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Another sort-of newbie here!

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Hello all!


After lurking around here for awhile I finally broke down and joined. It is nice to "meet" you all, and I must say I have really enjoyed seeing pictures of everyone's beautiful daughters. And on a similar note, this forum looks dangerous for my wallet!


I am sort of a DD newbie, but not completely. I briefly owned a custom 01 head on a DD1 body back in the dark ages before the DD2, but sold her as I was not too thrilled with the posing. Since the DD2 was released, I had been doing my best to resist the call of the oh-so-cute DD's and stuck with the resin BJD's. But after really regretting not trying for Saber Alter, Aili, and Rin, I finally decided the heck with resisting! I'm giving in! And that is how I came to own a DD Beatrice. xD Well, just her head so far, but she will be getting a body soon enough. ^^

<3 At home: Smartdoll Onward & DD Jeanne

 (*) Wishing for: too many to list! 

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Welcome to the forums, and nice to meet you too!

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Welcome. This place is definitely dangerous to your wallet. I nominate mitsuki and baldylox as the most dangerous.

Check out my new DollFun website.  Share your own doll photos with free image hosting.

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Welcome. This place is definitely dangerous to your wallet. I nominate mitsuki and baldylox as the most dangerous.

I 2nd that nomination!


Welcome to the forum Dolly, so glad you finally joined up. I'm curious to know how you just have a Beatrice head? Granted, that's one of the most important parts.

Otaku Depot's growing family.



Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.

― Terry Pratchett, Jingo

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Welcome to the board! Are you going to get your Beatrice a DD or a DDy body?

home  Victoria Beatrice {DD Beatrice}  DD 2B  DDB 9S  Lavi {TF Murphy}  Mocha {TF Fluffy}  Anastasia {TF Ashley}  TakoTako {TF Piercy}

waiting for  DDS Alisaie  DDSB Alphinaud  TinyFox Poison

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It's really nice to meet you and welcome to the forums!


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Welcome. This place is definitely dangerous to your wallet. I nominate mitsuki and baldylox as the most dangerous.

I 2nd that nomination!



HEY! Don't frighten off the newcomer! Mitsuki and I need to slowly work towards enabling the new people, not pounce on them as they say hello!


Welcome to the forums! It's great to hear you had a DI with an 01 head before. I have two 01 head girls and love them! And congrats on getting Beatrice, she's one lovely girl to have as your new first. I hope we get to see pics of her soon!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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(and just so you know, in case you didn't already, I called Volks yesterday and they're expecting to restock their DD bodies in early July )


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Welcome, Dolly! I hope you like it here. A few of us still have DDI bodies. The DDII sure is a lot easier to work with. I can't wait to see your Beatrice completed! I am sure she will be so lovely!


scripple is right. Don't read anything I post or you might end up spending money. Although Littlebearries is helping too!

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Thank you all for the warm welcome! This is such a nice little forum, I love it here already.


And I think I have given up on the "don't spend money on Dollfie Dreams" idea, looks like its a good thing, too! ^_~ Oh and on that note, thank you for that info littlebearries, I noticed they were out of stock when I checked and was hoping they'd be getting more in soon.


As for why my poor girl is body-less, I ran a split on another forum and split it off 'cause I wasn't sure what body I wanted for her (and still am not sure, lol!). And I was trying to "ease" myself into the whole DD thing with a less expensive purchase . . . yeah, that worked so well. I am already impatient to see the offerings at the July Dolpa!

<3 At home: Smartdoll Onward & DD Jeanne

 (*) Wishing for: too many to list! 

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Aw, another Beatrice owner XD That DD is a killer XD


I hope you can learn many things and have a lot of fun here!

enthusiast pasta girl - she/her - power bi

Mini Mode Lab

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Welcome !!

I am kind of new here too ,but you might know me from figure.fm ^_^


Hope you get your Beatrice a body soon and take some pictures for us to see !!

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Welcome to the forum and i also quite new here.

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Hello, and welcome! If you are still deciding on which bust to get for your lovely Beato, try an 'L' bust in natural shape. Keep in mind that you are not limited to the shapely 'L' bust that originally came with the "Beatrice body." Regards.

DD 娘 - Dollfie Dream® Daughters

{1} : DDS [ユ-ピィ] - Euphie

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Welcome to the forum Dolly Beatrice is a very nice lady, I really regret not going for her hope to see some pictures from you soon

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