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Saber's glamor shots ^_^

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As promised, here are some photos I did with Saber after her wig swap.


I was in the kitchen around 10am on Saturday and noticed the sun was beaming into the kitchen thru my backdoor. I had taken some shots here before with Rei and knew the light would make for some cool photos. The light only lasted about an hour so I had to move quick to get the poses and such I wanted.


But I think I got a lot of great shots of her here. Just by having some sunlight and a wooden chair, I made some cool pics that I'm very happy with.




DSC_9880 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9881 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9883 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9887 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9888 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9890 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9892 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9894 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9895 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9897 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9900 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9903 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9904 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9906 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9909 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9910 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9915 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9917 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9919 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9922 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9923 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_9930 by balldylox, on Flickr



And there she is.... my beautiful little Empress.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Those are such lovely photos! She is so beautiful! The lighting is perfect.

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She's looking great here, loving the poses! I wish I would get sunlight like that into my apartment as well. >_

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Gotta love getting lighting opportunities like this.

21 DD girls: Mio, Marina, Yui, Yoko, Nia, Lily, Arisu, Akina, Momo, Arisa, Yukina, Ayaka, Niimi, Eri, Millefeuille, Ekisu, Chitose, Miyabi, KOS-MOS v.4, Hatsune Miku and God Eater Alisa. 2B in a hopeful future.

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What a beautiful wig Really compliments her face as well as her eyes! So glowy!!

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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so lovely, Billy

~ Misheru...the *M* in H&M House of Vinyl ~ ℒℴѵℯ❤

( ͒ ु•·̫• ू ͒) ˚₊✩‧ All your dolliehs are belong to us! ✩‧₊˚ ( ͒ ु•·̫• ू ͒)

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hmmm... did she grow... looks a "little" bigger then usual to me

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Beautiful picture of Saber

I see she made a special for daddy at the end

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So many wonderful pics!


Although something seems very off... She is highly and uncommonly obedient. What did you bribe her with? It would have had to be major to get that much cooperation out of her! Was someone on the sidelines doing a moe strip show or something?


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Oh boy, that's it. I'm totally in love with your Saber, never thought that'd happen to me. Her eyes have this nice shiny glow paired with this wig.

home  Victoria Beatrice {DD Beatrice}  DD 2B  DDB 9S  Lavi {TF Murphy}  Mocha {TF Fluffy}  Anastasia {TF Ashley}  TakoTako {TF Piercy}

waiting for  DDS Alisaie  DDSB Alphinaud  TinyFox Poison

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Those are great shots of such a great girl! Her wig was very lovely as well!

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Those are such lovely photos! She is so beautiful! The lighting is perfect.


Internet approves! A lot!


Gotta love getting lighting opportunities like this.


What a beautiful wig Really compliments her face as well as her eyes! So glowy!!


so lovely, Billy


Saber Chan So prettttty!


Those are great shots of such a great girl! Her wig was very lovely as well!




Thank you very much everyone! I'm very glad you all enjoyed the pics!



hmmm... did she grow... looks a "little" bigger then usual to me



Actually no, Saber Extra comes as an L-bust as default. I think this tiny dress accentuates her bustline a little tho.



Beautiful picture of Saber

I see she made a special for daddy at the end



Ha ha! She did indeed.



So many wonderful pics! Although something seems very off... She is highly and uncommonly obedient. What did you bribe her with? It would have had to be major to get that much cooperation out of her! Was someone on the sidelines doing a moe strip show or something?



First off, thank you! Secondly, no, there were no bribes for these photos. All Saber needed was Yoko's words of encouragement and seeing me break out the camera especially for her. I think she quite enjoys being the center of attention and is also a bit of a camera hog.



Oh boy, that's it. I'm totally in love with your Saber, never thought that'd happen to me. Her eyes have this nice shiny glow paired with this wig.



Thank you so very much! I'm flattered for sure. And I agree about her eyes, they do look super shiny and bright with this wig.

I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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