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Melty's Valentine's

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A little late I know, but I’ve been really poorly this week so even just a simple photo shoot like this took a LOT of planning and effort today. I know Valentines day is either over, or nearly over in most time zones now, but I really wanted to share this!


I didn't even need to think about who would be the model for this shoot, Melty for me was the obvious choice, because she has already stolen my heart~



Melty, Valentine by aquilla429, on Flickr



Melty, Valentine by aquilla429, on Flickr



Melty, Valentine by aquilla429, on Flickr



sorbee heart by aquilla429, on Flickr


There are a couple more pictures at my flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/aquilla429/ or on my blog http://www.aquilla429.co.uk


I didn't want to spam the board too much. I hope you enjoy her ^^


My new domain and blog is now based on tumblr, you can find me at http://www.aquilla429.com


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Cute pics.


Also was nice to see how changing the ribbon color works, since it was something I was considering also in fear of stains.


Would dare to say it matches the arm sleeves, and stockings better now.

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Cute pics.


Also was nice to see how changing the ribbon color works, since it was something I was considering also in fear of stains.


Would dare to say it matches the arm sleeves, and stockings better now.


I think I like the dress more with the white ribbon to be honest, not only did the black ribbon stain but it was basically invisible.


If Volks made the split of her dress more visible, like in her illustrations then I would have tried to find a black ribbon that did not stain.


My new domain and blog is now based on tumblr, you can find me at http://www.aquilla429.com


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Really nice pictures !! I will change my ribbon too

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Ah, she's so lovely. Fantastic pics

Lovely greets Missy

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The pictures are great. I love the red blanket and all the cut-out hearts. The third picture is very inviting~

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Great shots! I like the ribbon change, too.

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Great shots! I like the ribbon change, too.


Changing the ribbon was worth doing to protect her body and I actually think it looks nicer this way.


If Volks had made the split in the dress more prominent, like in the official artwork for Melty, then I would have gone to the trouble of finding a 'safe' black ribbon for her. But since there is no gap at all, the black ribbon is basically invisible anyway so I thought I'd see how white ribbon looked. I'm really happy with it, it add another cute element to my girl and also makes her that little bit more 'mine'.


My new domain and blog is now based on tumblr, you can find me at http://www.aquilla429.com


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(≧∇≦)I LOVE these pictures she is just to adorable!!!

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Spoke too soon....

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She is gorgeous the more I look the more I want one

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So cute!!~ :3

Nice idea with ribbon change~ but what about the stockings and arms? they can still stain doesnt it? :o

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She is gorgeous the more I look the more I want one


She is the first doll who I have had absolutley zero regrets about!


So cute!!~ :3

Nice idea with ribbon change~ but what about the stockings and arms? they can still stain doesnt it? :o


I have checked the sleeves, stockings and her suspender belt numerous times and there has been no staining from any of them. The only thing that stains is the corset ribbon.


My new domain and blog is now based on tumblr, you can find me at http://www.aquilla429.com


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Great photos! The little hearts are a very nice touch! I have to agree with everyone else that the ribbon change was a good move.

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Great photos! The little hearts are a very nice touch! I have to agree with everyone else that the ribbon change was a good move.


The hearts were such a pain to do, I cut them all out myself out of coloured paper, it took what felt like forever! It was worth doing though because it really added that extra something the shoot needed.


I did do some shots without the hearts, but I deleted them all as it was so bland without them.


My new domain and blog is now based on tumblr, you can find me at http://www.aquilla429.com


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Awwwwwww >////< She's so cute! I love the setup and everything ;^; I wish I could have my very own melty OTL


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Wow, the expressions each of photos convey are really impressive.

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