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For me, it's some of each. Yuriko I self-assembled, but I have M.O.M.O on pre-order (Although I intend to change her eyes). All of the other dolls I have in my head so far are customs. I'm just picky about my girls, I will only get one that I truly fall in love with, and I don't fall in love easily. Also, the character dolls that I want haven't been made yet and likely never will because they are from older series. If another girl comes along, like M.O.M.O, who sweeps me off my feet, then I will certainly be willing to purchase fullset again, but I really love the process of imagining what I want a girl to look like and trying to pick out all the right pieces to get her there perfectly. I also find that that process helps me bond a lot easier (something else I have difficulty with).


Yes, I can relate to that. I found those Blythes I customised and/or re-rooted their scalps were the ones I bonded with most. Hopefully, it will be the same with any future DD's and other BJD's, although there have been a few who I have already fallen in love with as they are. Wish I was a BANKER!!

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bankers dun have that much to spend either. you know with crisis and such. better to be a civil servant

making my triumphant return

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I just wish I had my own factory to make vinyl dolls (and the money to run it) so I could make all the perfect DD boy heads and bodies I want. If I had that, who cares about money?


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I just wish I had my own factory to make vinyl dolls (and the money to run it) so I could make all the perfect DD boy heads and bodies I want. If I had that, who cares about money?


~Sister Kyoya


But if that happened, you'll have one day where you can't find Raven, and realize he's buried under a mountain of doll parts.

Are you ready to rock? ^_^

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I just wish I had my own factory to make vinyl dolls (and the money to run it) so I could make all the perfect DD boy heads and bodies I want. If I had that, who cares about money?


~Sister Kyoya


But if that happened, you'll have one day where you can't find Raven, and realize he's buried under a mountain of doll parts.


You have NO idea just how true that is. I've had dreams about being unable to walk through the house without stepping on little vinyl boys and their assorted parts all over the place. Of course, Sakurasylph seems to be doing his best to make this come true all the sooner.


I don't know, I'm seriously starting to re-think my dream of moving to Japan someday, simply because it would put us closer to you two and your enabling ways. I bet that if shipping were that much less of an issue, she'd catch up to Baldylox.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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I just wish I had my own factory to make vinyl dolls (and the money to run it) so I could make all the perfect DD boy heads and bodies I want. If I had that, who cares about money?


~Sister Kyoya


But if that happened, you'll have one day where you can't find Raven, and realize he's buried under a mountain of doll parts.


You have NO idea just how true that is. I've had dreams about being unable to walk through the house without stepping on little vinyl boys and their assorted parts all over the place. Of course, Sakurasylph seems to be doing his best to make this come true all the sooner.


I don't know, I'm seriously starting to re-think my dream of moving to Japan someday, simply because it would put us closer to you two and your enabling ways. I bet that if shipping were that much less of an issue, she'd catch up to Baldylox.


Hmm... not seeing the problem yet... He wouldn't need much space so I could just keep the corner behind the front door clear so he can sleep. Isn't that enough space for him in a 2 story house?


No, I am not that cruel. But I can't say it wasn't a lovely image of so many dolly boys in the house. Of course if anyone came over I'd end up telling every long and involved story with each boy and how they interconnect, driving the visitor so batty that they would run screaming out of our house. And now with my new friend from my Japanese class spamming me with tons of anime to watch, seeing even more anime guys...


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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