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Pics from doll meet ( some resin pics too )

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Yesterday I went to a doll meetup in Columbia. I brought along Katerina, Kino and Saber. I got to see some good friends I hadn't seen in a while and we had a pretty good time. I wanted to share some pics from the meetup here so you can see what kinds of things we do at meets.


Here's the main table where all the dolls were.



DSC_9592 by balldylox, on Flickr


The DD Contingent.



DSC_9573 by balldylox, on Flickr


Ed's girl Kitsune. She's an SQ Labs head that used to be on a DDS body. Now she's on an SQ Labs resin body.



DSC_9574 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9626 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9627 by balldylox, on Flickr


Katerina and Kino.



DSC_9578 by balldylox, on Flickr


A cute resin girl. I'm not a huge fan of the nose ring but her face was pretty.



DSC_9586 by balldylox, on Flickr


One of the local girls who's been to my house before. Manami likes this girl...



DSC_9590 by balldylox, on Flickr


Ed's Sakura in a dress made by his mom. She did an amazing job on this!



DSC_9593 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9594 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9596 by balldylox, on Flickr


His mom didn't make the shoes but they are really cool.



DSC_9595 by balldylox, on Flickr


Sakura hanging out with Saber. Wait, is Sakura grabbing Saber's butt?



DSC_9597 by balldylox, on Flickr


D'Ann's resin fox girl. She's a cute one.



DSC_9598 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9599 by balldylox, on Flickr


Belly button!



DSC_9600 by balldylox, on Flickr


After everyone got food and drinks ( bad idea on the drinks ), some of the girls decided to give an acrobatics show...



DSC_9601 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9602 by balldylox, on Flickr


Saber - "Ohh! I know this tradition! Is it not called a pinata?"


Sakura - "No Saber! Don't even try it!"



DSC_9603 by balldylox, on Flickr


"Too late, I am breaking you open to get the candy from your interior."



DSC_9604 by balldylox, on Flickr


Sakura - "Ack! I'm stuck! Somebody get me down!"


Saber - "Do not worry, *I* shall get you down."



DSC_9605 by balldylox, on Flickr


Heh, a nice birds eye view of Saber.....



DSC_9607 by balldylox, on Flickr


Wait, why is Kino up there now?



DSC_9606 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9608 by balldylox, on Flickr


S - "Whoo hoo! Thanks for the help!"


K - "No problem! Vodka is good! I can fly!"


Dang it, one sip of vodka and Kino is all over the place!



DSC_9609 by balldylox, on Flickr


Upstairs in the doll room it seems someone has a Marvel addiction...



DSC_9614 by balldylox, on Flickr


Nice mix... fairies and a motorcycle.



DSC_9620 by balldylox, on Flickr


Photo room! Ed demonstrates how to properly take a photo of a DD.



DSC_9621 by balldylox, on Flickr


My Katerina has made friends with Ed's Sakura.



DSC_9622 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9623 by balldylox, on Flickr


Kino has taken over and Saber kind of likes it.



DSC_9625 by balldylox, on Flickr






It seems I can never catch a break at meetups so anytime I'm in a compromising position, I get taken advantage of. Ed and D'Ann took these pics of me while I was innocently trying to take a photograph of the two loonies on the chandelier....




Saber is waiting for Sakura to fall so she can get the candy inside Sakura... But as I try to get up....




I'm attacked by Saber and Ed! Turncoats! You can see me shaking my fist in anger at the people watching us.... no one came to my aid!




And thus, King Arthur pulls the sword from the gut.... oh wait, wrong legend...


To quote Ed... "You killed Billy! You bastard!"





And so I meet another tragic end at a doll meet. I guess Saber and I need to have a little talk about loyalty.


To see more pics of resins and such, please check here:


Columbia meet 1-5-13






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I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Billy! Your pictures are so good! I especially like the ones of my resin girlie! Hehe! I have decided to rename her. I don't know what yet but her old name never really worked for me.


We had so much fun! We all definately need to get together more often!! I still can't believe sweet innocent Sakura did all that! I guess she just wanted to show us her hidden talents... or she got bored talking to the other dolls and decided death-deifying stunts would be more interesting.

