for new bodies would not have been nearly so long. Hopefully Volks has learned from this and will either improve thier production capacity or tighten up on the ordering limits for future pre-orders.


Oh my gosh. Over a year? Jegus. I can understand the issue there then, for sure! I had no idea something like that happened in the hobby. I don't know what to say about that other than it's a real shame it's happened! Hopefully it won't happen again, or at least to that level. My goodness. D8 Just, wow. Thanks for the information! Cleared some of that up for me. <:


For the record, I hate that picture of all the Sabers. Not because it's Saber, but because all I can see is someone's greed. I really like to think that almost every DD that Volks makes finds happy homes and are adopted by someone who really cares for them. Seeing that picture makes me sick to my stomach.


Looking back on it now Raven and I were really lucky to find the hobby just when we did. Yuriko and Tamayuki (and Rainie's head) arrived Feb. 9 and very shortly after that the body shortage became noticeable to nearly everyone. My original plan was to get Rainie a DDS body piece by piece, but I'm pretty sure within two weeks of getting our DD almost none of the DDS parts were available on Volks USA. Being the overly sensitive person that I am, it's hard for me not to flinch badly every time Volks announces new DD being released, especially pre-orders of well known characters. I'm having a growing collection of heads that would give anything to be real DD someday, but it's hard not being sure when the body drought will finally be over.


For anyone who is starting in the DD world at the moment, I'd say to just have patience and keep your eyes open. I was able to buy Naiomi's body from someone here on the forums, and the moment I saw the pictures I knew it was her body, even though I was planning on having her be a DD. She is a WS DDS and I had no idea when she would ever be completed and the whole thing took me by surprise. So whenever you start to fret over if your girl will disappear like smoke, read this quote that Baldylox posted on the forums quite some time ago:


All Dollfies have a destiny that is their own. They will all find their parents when fate sees fit.

I don't remember what thread it was from, but I keep it at the top of my word dobleepent where I write down all the custom DD I want to eventually do. It may sound like an odd thing to apply to dolls, but in my DD life I've found it to be exceedingly true. The three "secrets" in my sig were all surprises, but one especially still has me stunned that she is going to be coming home soon, although it means I need yet another body. Every time I think about her it makes me so happy I want to cry.


I giggled a lot to myself as I've been reading through your posts here and when I saw your sig... We sound like very similar type people! Raven's had to deal with more than a few times of me getting upset simply from worrying about if or when our DD will get finished, or if something happened when Tamayuki was being shipped, ect. I was also a stay-at-home wife for 12 years before I started college last spring. I'm working towards a web design degree so I can stay home. I know our cats and our DD would love it!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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For the record, I hate that picture of all the Sabers. Not because it's Saber, but because all I can see is someone's greed. I really like to think that almost every DD that Volks makes finds happy homes and are adopted by someone who really cares for them. Seeing that picture makes me sick to my stomach.


Looking back on it now Raven and I were really lucky to find the hobby just when we did. Yuriko and Tamayuki (and Rainie's head) arrived Feb. 9 and very shortly after that the body shortage became noticeable to nearly everyone. My original plan was to get Rainie a DDS body piece by piece, but I'm pretty sure within two weeks of getting our DD almost none of the DDS parts were available on Volks USA. Being the overly sensitive person that I am, it's hard for me not to flinch badly every time Volks announces new DD being released, especially pre-orders of well known characters. I'm having a growing collection of heads that would give anything to be real DD someday, but it's hard not being sure when the body drought will finally be over.


For anyone who is starting in the DD world at the moment, I'd say to just have patience and keep your eyes open. I was able to buy Naiomi's body from someone here on the forums, and the moment I saw the pictures I knew it was her body, even though I was planning on having her be a DD. She is a WS DDS and I had no idea when she would ever be completed and the whole thing took me by surprise. So whenever you start to fret over if your girl will disappear like smoke, read this quote that Baldylox posted on the forums quite some time ago:


All Dollfies have a destiny that is their own. They will all find their parents when fate sees fit.

I don't remember what thread it was from, but I keep it at the top of my word dobleepent where I write down all the custom DD I want to eventually do. It may sound like an odd thing to apply to dolls, but in my DD life I've found it to be exceedingly true. The three "secrets" in my sig were all surprises, but one especially still has me stunned that she is going to be coming home soon, although it means I need yet another body. Every time I think about her it makes me so happy I want to cry.


I giggled a lot to myself as I've been reading through your posts here and when I saw your sig... We sound like very similar type people! Raven's had to deal with more than a few times of me getting upset simply from worrying about if or when our DD will get finished, or if something happened when Tamayuki was being shipped, ect. I was also a stay-at-home wife for 12 years before I started college last spring. I'm working towards a web design degree so I can stay home. I know our cats and our DD would love it!


~Sister Kyoya


Oh I've been pretty patient myself when it comes to dolls! I first discovered resin dolls when I was in 6th grade. I watched 'The Doll Master'--great movie. I begged and pleaded with both my parents for one, but no results. I felt awful, too, because I had the doll and everything picked out and ready for Christmas lists for a few years. It wasn't until my first year of college that I had enough money to buy my own doll. I wanted a Super Dollfie from Volks, but ended up with a MSD from Doll Family. I love her so much. I also ironically ended up buying my friend's doll--she got her the month I found out about dolls, and rubbed it in my face. But, here she sits in my living room today. Can't wait for my first vinyl girl, though. I'm so scared she'll arrive when I'm not here for a week-span time between Thanksgiving and Christmas to see my dad, though! Why is the timing so baaad? 3


I was at a ground campus, but my fiance wants to move and join the Military, so I switched over to online courses. Now a days I just tend to him and take care of the apartment, dolls, and cats. It's a good life. I can't complain. <: I'm happy to hear someone can relate to me, though! I was beginning to feel like a bit of an oddball. I'm excited for your girl on the way! I can now say I know how it feels. I'm a lot more anxious about her than I was about my first girl. Maybe because now I know just how lovely dolls are! Augh I'm getting all giddy thinking about it!

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