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Horns for your dolls?

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I'm currently searching for a pair of horns for my girl. So far I've only found some on Leeke world, but sadly they were a bit too small for my liking. I'm searching for antlers and also a pretty big pair of goathorns like the girl at the bottom in this picture:


Do you happen to know any good stores? I've found some good looking horns on BJD sites, but I don't know if they may be too small for my girl?


Own- Melina - DD Rise Kujikawa, Luke Triton - MDD hybrid, Clive Dove - DD hybrid, Arianna - DD Yui Hirasawa

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Bobobie/resinsoul make some horn parts http://www.bobobie.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=33&zenid=kmbv3akcjv0joee2ls06c8fqh4%22


Souldoll makes horns too, but not the kind you're looking for maybe http://souldoll.com/shop/step0.php?b_code=B20061002074242&c_code=C20110201045743


Soom also makes horns for their limited dolls, so you might be able to find something on the secondhand market.


You could make some with clay (and attach with magnets) or commission someone to make some for you too. I've made horns for my doll with Apoxie Sculpt (they are a bit heavy, though, so a lighter material might be better)

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Thank you very much!

Yeah, I thought about making them in clay, but I worried they would be a bit too heavy. /: Maybe ladoll clay could work...


Own- Melina - DD Rise Kujikawa, Luke Triton - MDD hybrid, Clive Dove - DD hybrid, Arianna - DD Yui Hirasawa

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I used to make horns for my dolls that were completely made out of clay.

The big ones where way too heavy.

I think that it's possible to make lighter horns if you use something light, foam or something, as a base and then put the clay over it and sculpt.

Mina - DDS Millhi, Lucy - DDS Melty, Sammy - DDII Sakuno, Ellie - MDD DDH-01, Niki - MDD Mayu, Sasha - DDIII Miku

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What about making them out of Sculpey Ultralight? Or maybe... oh what's it called....Instamorph! :o?

Rise, Rise #2, Kasumi - Rise x 3// Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP) // Akechi - DDH-25 

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Leekeworld carries a large variety of horns scaled even up to SD sized dolls. They're restocking on February 15th.



Oh I found the perfect horns! O: And here I thought all the horns only was for small dolls.


Own- Melina - DD Rise Kujikawa, Luke Triton - MDD hybrid, Clive Dove - DD hybrid, Arianna - DD Yui Hirasawa

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