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Till Troll

Hello from England!

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Till Troll



I've been visiting this forum for ages, and wasn't going to let myself join until I submitted my thesis... and then today I won an auction for Marya, and I could no longer resist! I am from England, and I have one DD, a DDdy with DDH02 head (Meade, named after a telescope company), who I got on a business trip to Japan last year. I originally just got a DD to make cosplays for, as it's cheaper than making human scale ones, but I am now immersed in the hobby and spend way too much time reading DD blogs and forums.


I fell in love with the head mold of Marya when I saw her, and when she came up on Ebay I rationalized her as a thesis submission award! I don't know what to name her yet tho... Chandra (X-ray telescope) is the most tempting name I have...

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Welcome aboard! Glad to hear you already have one DD with another on the way! It sounds like you are a bit of a science buff with the telescope references! Cool deal!


It's good that you joined up tho. I'm sure you'll enjoy interacting with everyone here as well as sharing your girls when you get your newest!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Hello! Welcome to the forums and congratulations on winning Marya!

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I have seen that Marya auction on Ebay too!^^ Congratulation for getting her!

I am making a cosplay for my MDD too, and I'm planning to make another one for the con during November!

Have fun^^

enthusiast pasta girl - she/her - power bi

Mini Mode Lab

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Hello and welcome to the forum, and congratulations as well


Lately there was only one Marya on eBay, from aquilla. Too bad, that her website with DD guides went offline...

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Hi Till Troll - Welcome to the forum!!!!

I can't wait to see your Marya. I haven't seen many pictures with her so I'm anxious to see more of her. I think the idea of her being an award (or reward) is a great idea.


I also love the idea of finding unique names from something else your interested in. Not only unique among other DDs but they also have more meaning for you.


It's great that you joined!



Otaku Depot's growing family.



Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.

― Terry Pratchett, Jingo

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Welcome to the forums! Naming DDs after telescopes is an awesome and unique idea! Maybe you should make some 1/3 telescopes for them? ^^

DD Family: Mari, Saber Lily, Marisa, Soniko, Noumi, Kirino, Kuroneko, Sakura (DD Sakuno), Aerie, Akira, Kiki, Koko, Rose (DDS Mariko), Kureha, Ryoko, Lucy, Haruka, Rise, Extra & Alter!

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Welcome, Till Troll! I love Marya too. Congratulations on getting her! She is so beautiful.

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Welcome to the board.


Honestly I had to look up Marya since I haven't seen much pictures of this mold yet. But congratulations on winning her.

home  Victoria Beatrice {DD Beatrice}  DD 2B  DDB 9S  Lavi {TF Murphy}  Mocha {TF Fluffy}  Anastasia {TF Ashley}  TakoTako {TF Piercy}

waiting for  DDS Alisaie  DDSB Alphinaud  TinyFox Poison

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Really nice to meet you and welcome to the forums! I think Meade is an elegant name. I've never heard it before. ^^ I'll look forward to all of your future contributions!


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Glad to hear that finally joined this fun filled forum. Cant wait to see pictures of your cosplay girls

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Welcome to the boards. Congrats on getting your thesis submitted, what topic is it on? Astronomy perhaps? What level of degree?

Check out my new DollFun website.  Share your own doll photos with free image hosting.

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DD 娘 - Dollfie Dream® Daughters

{1} : DDS [ユ-ピィ] - Euphie

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Till Troll

Thank-you for all your very kind welcomes! Marya has arrived, and I'll post the unboxing pictures as soon as I am allowed. She is so gorgeous, although Meade has already stolen her eyes and shoes! Luckily I have spare eyes, poor girl.


Scripple: it's an astronomy doctorate. I actually submitted just on Friday, it's such a relief! Now I just live in terror of the viva and corrections...

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it's an astronomy doctorate. I actually submitted just on Friday, it's such a relief! Now I just live in terror of the viva and corrections...



CONGRATS! Even though there's still more to come the fact you submitted is huge. ^^


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