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Danny Choo Mirai Suenaga doll [NSFW] nude doll bits

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Guest Aurea
  Sister Kyoya said:
Personally I see it as their problem if they think of dolls as fetish fodder or childish instead of art. I don't know why people anymore always seem to look at the worst sides of everything instead of the good things. Stupid people will be stupid.


~Sister Kyoya


I agree completely. I myself as a male collector get these types of comments even collecting busou shinki figures (which by the way are awesome in customizing into many mech-girl configurations). I really dislike that people always try to label certain things as bad or try to guilt trip you out of liking your innocent hobby. At the end of the day it makes me wonder if they have some type of guilty conscience while saying these things.


As for Mirai I would love to get one of his smart dolls in the works, but I am afraid the cost will be greater then my area code But I hope this innovation brings forth a new age of AI friends for our hobbies. Imagine if you will an AI friend to soothe any of us who feel lonely and need someone to chat with

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  Suiseiseki4life said:
  Sister Kyoya said:
Personally I see it as their problem if they think of dolls as fetish fodder or childish instead of art. I don't know why people anymore always seem to look at the worst sides of everything instead of the good things. Stupid people will be stupid.


~Sister Kyoya


I agree completely. I myself as a male collector get these types of comments even collecting busou shinki figures (which by the way are awesome in customizing into many mech-girl configurations). I really dislike that people always try to label certain things as bad or try to guilt trip you out of liking your innocent hobby. At the end of the day it makes me wonder if they have some type of guilty conscience while saying these things.


As for Mirai I would love to get one of his smart dolls in the works, but I am afraid the cost will be greater then my area code But I hope this innovation brings forth a new age of AI friends for our hobbies. Imagine if you will an AI friend to soothe any of us who feel lonely and need someone to chat with


Busou Shinki eh? They're awesome and the reason why I'm following Danny Choo and his Smart Doll. So close to them by using the Smart Doll as a lovely stepping stone along with comparing it with Chobit's various persocom/robotic humanoids. Getting so much closer. I do hope there's room for customization to insert sound-clips and head molds to turn what would be a Mirai Smart Doll into a customized Busou Shinki - Renge, Kohiru, or Benio SmartDoll Busou Shinki variant. I'm following each update with a glimmer of hope to use the SmartDoll as a lovely stepping stone (wording wise, and not physically) to get closer to a real-life variant of Busou Shinki.


I dislike it when people always point to the negative side or say you shouldn't like the hobby as well. Or just comment on it implying harmful thoughts I rarely got that type of comment so mostly good on that part. I'm however furious that I'm constantly being told something that has a chance of being possible isn't all because of Google copying and pasting and stubborn one-sided views. I'm seeing things that show and support my views while getting quote-spammed saying otherwise. Not really fitting for the person I'm quoting but I did see a bit of it on here as well while skimming through the thread.


I'm just going to ignore any nays and negativities while hoping Danny Choo allows SmartDoll customization from a hardware (head mold and all) and software standpoint (voice clips and all) .

The proud master of a foxy (DD) Varakitsu, Renge, & Caster; Kon!~ Kon!

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Wow I'm really glad I re-checked this thread... (or maybe not glad..? b/c my wallet will take a huge hit lol)


The more realistic bust makes Mirai look alot more appealing to me. She looks so cute!! >_<


Now if Danny's doll was somehow chemically resistant to fabric dyes.... he could seriously give Volks a run for their money.

♥ ★ ✮ ~ Amassing an army of Anime Cuties ~ ✮ ★ ♥

The Family: Sheryl, Ranka, Kirika, Arlex2, Yoko, Snow Miku, Haruka, Student Mariko, Prisma Illya, Akira, Maria, Cirno, Noumi, Asuna Titania, Sakuya

on the way: want: Sailor Moon, Miki, Yukiho

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Danny's blog posted on April Fool day stated some of these info

Smart Doll Manual version will launch in May 2014 at a retail price of about 600 USD.

Smart Doll Automatic version will launch in December 2014 at a retail price of 900 USD.

Very close to market price. But considering he does not need to pay for any character copyrights and his compromise to reach a bigger market than branded doll companies, this is still not the most ideal price mark (for the normal model though, can't really comment anything on robotic version)

2014/12: Launch of Smart Doll Injection Molded OuterShell version in time for the holiday Christmas season worldwide. Expected number of units sold is 20,000. Mirai Robotics staff numbers reach 200


2018/02: 1 million units of Smart Doll sold. Total staff count at this time is 950.

Definitely have no idea how many dolls Volks releases each time but this sounds just overwhelming =.=

After several meetings with various angel investors, I accepted an investment of 30 million USD for a 15% share of Mirai Robotics.

At home Haruka (Haruka Niimi), Akira (Akira), Saber (Saber Alter), Madoka (Madoka SQ-Lab), Rise (Rise Kujikawa), Yukiho (Yukiho Hagiwara) & Touka (DDH-07)

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  mangaemi said:

Now if Danny's doll was somehow chemically resistant to fabric dyes.... he could seriously give Volks a run for their money.


You raise a good question. I wonder how stain-resistant Mirai will be. Her default outfit is jeans, which could stain her legs.


As for the Dollmination article, I think it's a mix of truth and April Fools' Day. As for the price being around 600, it's pretty much what I expected. The Star article in December already mentioned the price to be about 1900 MYR (approx 582 USD or 422 EUR).

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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I would be extremely happy to throw the contents of my wallet at owning a persicom to welcome me home with an "Okaerinasaimase, goshujinsama" and tell me how many emails I'd received.

