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Danny Choo Mirai Suenaga doll [NSFW] nude doll bits

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  Kumi said:


There's more to her face than only 06 resemblance. I'd say she's having traces of Yuki, too.

Very pretty face and a good job, both from the sculptor and from the faceup artist (Ronronshuka knows the matter well).

And to think, that this face was 3D modeled in the computer...


Agreed, I'm seeing a bit of Yuki as well in her face.


Here's a pic of my Yuki so others can compare.



Yuki by DefectiveAngel, on Flickr

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He expects to have pre-orders for her within the year. She's extremely cute I'll have to put in a pre-order for her whenever they go up in the future

Edited by Guest

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Yes, we know there's a new post. It's on the previous page


I *might* be tempted but question is, how much she will be...

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  DefectiveAngel said:

Agreed, I'm seeing a bit of Yuki as well in her face.


Here's a pic of my Yuki so others can compare.

It is no surprised because I believe Yuki is the one he's been carrying around the most.

Mirai does has a little bigger eye holes that probably make her sweeter and more anime-ish lol. But does anyone feel that her upper lip is a bit too thin, or in other words, it feels too subtle. I think normal lips should go outward from the mouth but judging from the pics, the upper one seems to go inward. Kind awkward for me lol

At home Haruka (Haruka Niimi), Akira (Akira), Saber (Saber Alter), Madoka (Madoka SQ-Lab), Rise (Rise Kujikawa), Yukiho (Yukiho Hagiwara) & Touka (DDH-07)

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  nogo17 said:
But does anyone feel that her upper lip is a bit too thin, or in other words, it feels to subtle.


Yup it is too thin, but then it just reminds me of Yui and that's a bad thing. A very bad thing.


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  Kumi said:
Yes, we know there's a new post. It's on the previous page


I *might* be tempted but question is, how much she will be...

Ah my bad I missed that and thought the discussion was still on the first post he made about her. For now we'll have to wait on a price since several people have asked and he said that currently he's still trying to keep all the costs for the various parts down. Hopefully not too much more than a Standard DD girl (though of course the Smart Doll will definitely be more than a Standard DD girl). To me her lips look quite cute, but I think she's cute all around hehe.

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  nogo17 said:
But does anyone feel that her upper lip is a bit too thin, or in other words, it feels too subtle. I think normal lips should go outward from the mouth but judging from the pics, the upper one seems to go inward.






I think, it's a kind of illusion from the faceup. Lower lips has just much more blushing.

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I agree with Nogo that the upper lip looks a bit too thin. Anyway the doll looks really ice!

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I think her lips are a little thin and close together for my liking. Also, they mention how asymmetry in the face is important, but in some shots her face shape looks a little TOO asymmetrical to me (maybe I'm too sensitive from drawing/sculpting faces and doing face-ups?). But, it's really awesome that he can create his own original character like this.

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I agree, I like fuller lips on my dolls typically. (One of the big reasons the Nanoha/Fate head is one of my absolute favorites.) Mirai's current head design doesn't really meet that requirement for me. Also, I really don't like the corner-of-the-mouth lines, and think they should be *much* more subtle. As it is, her default reminds me of Yuki Morikawa, and I know I'm in the minority here, but I've never particularly cared for her.


The body sculpt is looking pretty nice, so I'll definitely be at least keeping tabs on how that comes along. Not sure how I feel about the Smart Doll thing still, but I suppose that judgement can wait until I see video of it in action and/or how the batteries are handled.


BTW, I did ask on the latest post if Danny could do a skin tone comparison when Mirai gets closer to release, between his dolls' skin tone, DD, Obitsu, and maybe SQ Labs, and he replied that he would. So, yeah, good news for people who want hybrids!

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While it's not something I would ever buy, it's incredibly interesting to read about the process.

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I'm mostly interested in the Android-powered frame and if the body will work with different heads. He's already said there will be a smaller bust so if the price is right I am going to be interested.


I like Mirai's face but I don't think it's one I'd personally want to own.

