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Newbie Question about Volks International!

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Hi everyone! Excuse me for my extremely silly and newbish questions! I just want to make sure that I do everything right before I order my very first dollfie.


So, I want to sign up for a Volks International account, but I just have one question about it! How exactly does one enter their address in it? I know it gives an example, but the example is for a Japanese address, and I'm not sure how to do it, since I live in the US. I know it's a silly question, but since it's an important part, I want to get it right!


My second question is how much shipping would be from Volks International? I know resin dolls can go from $50-70 for the shipping, so I was wondering if DDs are the same.


Thank you for putting up with my derpy questions!

At Home Saber Alter v.2, M.O.M.O.

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i just did the adres in my local format and they copy pasted it. as for shipping i had to pay 6k for my haruka niimi

making my triumphant return

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I don't remember how I signed up for it but I think it was in US format when I was viewing the website in English or something. >___< Sorry I'm not really helping on this matter.


However, the shipping will be approx. $50-70. There's shipping, handling, and EMS fees. >___<

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If I remember correctly, I just punched in all my info like I normally would for a US address. I wish could be more help, but I'm at work right now. Otherwise, I would take a screenshot with a sample address filled out. What are you lookin to buy from there? One of the standard models?

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Thanks for the info everyone! I think I know what to do, but like I said, I want to be absolutely sure before I enter the info. orz


And Sporkaroni, a screenshot would be supersuper helpful! Thank you so much!


I'm actually looking to pre-order MOMO. I was going to order her through VolksUSA, but I think ordering her through the international site might be a tiny bit cheaper in the long run.

At Home Saber Alter v.2, M.O.M.O.

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Well, I would be glad to take one for you, but I won't get home from work for a few more hours, so if you can wait, consider it done! Unless someone else manages to do it before me. lol


Oh and good choice on Momo!

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Ahhh! Thank you sososo much for that!


Now I can get my darling MOMO! Thanks again!

At Home Saber Alter v.2, M.O.M.O.

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Ahhh! Thank you sososo much for that!


Now I can get my darling MOMO! Thanks again!


You're welcome! Now go get her!

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Fujico, if you are in the USA, I would definitely comparison shop, because you might save quite a bit of money buying her from Volks USA.


The exchange rate isn't as good as it used to be.


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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Fujico, if you are in the USA, I would definitely comparison shop, because you might save quite a bit of money buying her from Volks USA.


The exchange rate isn't as good as it used to be.


Linda S.



Maybe, maybe not. The exchange rate has been improving the past month, and the brand new prime minister really wants to weaken the yen even further. VolksUSA took a long time to adjust their prices after the yen had strengthened so much, so the same might be true the other way. If that's the case, come next fall, the price difference could be even more in the favor of buying from Volks International. Especially because International site won't charge you right away, but VolksUSA does.


As it is, it's already cheaper from the international web site with current exchange rates. MOMO from VolksUSA is $811. She's 61,950 yen from International, which is $718.

Are you ready to rock? ^_^

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I would like to order MOMO as well. I'm still undecided if I should order through Volks in Japan or USA.

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Fujico, if you are in the USA, I would definitely comparison shop, because you might save quite a bit of money buying her from Volks USA.


The exchange rate isn't as good as it used to be.


Linda S.



Maybe, maybe not. The exchange rate has been improving the past month, and the brand new prime minister really wants to weaken the yen even further. VolksUSA took a long time to adjust their prices after the yen had strengthened so much, so the same might be true the other way. If that's the case, come next fall, the price difference could be even more in the favor of buying from Volks International. Especially because International site won't charge you right away, but VolksUSA does.


As it is, it's already cheaper from the international web site with current exchange rates. MOMO from VolksUSA is $811. She's 61,950 yen from International, which is $718.

Thanks so much! I forgot that Volks USA raised their prices toward the end of the year.


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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