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I am super duper hoping I have money for the Auto Mirai release. I just quit my job because I was actually losing money working for what I was, so my funds are at rock bottom. I just need a newer and better job so I can get a pretty girl that reminds my family to close my dang bedroom door when I'm not home. I'd want her to nag them until they do it. "Close the door! Close it! Do it now!" Just like that. She'd probably also scare my dog, but he'll get over it. Then she can be the cutest GPS for roadtrips ever! "Let's go to Mitsuwa! Buy us mochi!" Oh Mirai, so sweet. She'll be even more sweet when I replace her head with Rika's.

I've already got a new name for her, I have to have her.

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it might be interesting to note the neck peg design, you could possibly change the head out to a DD one?

I have more dollfies than my age in years *×*

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  Oni-Chan said:
it might be interesting to note the neck peg design, you could possibly change the head out to a DD one?


In the newest Danny post, you can see a picture of DD Saber and Mirai standing together. He mention that Smart Doll neck is slender than DD but can also accommodate DD head too. From the picture, he's right but probably you need something for DD head to hold on the neck or it's looks loose.

But for the other way around, seems like Mirai can't use DD body unless some modifications is done

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Screaming Angel

Does anyone know how to order? I would love the robot version one day!

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It's weird that I've never seen any release info but he's updating his twitter with shipping scheduled for today. Probably I just didn't follow close enough due to lack of interest in the character itself. Would dig the body if durability is proven though. It seems to be steadier and poses better than those available on the market, at least that is what he's been "advertising"

At home Haruka (Haruka Niimi), Akira (Akira), Saber (Saber Alter), Madoka (Madoka SQ-Lab), Rise (Rise Kujikawa), Yukiho (Yukiho Hagiwara) & Touka (DDH-07)

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Screaming Angel

It is a little frustrating that he keeps updating with how many have been sold and he even posted that picture of all the boxed up Mirai's ready to ship. I've been watching his posts and I can't see him say anywhere on where you order her.

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I really want to buy her, but I can't find any information where to buy her either If anyone knows something, please post!

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  Kraster said:
I really want to buy her, but I can't find any information where to buy her either If anyone knows something, please post!


Danny says in his twitter

Danny Choo ‏@dannychoo 14 t

@ryocoon @MiraiRobotics Have been serving folks who mailed me directly first ^^;


So if you know Dannys mail I guess that's the way to go instead of waiting...

My blog Pihlajakoto

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Ah, that explains it. I was wondering the same thing about how people could've possibly ordered a doll without any release info.

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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Ahhhh glad to hear I'm not crazy and missed the pre-order some how. I guess it's good to do a smaller trial run to test out the process. I'm still on the fence a bit, and would like to see some owner photos and reviews before I decide

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I saw on his Facebook page that he's working on the Smart Doll website right now. Everyone should be able to order through there once the page is finished and active.

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it's a little frustrating that he's only been doing preorders to those that emailed him, but never mentioned that on his facebook/website/instagram/whatever til now. I watch him on instagram and FB and tons of people ask, but he'd never respond. but at least now when they fix the website we should be able to get one

♥ ★ ✮ ~ Amassing an army of Anime Cuties ~ ✮ ★ ♥

The Family: Sheryl, Ranka, Kirika, Arlex2, Yoko, Snow Miku, Haruka, Student Mariko, Prisma Illya, Akira, Maria, Cirno, Noumi, Asuna Titania, Sakuya

on the way: want: Sailor Moon, Miki, Yukiho

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The thing impresses(?) me so far is that doll is shipped with jeans and wig on. I don't think Mirai comes with body stocking nor the clothes are stain free. Probably because the doll is made by order so the duration those are put on doll will not be long enough to stain anything. But it is still an interesting move as I don't normally see dolls are shipped with ready dressed up at this 1/3 scale and particular this price point.


Also apart from the smart version, I'm curious that how many people here are actually getting this manual version as a doll or as the character Mirai herself? I know many people get limited DDs despite having no prior knowledge to the characters themselves. At first I was very excited because the thought of a custom doll that is not from big names. However, with its mass production going on, the idea of "custom" faded out eventually and I started to think if this manual version can do any better than current line ups. Obitsu has been trailing Volks for years and they are still having long way to go. Is there any chance for an "outsider" to do something different?

At home Haruka (Haruka Niimi), Akira (Akira), Saber (Saber Alter), Madoka (Madoka SQ-Lab), Rise (Rise Kujikawa), Yukiho (Yukiho Hagiwara) & Touka (DDH-07)

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I think that Danny Choo has a big enough following that, while he may not necessarily provide a lot of competition to Volks, he will certainly hit a very broad range of potential customers, and even with only a couple of dolls he could certainly become a fairly significant player.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Did you saw the price for her somewhere? @_@ I remember that I saw someone talking about it somewhere but I can't find it anymore. >////

Dollfie Family:

DD Emilia - DD Mashiro Mito (Custom) -  DD Asuna Titania - DDdy Sasara - DD Kirika - DDH16 Tan - DD Rin Tohsaka

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  Kushina said:
Did you saw the price for her somewhere? @_@ I remember that I saw someone talking about it somewhere but I can't find it anymore. >////<

Around 600 and 900 depending on the version you want. US$ ofc.

df64a03a777dc9f9a060ef6b286773b3-1.gif    ✩ 𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓶 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔁 ✩

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  Bellatrix said:
  Kushina said:
Did you saw the price for her somewhere? @_@ I remember that I saw someone talking about it somewhere but I can't find it anymore. >////<

Around 600 and 900 depending on the version you want. US$ ofc.


Perfect! Thank you very much

Dollfie Family:

DD Emilia - DD Mashiro Mito (Custom) -  DD Asuna Titania - DDdy Sasara - DD Kirika - DDH16 Tan - DD Rin Tohsaka

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