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Do VMF50 clothes fit DDs? Sizes?

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As stated in the title, I was wondering if Yamato VMF50's clothes do fit DD.

Also, what body sizes? DD S/M/L? DDS? DDdy?


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I only have one outfit from Yamato:



Based on it, I would say no. Yamato tends to make their clothes obscenely tight on their own bodies. I can barely get that skirt on Rinrin. I just tried it on my Saber who is on a DDS M-bust body.


1) The shirt has a good inch before it can close. Maybe on a S-bust, though, even that would be barely.

2) The wrist holes are too small to get her wrists through.

3) The skirt is nowhere near wide enough. The bottom of it is about the same width as the waist of the one Saber's currently wearing.


There may be other clothes that will work on DDs since they do have various body types, though.

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I'd say generally no. The VMF50 body is based on the Obitsu 50cm body and, well, it's quite a bit thinner and smaller. It's actually easier to have a MDD share outfits with an Obitsu 50/VMF50 as they're closer sizewise.

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This looks like a good place to ask my question


Waha, since you said VMF50 is based on the Obitsu50 Body, I was wondering if DDs can wear the same size socks as them because I was thinking about getting these tabi socks for my girls from AmiAmi, but they are for Obitsu50.



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This looks like a good place to ask my question


Waha, since you said VMF50 is based on the Obitsu50 Body, I was wondering if DDs can wear the same size socks as them because I was thinking about getting these tabi socks for my girls from AmiAmi, but they are for Obitsu50.



Unfortunately I don't think they would fit. o50/VMF50 feet are 6 cm, whereas DD are 7 I believe? So again, you'd have more luck with MDD. >_<

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Unfortunately I don't think they would fit. o50/VMF50 feet are 6 cm, whereas DD are 7 I believe? So again, you'd have more luck with MDD. >_<

Thanks for the quick answer! I really didn't want to buy them and be sad when they didn't fit so you saved my money from going down the drain

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If the tabi are the same as the ones that come with the full miko set then they actually should be ok.


It is a tiny bit tight, but it's possible since DD feet are only slightly bigger AND because you don't have to pull them over the ankle joint (because of the hook closure). I've also found DDs CAN wear Azone 50cm "traditional" clothing since it's MUCH more forgiving.


These are both 50cm outfits and Yoko is wearing the tabi socks.



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Oh wow misskale, your girls look so nice in these outfits! Thanks for the picture so I could see how the tabi & outfits look on them

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Oh wow misskale, your girls look so nice in these outfits! Thanks for the picture so I could see how the tabi & outfits look on them




The shoes don't fit though obviously. >_<


It took forever to get them posed so they'd be in them. ^_^;

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