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Hi there!


I don't have a DD yet, but I am saving.... I really want to get a Rise, I love her unique look among DDs and cannot wait to get her. I saw some at a local doll-meet and I finally cracked and decided I have to get one!


I love looking at photos of DDs, I am a bit of an addict and cannot get enough! I think DD photographers take some really amazing shots, and I love reading photo stories that seem to bring the DD to life.


I have been collecting resin dolls for a couple of years now, I have 4 at home, an Iplehouse Vito (my first doll), Fairyland f60 Siean girl, f60 Merwin boy. However, I fell in love with DD photography, and the community seems awesome, it seems that all my favourite hobbyists in the doll community own DDs, so I need to get one myself! I also love that they are so sexy, I really want to get a Peach Pai.


I love video games, I play my PS Vita the most, currently playing through Persona 4 and Ragnarok Odessey, I also play Eve Online. I have been into anime for a long time now, and while I wouldn't call myself an otaku, I do like a lot of things from Japan. My favourite animes are magical girl animes, however my all-time favourite is Hunter X Hunter, which isn't magical girl lol.


I hope I can fit in with the community

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Hey !!!


Yay for Persona fan and Rise fan She's the cutest, good choice !

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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Welcome, I hope you'll like it here!


Rise is a wonderful girl. I don't like the original Rise much (guess I just prefer other P4 characters over her), but her DD mold is fabulous. I like her nose and the shape of her eyes a lot. Good luck with getting her. Do you want to put a Peach Pai on Rise? That'd be a nice combination, ho ho.

home  Victoria Beatrice {DD Beatrice}  DD 2B  DDB 9S  Lavi {TF Murphy}  Mocha {TF Fluffy}  Anastasia {TF Ashley}  TakoTako {TF Piercy}

waiting for  DDS Alisaie  DDSB Alphinaud  TinyFox Poison

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Hehe, yeah Rise is an adorable sculpt.


I do want to put the peach pai on her I imagine it will bring her a bit closer to her persona than her character in the game, but I don't mind that too much. I was disappointed when I realised she came with the small bust, I think I like the bigger dollfie busts a bit better.


I did also like Yukiko from the game, but I don't think she is going to be made into a dollfie... maybe in the future I will make a custom version of her, but after seeing all the guys in the general discussion thread, maybe a Yusoke would be more fun.

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Eve huh? Must admit, I love the graphics and music in that game, but could just never get into the slow pacing and limited storyline. And the community....


Bit of a magical girl fan myself. Absolutely love Cardcaptor Sakura and Nanoha, also pretty partial to Kaleido Star (yeah, not technically a magical girl show, but aside from Sora not having magic the show hits every single genre trope, so...)


Anyway, I hope you can get your first girl soon. They really grow on you!

Now with +/- 15% more uncertainty!

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Yeah eve can be a bit slow paced and hard to get into it, for me it is a bit more of a social game, it's all about finding a good corp and making friends etc. the community and politics in the game can be a bit crazy though, luckily I am not in that deep, lol.


Cardcaptor Sakura was pretty much what got me into anime, it was my favourite for the longest time. I also love Shugo Chara, It was the first non-mainstream anime I watched and I remember thinking omg this show is so weird, lol, but I loved it. There are so many good anime out there it is hard to watch them all >.<. I will check out the two you mentioned though, I haven't seen them before and I am always looking for new series to watch.


I am working pretty diligently on getting her, can't wait for her to arrive, I already managed to get my hands on a peach pai and the glasses, still no girl though lol.

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Singer Yuna

I am working pretty diligently on getting her, can't wait for her to arrive, I already managed to get my hands on a peach pai and the glasses, still no girl though lol.

Welcome Ernutet ^^ I wish you the best of luck on getting her, you've already got things for her and already saving a lot, gambatte!!

As a P4 fan, my favorite character was her (and she appears so late for me in the game xDD) so I had to own her Dollfie. But talking about the DD photography, in my point of view my photos aren't skilled but the model herself...no photo can be bad with Rise in it ^^


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