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Ersa Flora

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Is this company good? How long do the shipping's take and more importantly; are the eyes actually good all together? I spotted a pair I liked and was hoping to get them for my doll.

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Is this company good? How long do the shipping's take and more importantly; are the eyes actually good all together? I spotted a pair I liked and was hoping to get them for my doll.



Oh yes, this company is VERY good for eyes! I have several sets of customs from them and they are well made and look great!


Dealing with them is very nice and they always have great customer service. Their prices are very fair and even tho it may take some time for customs to be made, they are worth the wait in my opinion.


I really like their work and will continue to buy from them in the future. I can't say enuff good things about them, they are highly recommended.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I love their eyes. Tia, M and Aya are all using them right now. Don't hesitate to buy from them.

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Thank you all for your opinions~ I'll be glad to be buying from them when I get my DD.

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Shelly is great!


My sister commissioned a pair of eyes from her, and I've bought some things from her online store and directly through DoA. She's very friendly, polite and ships quickly. Her items are very reasonably priced.


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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Shelly is a good friend of mine actually even before she made eyes XD.

I have 2 custom pairs made by her so far and their beautiful!

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Yep some of her eyes are available on Leekeworld too~

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Yep some of her eyes are available on Leekeworld too~


Leekeworld actually orders their eyes from ErsaFlora, you can look on the to-do list on the site and you can see there's an order from leekeworld in progress right now (along with my moe eyes, hee hee~). I really love Ersa Flora for their easy communication, I can't wait to see how their eyes turn out to be like.

Name: Tako Moguchi

Dolls: Yume (DDdy, HDD-02, modded s-bust), Himeko (Obistu 40cm, modded HDD-01), Hitomi (DDS M.O.M.O.)

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I have always been really happy with my eyes purchased from them. Plus I think the prices are fair.

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