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Wait... No WS DDdy?

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I'm surprised after all these months that I didn't notice there is no white skin Dynamite? Has there ever been? This would not be the first time I thought they had a body type and didn't. When Volks announced the M & L bust for the MDD, for a few months before that I thought they already had them.


Yet again I am very confused. Help!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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So far the only WS DDdy was Alna White Christmas ver. other then that it seems that a WS doesn't actually exist for some apparent reason. No standard parts or anything. It still strikes me as strange, but that's Volks for you. I don't get them most of the time.

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So far the only WS DDdy was Alna White Christmas ver. other then that it seems that a WS doesn't actually exist for some apparent reason. No standard parts or anything. It still strikes me as strange, but that's Volks for you. I don't get them most of the time.


That is just very strange, but it's good to know that is it possible to find a WS DDdy, although not easily.


Indeed, Alna White Christmas. For some reason.


But, I thought there were always M and L busts for MDD? VolksUSA has them, and they haven't gotten MDDIII parts in yet.



Perhaps I'm getting it confused with the new skin color? Good to know I'm not totally nuts, just addle brained.


Does anyone have a clue why the WS is only easily available on the DD? The new skin color is coming out on all sizes, so why not the WS too?


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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It's hard to say. Why did they never make WS MDD standard parts even though there were two WS MDD character dolls released? Sometimes Volks is hard to explain.


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Volks just hasn't released WS MDD and DDdy parts yet. I'm sure they will eventually.


Of course, now that Volks has something else to release (semi-white parts), that eventually may be longer than I originally expected it might be.

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