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Finally had time to put together my Saber...

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She's been sitting in my house for the past couple of months in a box due to loads of work but I finally had time to put her together last night. Looking at it now I can't help but feel that I royally screwed up while putting on the wig, looks pretty uneven.


Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules by linking to a series of photos I took of her: i.imgur(dot)com/4eXuQ.jpg (Is there any other way to share images here?)


Any tips on making sure it goes on even? Any tips on getting it on easily at all? I spent about an hour and a half just battling with the wig alone last night.


Edit: I'm sure it's very apparent but I should probably mention that this is my first time and I don't have any experience with this sort of stuff at all, did a great deal of freaking out last night while getting the outfit on

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You definitely should get some other wig to try and to learn how to do this

Saber's wig is hard to put on and there's additional "fear factor" because the wig is limited, delicate and expensive.

But don't worry, You will learn the ropes in no time.


The wig maybe looks little uneven, but from the photos it looks like it is also a little "factory uneven".

Like one bang is longer than another.


(Is there any other way to share images here?)


Yes. You can display images here using the Img tags but You need bigger post count to use this method.

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Yeah, I've been thinking about checking out some other wigs as well until I can figure out how to get the wigs on consistently. I sense a burning hole in my wallet in the near future.


The thought of it being factory uneven has also crossed my mind. I've been using the bun at the back of her head as a general guideline of how straight the wig is but it seems to disagree with the front end. Cruddy paint overlay: i.imgur(dot)com/RHUbo.jpg


Not sure if it's just like that or if I just did a real bad job lol.

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cant see the pic

making my triumphant return

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cant see the pic

Then try again




Anyway, here's viewable version:






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It looks a little crooked to me. The ahoge on top should be on the center, and its a little to her right. That would fix it a bit, but probably not enough. It may need trimmed to be even. My Alter's bangs were uneven and I had to trim them.


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Really? Sort of looks like the ahoge is a bit off to the left. Bit of a shame about the possibility of needing a trim though. I'm absolutely terrible with my hands at these things

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Well took some time to revisit Saber's wig and I think I have all the issues sorted out. Looks a lot more even in the front and it was a lot easier putting the wig on again when I started from the back this time around.


Just a quick and random shot of how she looks now: i.imgur(dot)com/lmhpG.jpg

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There you go, viewable version.


I recognize a few of the earlier photos, do you post in the 4chan /jp/ doll threads?

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I recognize a few of the earlier photos, do you post in the 4chan /jp/ doll threads?


Haha, indeed I do. More of a /p/ guy, but I stop by /jp/ for the doll threads from time to time... I was wondering how long it would take to get recognized here.

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I recognize a few of the earlier photos, do you post in the 4chan /jp/ doll threads?


Haha, indeed I do. More of a /p/ guy, but I stop by /jp/ for the doll threads from time to time... I was wondering how long it would take to get recognized here.

Heh, "not long". Dunno how many other people from those threads frequent the boards though. Anyway, enjoy your stay. ^^

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