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Danny Choo Mirai Suenaga doll [NSFW] nude doll bits

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Has anyone done a side-by-side comparison of a Smartdoll with Dollfie Dreams yet?

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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Can't wait to see Chitose, Kizuna, and Kanata! And of course all the school uniforms and solar marine uniforms! Ahhhh so hyped for their arrival!


If Mirai takes off hopefully we'll see Eiji Seiun and a smaller Haruka. Can you imagine people's fangirl/boying if a male Smart Doll came out?! I'd be among them to be sure.

At home; DDH-07 'Medea',

Saving for; A body and Saber Lily ^_^

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  WoundedNight64 said:
Can you imagine people's fangirl/boying if a male Smart Doll came out?!


He's at least taking it into consideration. I could easily (if I had the funds) buy 10 of them when/if they come out to do various boys on my wishlist.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Yes I've seen the comment section on smart doll website, seem like danny will consider making a male smart doll, and I want kizuna and chitose as well can't wait..

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He said he's interested in only doing Culture Japan characters, not licensed stuff, so I guess a male Smart Doll would be himself?

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  Eiko82 said:
Has anyone done a side-by-side comparison of a Smartdoll with Dollfie Dreams yet?


Not yet but I'm planning on it. I've got a lot of things coming up personally in the next week or two but I want to do a proper body comparison between a DD3 and Mirai soon. I'm going to do a bust swap on Mirai this week and I'll take plenty of pics of it as well as show people that some of the DD hands *will* work on Mirai.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  foo said:
He said he's interested in only doing Culture Japan characters, not licensed stuff, so I guess a male Smart Doll would be himself?


actually, there IS a Male culture japan characterin the form of Eiji , so the chances of him becoming a smart doll is up there


If that happens, I will be in danger because I've been seriously thinking of wanting to make a custom of my husbando tatsuya, and if he does release Eiji, god knows how quick it'll take me to sucbleepb to getting one


Haruna (Alter V2 remakeup ver) ☆ Nyx (Rise remakeup ver) ☆ Senka (Rise ) ☆ Aila (DDH-01) ☆ Nero (Saber Extra) ☆ Sora (Miku) ☆ Anemone (Sasara V2) ☆ Beauvoir (Sheryl Nome Remakep ver) ☆ Nymnir Nyven (Yuriko & Liliru) ☆ Jeanne D' Arc ☆ Y'shtola ☆ Leucothea (2b Remakeup ver) 


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  Aile said:
actually, there IS a Male culture japan characterin the form of Eiji , so the chances of him becoming a smart doll is up there.

... oh. I think Danny would be more popular though (・・')

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He's specifically said that the Smart Doll is only going to be for the characters he already has. I just always assumed Eiji was an anime version of Danny.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Hmm... smart doll 008, so there's six others we've yet to see? Well, I know 2 and 3 are planned, but that still leaves 4-7 unknown. Interesting.

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I guess Eiji will be the last one in the series. But hopefully that means we'll get Smart Doll "Sister" Haruka! I have a feeling she'll be released as 007 before Eiji though because the aesthetic will have to be altered. But that makes me wonder about who's missing or if we'll be seeing another character?

At home; DDH-07 'Medea',

Saving for; A body and Saber Lily ^_^

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What I wonder about the missing ones, if Danny is counting the automatic versions in there as well?


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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  Sister Kyoya said:
What I wonder about the missing ones, if Danny is counting the automatic versions in there as well?


~Sister Kyoya

That makes more sense. I suppose Smart Doll 002 (003?) would be Mirai Automatic version. But does that mean that the other lovely girls and guy won't be getting automatic versions?

At home; DDH-07 'Medea',

Saving for; A body and Saber Lily ^_^

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Link to his figure.fm post http://www.figure.fm/en/post/53625/Smart+Doll+Boy.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+figure_fm_main_feed_eng+%28figure.fm%29


I'm so excited for this! The dollfie heads fit the smart doll body, I hear? Has there been a review about that yet?

Home: Melty, Aoko, Saber A2, MOMO, KOS-MOS, Nanami, Yaya, Yuu-Nii, Kei & Kuu (3x DDH07), Asuna, Rise, Miki, Sakura S, Youmu, Miku

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  Milkbiscuit said:
The dollfie heads fit the smart doll body, I hear? Has there been a review about that yet?


Yes they can, but it takes a very simple mod using a piece of inline tubing if I remember correctly. I'd hope that Danny would make an adapter eventually.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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  Sister Kyoya said:

Yes they can, but it takes a very simple mod using a piece of inline tubing if I remember correctly. I'd hope that Danny would make an adapter eventually.


~Sister Kyoya

Ooh I hope so! Imagine how much easier it would be in comparison to modding an Obitsu body *shudders in remembrance*

Home: Melty, Aoko, Saber A2, MOMO, KOS-MOS, Nanami, Yaya, Yuu-Nii, Kei & Kuu (3x DDH07), Asuna, Rise, Miki, Sakura S, Youmu, Miku

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Oooh gosh, I saw that post too and I am super excited about a boy doll. I hope the body is nice!


