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Clothing Matching?

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Currently I'm having some problems finding a suitable top for this skirt I have >.<" . I've left it in my cupboard for awhile but I've never had the chance to use it (happened to take it out to try on again as I was digging out some of my old outfits)




Does anyone have any ideas/ item links to share? ^^

Edited by Guest

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Well, I think the hoodie jacket you have on her in another thread looks nice with that skirt.


I'd say go with solid colors over the chest, or at least a big broad pattern (like the sleeve stripe). Stay in black, red, or white.

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Check out Nightfall. http://nightfallwalker.web.fc2.com/


I've bought a number of outfits that would mix and match well with that skirt.


Otherwise, a red tanktop and a black leather jacket would go great with it, I bet. Some nice boots, and you'd have a cool punkish outfit!

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misskale: That was the best I could find in my clothing drawers to fit her ^^. I suppose something just feels a little off still, mainly because I like matching that hoodie + shirt with a pair of jeans more.


Galvatim: Thanks for the link! I'm looking at all of the sold out outfits now... hmm. ;-;


Their outfits are really nice though! First Doll Heart and now this.. So many temptations D:

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coolcat as some nice stuff that would go nice with that skirt.

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I shop on coolcat pretty often already but I didn't manage to find something I want to match with the skirt >.<"


Maybe I'm just a little too fussy, haha.

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I have a white blouse somewhere but yeah, I do want a vest for other outfits as well. Do you know where I could get one?

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I have a white blouse somewhere but yeah, I do want a vest for other outfits as well. Do you know where I could get one?



I know Azone makes vests for the 50cm and 60cm girls, I picked one up at the Azone store in Japan back in 2010. Check on Mandarake or YJA for them. You can also check Alices Collections, I know they sell vests separately. And I think nine9style sells them too.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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The clothing on nine9style is really nice! For Alice Collections I usually find the same thing in Taobao. (It's just a matter of whether I'm able to search for it in Chinese or not)


I'll check out Azone as well though, thanks for the suggestions!~

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A black vest with a white blouse maybe?

I like this idea. Certainly the vest ...or a bustier in any of the skirt colors. Maybe a black one-piece swimsuit and (as suggested earler) a short leather jacket with zippers and chains. The jacket & swimsuit I think could be found fairly easily. I've no idea where to find a bustier except to take it from a costume set....or make it from a lingerie kit or pattern I've seen listed recently on ebay. If you get frustrated, I'll buy the skirt from you; it looks great!

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A black vest with a white blouse maybe?

I like this idea. Certainly the vest ...or a bustier in any of the skirt colors. Maybe a black one-piece swimsuit and (as suggested earler) a short leather jacket with zippers and chains. The jacket & swimsuit I think could be found fairly easily. I've no idea where to find a bustier except to take it from a costume set....or make it from a lingerie kit or pattern I've seen listed recently on ebay. If you get frustrated, I'll buy the skirt from you; it looks great!


Hehe thanks for the offer but I think I've just found a possibly matching combination~




I put it together with the inner piece from an outfit I bought from Doll Heart recently ^^

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Very cute! I can tell you put a lot of thought in putting that together.

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I wouldn't say so, Hitomi just happened to be dressed in the Doll Heart outfit and I realised that the skirt could match it ^^.

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That's a great combination! If a vendor would make it, I think it would sell well....at least one to me.

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