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Oh goodie, there's already a thread started about this. xD


I'm currently saving for her preorder, I plan to get both the robot and non-robot versions depending on the price. He hinted that he's keeping costs below the current doll market. I'm anticipating near normal DD preorder prices though.


Best thing is, I can program and so can a couple of my friends. We're going to go nuts programming and animating extra moves for her. ;D

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I will most likely be pre-ordering her as long as the price is right. I am a big fan of small companies and I especially admire Danny Choo for taking his dreams and turning them into a reality. Besides, since I lost the lottery for Asuna, I think Mirai would make a really good substitute.

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The first post about this was February 2013.

However, he posted about the making of and progress of these dolls again on April 1st.

Including the mechanical Android powered inner doll frame. Since it was posted on April Fools day, a lot of people including me weren't sure if it was actually real or not. I could be wrong though.

Anyone could give me a confirmation?

I definitely would be interested in buying a Mirai doll if they actually go into production.

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Here's a quote from Danny on one of his posts:


"I'm currently aiming to have both the Smart Doll and standard frame version up for pre-order within the year. If I had more staff then it would be quicker but I'm managing all aspects of production on my own at the moment ><"


The whole article is at dannychoo com under the post labeled Mirai Suenaga Doll


So unless he meets up with some huge production issues, it sounds like he's gonna make this thing happen.

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Basically, what happened with Mirai (and especially Smart Doll) is what happened with the Mirai Figma a few years ago: Danny put it up as an April Fool's, but actual interest from both potential customers and potential designers/manufacturers was high enough that now it's actually happening. It took nearly two years for the Mirai Figma to happen after the April Fool's version went up, so I think his slating even standard frame Mirai for preorder a year from now is pretty ambitious. I'm definitely banking on a few delays, especially for the Smart Doll version. But turns out it *is* happening.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Danny wrote about making a Mirai doll with the 3D printer long before the "April Fool/April 1st" post with the robotics, etc. That is why this thread was made back in February. He has been working on the doll itself for a while now.


It seems that the robotics bit began in jest but some very techy folks have jumped in to help make that possible as well.


It will be great to see both versions materialize. I will be preordering one when the time comes (regular version), even though I already have my own Mirai who I had before his came out. ^^ I think they look a bit alike. lol









~ Misheru...the *M* in H&M House of Vinyl ~ ℒℴѵℯ❤

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Your Mirai is pretty cute!

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Thanks, but I cannot wait to get a Danny Mirai for her twin.

~ Misheru...the *M* in H&M House of Vinyl ~ ℒℴѵℯ❤

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I think that would make for some very pretty photos - having her in side by side shots - like looking through the looking glass!

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When I first saw this I was enchanted by the possibilities....now I have to decide whether to save up for her preorder or the new game systems coming out.

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First video of the motion was up early today on his social channels. I'm totally amazed

TBH I was expecting some kinda "slow-motion" motions like old days in Star Wars lol. But the all elbow, shoulder and neck motions shown are all surprisingly fast, and accurate. It is really tempted to have a smart doll now >.<

At home Haruka (Haruka Niimi), Akira (Akira), Saber (Saber Alter), Madoka (Madoka SQ-Lab), Rise (Rise Kujikawa), Yukiho (Yukiho Hagiwara) & Touka (DDH-07)

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  nogo17 said:
First video of the motion was up early today on his social channels. I'm totally amazed

TBH I was expecting some kinda "slow-motion" motions like old days in Star Wars lol. But the all elbow, shoulder and neck motions shown are all surprisingly fast, and accurate. It is really tempted to have a smart doll now >.<


df64a03a777dc9f9a060ef6b286773b3-1.gif    ✩ 𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓶 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔁 ✩

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It's on his Facebook page but here is the link for the video on Youtube



I think her motions so far are super cute Like he says in the video that for now this is just a test and later her motions will be much smoother. Still no word on release date or price, but I think it's because he wants people to become really interested in the Mirai Smart Doll. Pretty sure it'll still be expensive and that I'll only be able to afford the standard version, but who knows Danny might surprise us~

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