I have to say though, I find his posts about bucking up and doing things and not being lazy really off-putting. I had a boss who was like that, he would always talk about how he came from nothing and how he did everything himself and he tried to use that as an example to others. Except if you actually got to know him, you found out he had a giant ego and was also a bully. He was the worst boss I ever had, and working for him triggered some serious depression and emotional issues that have paralyzed my life since. I wish Danny would cool it on his life lessons.

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  Coco said:
I have to say though, I find his posts about bucking up and doing things and not being lazy really off-putting.


I kinda have to agree. Sure sitting around being lazy and bemoaning that dreams are unobtainable isn't going to get you a lick closer. I'd rather see people discovering what they love to do and are highly talented at it chase after their dreams. Those are the people I want to cheer for. Do I sit around on my butt all day? Yes, actually I do. But I'm also working like a madwoman on various aspects of my business, because its what I love to do. The whole 'pick yourself up by your bootstraps' mentality doesn't work for everyone. It never did for me and I heard that from my dad most of my life. It is also based on the assumption that everyone has the same exact opportunities in life, and would make all the proper choices 'when the time came' and that isn't always true either.


I'm sure it is just Danny's way of trying to encourage people, but when he repeats it SO much, it gets tiring having to listen to it.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Yes, the idea that "Everybody could be super amazing if they just try hard enough, so if you're not successful then it's entirely your own darn fault and you are clearly lazy" is a little BS. It's like sitting down at an eight player game of Monopoly and telling everybody that, obviously, they should have all won, too, and if they aren't the one winner, then they were obviously just too lazy... Yes, sitting around moaning doesn't get you anywhere (unless, of course, you're born rich and/or famous), but working your butt off and trying as hard as possible is not necessarily a guarantee of success either. I know plenty of people in the retail and service industries who work FAR harder than some CEOs, but are earning less than a hunderedth as much, so clearly just hard work "trying" is not everything.


Anyways, back on topic, I love that he has the nipple-less small bust and I REALLY hope he expands the bust options to include both with and without nipple versions of all three sizes.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Wow, awesome news about the male Smart Doll Sounds like there's plenty of time to save up at least (I presume Danny will finish Eiji last, especially since he has to create a new body from almost scratch).




As for Danny's lecturing....hm, I expect people ask him pretty often about how he got successful and that's why he gives that advice a lot. And like anyone giving advice, it's based off their own experiences and therefore doesn't apply to everyone. I think success isn't just about trying hard, you have to know what you want and what to do to get there. If you work really hard at that retail job, it probably won't get you very far. But if what you're trying to do is start a business, there's a very different set of steps you'll have to take to succeed, and that will be a lot of work.


Like Sister Kyoya, I'm trying to make money off of my art/craft work, and it's a struggle I can tell you! Danny's done things very differently from me and the results really show. He has a large fan following that will buy pretty much anything he puts out there (I pretty much put my stuff up on one site and hope people notice). Plus, he has no problem with recruiting outside help to produce things like the Smart Doll (I try to do everything myself, which limits how much I can produce). So, yeah, I could probably take some of Danny's lecturing/life story to heart and really improve from it ^^;

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Heavens, one thing I'm super hoping to get from this Smart Doll line is a really nice kendo uniform. I've yet to find material that looks like a thin version of my uniform, and tiny shinai are hard to come by, so I'm really, really hoping! Also, high heel feet. Damnit, someone give us high heel feet for these dolls.


I can understand that yes, he does it to encourage people, but I can't stand so much of it. It just reawakens my bitterness over my experience every time. I struggle with getting out of bed every day and I can barely get myself to do things I really want to do, I don't want to hear lectures about how great everything could be if I just worked harder. D:

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  Coco said:

I can understand that yes, he does it to encourage people, but I can't stand so much of it. It just reawakens my bitterness over my experience every time. I struggle with getting out of bed every day and I can barely get myself to do things I really want to do, I don't want to hear lectures about how great everything could be if I just worked harder. D:

I do know how you feel there T_T I feel lethargic most of the time and I know working all day just wears me out. I don't need to be rich, I just want to make enough to buy dollie stuff

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  Yukamina said:
I do know how you feel there T_T I feel lethargic most of the time and I know working all day just wears me out. I don't need to be rich, I just want to make enough to buy dollie stuff


I second this. I have severe bouts of depression, regularly cannot sleep through a full night, and yet I have a dust allergy that makes me feel only about 50% awake even when I've had plenty of rest. (Seriously, it makes me feel almost like a narcoleptic.) I'm pretty much aiming for the stars in my approach to building my store, but base line I just want to earn enough to support my doll habit. I'd LOVE to be able to just buy my kiddos clothes, shoes, and all the goodies, but currently all our extra funds go into just getting the DD we want and supplies for the store when I need them. I feel like my only option to spoil them is by making them more clothes, but there are times when I get tired of feeling like I have to do everything myself. I never pay attention to the Volks clothing releases because at the moment we just can't manage it.


From the way I grew up, its hard not getting the 'rich kid' vibe from Danny. But he's a super nice guy who actually listens to what people want, so I give him a lot more grace because of that. It boggles me that his new line of dolls opened for regular sales barely a week ago, and he's already said he can do a boy because people want it. We have been asking Volks for years for that very thing, and they seem to hardly acknowledge it. I guess I've had so much crap in my life that I just try hard to think the best of people unless they prove me utterly wrong.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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