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Nice pics!! I espcially enjoyed the ones of Sakura and Kino on the chandelier. All the resin girls were cute as well. I always thought that resin girls were kinda creepy till i actually seen a few in person. Thanks for sharing suh great photos.


And dont worry bout Saber's loyalty. I reckon with enough food, you can sway her back to your side in no time.



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Billy! Your pictures are so good! I especially like the ones of my resin girlie! Hehe! I have decided to rename her. I don't know what yet but her old name never really worked for me.


Thank you gurlfriend! Your little fox girl has always been super cute but your update in style for her really makes her stand out. I also loved her hairdo this time, the colors in her wig worked so well in the little pigtails she had! I always had a hard time remembering her name and I'm sorry for that. But I'm glad to hear you may be changing it up for her, then maybe I can remember it better!


We had so much fun! We all definately need to get together more often!! I still can't believe sweet innocent Sakura did all that! I guess she just wanted to show us her hidden talents... or she got bored talking to the other dolls and decided death-deifying stunts would be more interesting.


I had a great time too! It sucks we live so far form each other, I'd love it if we all lived like an hour away at most, that would rock! But you're right, we do need to hang out more. I have to get a more reliable car first tho, the one I have now just won't stop screwing me over. T_T


Sakura was too funny this time around! I didn't expect that from her at all but I'm glad she was in the mood for some fun!



Nice pics!! I espcially enjoyed the ones of Sakura and Kino on the chandelier. All the resin girls were cute as well. I always thought that resin girls were kinda creepy till i actually seen a few in person. Thanks for sharing suh great photos.


Thank you sir! Those two on the chandeleir were funny, most of th epeople there were all Whaaa?" when they saw them there. But that's typical for our DD girls, always out for fun!


I used to not like resins at all but there are a few out there that are pretty and cute. Not many in MY opinion mind you but still. I'm just too caught up in the anime style to really like any more realistic designs you normally see on resins. Everyone has different tastes so I don't bag on anyone for what they like in doll designs. But personally I'm not a big fan of *most* resin styles. D'Ann's little one is a big exception tho but she was more of an anime design to begin with anyways.


And dont worry bout Saber's loyalty. I reckon with enough food, you can sway her back to your side in no time.


Ha ha! I think you're right. I also think that if her master Yoko found out about this, she would give Saber a good rap on the head and scold her good. But I think we'll be okay.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Aweome pictures Billy. My favorite is the last one. You look hilarious LOL. That meet look like so much fun. Lots of dollies If I were there I would go crazy with happiness

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Looked like you had a great time Billy.. Goimg to my first doll meet just this weekend, I realized how difficult it can be to take pictures free handed under low light. You sure did a good job

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Saber obviously realized that you must have much more candy inside you, senor pinata.

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Aweome pictures Billy. My favorite is the last one. You look hilarious LOL. That meet look like so much fun. Lots of dollies If I were there I would go crazy with happiness



Thank you! I was grinning before that pic and got yelled at because I didn't look dead enuff. LOL We did have a good time there. When Ed and I get together, we seem to get a little silly. And it's nice to see lots of dolls at meets. I just wish there were more DD's around us.



Looked like you had a great time Billy.. Goimg to my first doll meet just this weekend, I realized how difficult it can be to take pictures free handed under low light. You sure did a good job



I did sir! That's great that you're going to your first meetup. I hope you and your girls have a great time there! And thank you about the pics. I had to mess with my camera settings for a bit to make them come out decent. Otherwise I would have had to use a flash on all of them.



Saber obviously realized that you must have much more candy inside you, senor pinata.



You know, that makes perfect sense! Maybe that's what was going on. HEY! Was that a fat joke??






I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Great pics! There were some really nice resin girls there! But Saber and Sakura definitely stole the show LOL! I guess if you had to go death by servant might not be so bad....Although that sword looks quite pointy.

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The meet was great, it was nice catching up! The "normal" doll people were upstairs taking pictures in the photo booth. The "weird" doll people were having fun with the chandelier. XD


Looked like you had a great time Billy.. Goimg to my first doll meet just this weekend, I realized how difficult it can be to take pictures free handed under low light. You sure did a good job


I always make sure I bring a speedlight to meets. It always comes in handy!

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Your meetups always look like a riot... and *drool* Thor...


