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Doll stores in Japan.

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I am not sure if this should go in the market place section but when I looked through there it looked like that was more for specific items.

Anyways, I am going to Japan again (shouldn't I know from the first time? Well I didn't remember dolls existed until a few months ago and never knew about them when I went the first time years ago, then I remembered something about ball jointed dolls in a book I read a long time ago) and I just want to know of any good stores that have dolls, accessories, that are in Ikebukuro.

Thank you!

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Volks have a store in Ikebukero, though I'm not too sure about any other minor stores. To be honest it's a pretty quick trip over to Akihabara where there a few other minor stores, plus a larger Volks store, an Azone store and a decently sized Mandarake that carries various Doll goods.

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If you go to Akihabara, there's also DOLK (clothes, wigs, accessories) and Dollce (mostly wigs).


Both places are very small, so may or may not have what you're looking for. I went to them a few weeks ago and didn't end up finding anything that I wanted to buy. If you want to buy a wig though, you really should check out those places. They have some pretty good selection.

Are you ready to rock? ^_^

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Thank you, I have a list of some places, I just want to have knowledge of any stores that may be hiding around ^^

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