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Looks like the meet was a lot of fun! However, who decided it would be a good idea to let Kino have alcohol? Was that Manami's doing? People often forget that since MDDs are smaller it doesn't take nearly as much to get them drunk. Hopefully she didn't regret it the next day.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Great pics! There were some really nice resin girls there! But Saber and Sakura definitely stole the show LOL! I guess if you had to go death by servant might not be so bad....Although that sword looks quite pointy.



Thanks! There were quite a few nice resins at thi smeet for sure. And yeah, the DD's usually steal the spotlight due to their antics. Saber's sword is VERY pointy! I got stabbed by it the first time I did a photo shoot with her.... it actually drew blood! So Saber and I have a blood pact of sorts.....



The meet was great, it was nice catching up! The "normal" doll people were upstairs taking pictures in the photo booth. The "weird" doll people were having fun with the chandelier. XD


Looked like you had a great time Billy.. Goimg to my first doll meet just this weekend, I realized how difficult it can be to take pictures free handed under low light. You sure did a good job


I always make sure I bring a speedlight to meets. It always comes in handy!



It was very nice to see you and D'Ann again. I wish I had more time available to drive up and see you guys more often. And I thought *WE* were the normal ones!


One of these days I'll invest in one of those fancy flashes like you have Ed. I just can't see myself doing it anytime soon because the last thing we need at meets is TWO camera nerds taking pics and getting in each others way with those flash cover thingies. LOL



Your meetups always look like a riot... and *drool* Thor...



We usually make sure to have FUN at our meets. And the girl who hosted the meet at her place is a HUGE Marvel fan. You should hit my Flickr for closeups of the Avengers guys she has, one was Tony Stark and his chest even lit up blue under his shirt like in the movies!



Looks like the meet was a lot of fun! However, who decided it would be a good idea to let Kino have alcohol? Was that Manami's doing? People often forget that since MDDs are smaller it doesn't take nearly as much to get them drunk. Hopefully she didn't regret it the next day.



It was a good time for sure. I think Katerina slipped Kino a thimble of vodka, that's why she went a little overboard since she's normally shy and reserved. Katerina is used to having Stasya around who is also an MDD but she can hold her liquor. So she didn't see the issue with giving Kino a little bit.


As for Kino, she slept the whole drive home and then some. She didn't complain about any headaches tho.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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And thus, King Arthur pulls the sword from the gut.... oh wait, wrong legend...



Looks like you had an awesome time!

What kind of adult supervisor are you letting Kino get at the vodka??!


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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And thus, King Arthur pulls the sword from the gut.... oh wait, wrong legend...



Looks like you had an awesome time!

What kind of adult supervisor are you letting Kino get at the vodka??!



We did have a good time! And I'm a poor excuse for an adult. I thought Katerina had things under control with Kino but alas, she still doens't know that not ALL MDD's can handle vodka like her other sister Stasya. All she gave Kino was half a thimble full and this is what happened. I guess I need to have Rei accompany us on all future meets to keep things under control....





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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You didn't tell me you put the pictures in here ! I had to find out myself


Ha!!!! So cute to see that Katerina made some friends !!! So she brought Vodka over there and gave some

to Kino !!!!??? I have to talk to her They are not all like Stasya !!!!! I would have blame myself if something would have happened to little Kino


Well it looks like you had fun ....beside the fact that Saber tried to pierce you

Does she know it can be dangerous ????

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Hahaha .... super fun pics as always!!! Drunk Kino cracks me up And of course Saber makes sure that her sword always stays sharp and pointy, otherwise she won't be able to kill things with it!!

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You didn't tell me you put the pictures in here ! I had to find out myself


Ha!!!! So cute to see that Katerina made some friends !!! So she brought Vodka over there and gave some

to Kino !!!!??? I have to talk to her They are not all like Stasya !!!!! I would have blame myself if something would have happened to little Kino


Well it looks like you had fun ....beside the fact that Saber tried to pierce you

Does she know it can be dangerous ????



Sorry, I figured you were around enuff to see them easily. It was nice to see katerina out and making friends for sure. She gets along well at home but she was a little shy at first at the meet. That led to some vodka drinking and then Kino had some. As you can see, Kino gets fearless and rowdy when she has alcohol. But I already chatted with Katerina and she apologized for not knowing about MDD alcohol intake. And Saber was playing with me... I think.



Hahaha .... super fun pics as always!!! Drunk Kino cracks me up And of course Saber makes sure that her sword always stays sharp and pointy, otherwise she won't be able to kill things with it!!



Thank you! Kino was fun to watch but I worried about her since I think that was her first drink. And yes, Saber is always making sure her sword is sharp! I just wish she wouldn't show me how sharp it is like this!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Those are great photos! I love how wacky some DDs can get at these parties. I can't tell if Ilya holds alcohol better or not because maybe she is significantly compromised too even after a little but just doesn't stop consuming more. The chandelier incident was so funny! I see what happens when you bring Saber to a party without Yoko. It looks like it is a bit too dangerous to do that. Either that or you really do have to bring Rei. But the photos are hilarious. I think enough candy would sway Saber though. She definitely seems to have candy on her mind.

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These are great pictures


Looks like a great time!!

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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Okay, am I the only one excited about Buff's dolls? I mean, seeing Buff's super robot rangers (the Batchix Machina crew)... ah!


Oh, and Saber is looking awesome too. That lamp swining' looked crazy, haha!

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Those are great photos! I love how wacky some DDs can get at these parties. I can't tell if Ilya holds alcohol better or not because maybe she is significantly compromised too even after a little but just doesn't stop consuming more. The chandelier incident was so funny! I see what happens when you bring Saber to a party without Yoko. It looks like it is a bit too dangerous to do that. Either that or you really do have to bring Rei. But the photos are hilarious. I think enough candy would sway Saber though. She definitely seems to have candy on her mind.



Thanks so much! Ed started the whole chandelier thing, he originally wanted Saber to go up there but since she was armored and weighed more than his Sakura, she was put up in Saber's stead. And you're right, Saber with no supervision can be dangerous... I think Yoko will have to come to any meets that Saber goes to form now on. I also agree that Saber had candy on her mind.... I'm not sure why but she was all about sweets this trip. Usually she's not so bad about it.



These are great pictures Looks like a great time!!



Thank you very much! We did have a pretty good time there.



Okay, am I the only one excited about Buff's dolls? I mean, seeing Buff's super robot rangers (the Batchix Machina crew)... ah!

Oh, and Saber is looking awesome too. That lamp swining' looked crazy, haha!



Heh, since this is a DD forum, most people check those out first and resins are secondary. But she did indeed have a ton of cool ones up in her work room. Thank you about Saber! And yes, the chandelier bit was quite silly.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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You let Kino have alcohol?? Yes, I know you have already answered that but I had to get it out of my system. If you want a reply to your post I'll give you a reply! At first I was severely tempted to offer Kino some bribes of cookies, all the stuffed animals she wanted, and even a cute little brother rather similar to her, but even that isn't a match for the power of Moelox. Now I just want to make her a blankie that she can snuggle in and be safe. Dang it man, quit making me want to spoil your girls.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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You let Kino have alcohol?? Yes, I know you have already answered that but I had to get it out of my system. If you want a reply to your post I'll give you a reply!


It's not like I *told* Katerina to give her any! Besides, it was one sip and she got like this so it's not like she had half a bottle to herself. Seems she can't handle ANY amount of liquor so she's banned from having any again.


At first I was severely tempted to offer Kino some bribes of cookies, all the stuffed animals she wanted, and even a cute little brother rather similar to her, but even that isn't a match for the power of Moelox.


So you want to take Kino away from her family and Minako? How cruel can you be?


Now I just want to make her a blankie that she can snuggle in and be safe. Dang it man, quit making me want to spoil your girls.


Hee hee! Now you see the TRUE power of Baldylox! Making you send MY girls stuff and ignoring your own! Bwaahahahaa! No wait, that's kinda mean, scratch that.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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At first I was severely tempted to offer Kino some bribes of cookies, all the stuffed animals she wanted, and even a cute little brother rather similar to her, but even that isn't a match for the power of Moelox.


So you want to take Kino away from her family and Minako? How cruel can you be?



Nobody said Minako wouldn't be perfectly welcome, as well... And of course, big sister Manami would have to chaperon, and since Manami really can't be trusted alone with them, Elizabeth and/or Sprout would aslo have to come, and then of course, we wouldn't want Hitomi to feel awkward about being the only MDD left.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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