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Hahaha, I love how the tiny hat is in the middle. She has a lot of cute hats, but that might be my favorite one of the bunch.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I think I like Saber best in the hat on the top left.... that style is just so cute!


As for random pics, I finally have one of Manami to add! She got all dressed up for going out of town with me this weekend only to have her dreams shattered due to my workplace being total assmonkeys about the day after Thanksgiving. Needless to say, I had to cancel my plans for the weekend so no trip for us.


Still, I think she looks excellent. She threw this outfit together using all sorts of random bits and it somehow works nicely on her. How she got her Pai into that tiny Tree Designs shirt I'll never know...




And yes, she DOES have a DD sized fanny pack on! I bought it at a local store that sells off brand American Girl merchandise and it was only 5 bucks so I just *had* to get it. I find fanny packs in real life to be horrible looking things but for some reason, this works out well in DD size. I know a couple of my girls would NEVER be caught dead wearing one but a few of them would be happy to use it. Oddly enuff, I put Manami in the first camp of never wearing it. I guess she always finds new ways of proving me wrong....





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Oddly enuff, I put Manami in the first camp of never wearing it. I guess she always finds new ways of proving me wrong....




I have a suspicion that what gets put into the fanny pack probably makes a difference with her. Granola bars and extra Kleenex? No way. Teeny beer bottles and cookies, on the other hand. . .


Nothing wrong with a bit of mix n match; that's basically been what I've done with Agatha the past few meets. I also approve of how you put the fanny pack to the side instead of dead center in the front--wish more real people would wear them that way!


Bummer about your weekend though. Stupid retailers and their stupid aggressive holiday promotions.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I have a suspicion that what gets put into the fanny pack probably makes a difference with her. Granola bars and extra Kleenex? No way. Teeny beer bottles and cookies, on the other hand. . .


Ha ha! I think you're onto something there! I'm sure she would argue that cookies and beer give you WAY more energy than granola and water...


Nothing wrong with a bit of mix n match; that's basically been what I've done with Agatha the past few meets. I also approve of how you put the fanny pack to the side instead of dead center in the front--wish more real people would wear them that way!


I like doing mix and match outfits but I don't always succeed with them. The outfit she has on now went thru 3 revisions due to things not looking as good as I thought they would on her. But we were both pretty happy with this one tho. And YES! I totally agree with you about the side carry for the pack instead of dead front like I see all too often. People, it's called a FANNY pack for a reason! It's SUPPOSED to go around the back, over your FANNY!


Bummer about your weekend though. Stupid retailers and their stupid aggressive holiday promotions.


Actually, I'm not in retail anymore. I work for a landscape company doing spray technician stuff. We were told last week that we would have both Thursday AND Friday off with pay. Suddenly today we hear that we can have Friday off but WITHOUT being paid for it. And when I asked why we were told different last week, no one had an answer for me. So now the plans I had are ruined and I get to work on Friday so I can get my 40 hours in and be able to pay my bills. The real kicker is that anyone who is NOT an hourly employee WILL get Friday off PAID. So if you're a higher up on salary like all the bosses are, you get a paid two days off and 4 days off in a row. If you're a grunt like me, you get one day off and have your plans destroyed. Thank you Corporate America!


And yes, I'm bitter about it. Sorry to totally derail the photo thread with all this. To make up for it, have a bit of sassy and sexy all at once thanks to Angel Rei:







I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I'm really sorry to hear about your job being a stinker, but Manami is too adorable! If she felt like hiking... Oh, that's right, cookie bribes are out. Still, I wish she could come visit someday.


So if you have a fanny pack that isn't worn on your fanny, would it be a belly pack or a hipster pack?


That's a really lovely picture of Rei too.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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So if you have a fanny pack that isn't worn on your fanny, would it be a belly pack or a hipster pack?

~Sister Kyoya


Pretty sure that's called an "ugly pack" or a "tacky pack".

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Decided to take a quick couple of photos of all the different hats that Saber has collected over the last 5 months.

The party hat made me lol

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welcome winter



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That awkward moment when you go to a doll meet and someone is wearing the same skirt as you AKA Mariko found a Friend XD

(Hope this pic is allowed ^v^"")



Doll meet 30th Nov by Princess-Oni, on Flickr


And Hatsuko got to try on some more wigs >v< This one is my Favourite of the few



Doll meet 30th Nov by Princess-Oni, on Flickr


And Emiko also found some friends



Doll meet 30th Nov by Princess-Oni, on Flickr

I have more dollfies than my age in years *×*

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Ohhh! Aya's wig = wig of fire. Really goes well with her rosy cheeks an purple eyes.


That's a sweet outfit, fit for a songstress


Thanks. It's a nice Monique Gold wig that's blonde/orange. She also has a blonde/pink one in the same style that she wears as well.

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Talk about random! I was digging thru some old photo folders and found this little nugget someone photoshopped of me, Mamimi and Mai at a doll meet at Brookgreen Gardens:




Yeah, that's EXACTLY how I feel sometimes.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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took a few quick photos of Nao tonight~


I'm really loving these shadow eyes. Even if a lot of people have been freaked out by it ahaha;;


Nao by Nemuritor, on Flickr



Shadow eyes by Nemuritor, on Flickr


Haruna (Alter V2 remakeup ver) ☆ Nyx (Rise remakeup ver) ☆ Senka (Rise ) ☆ Aila (DDH-01) ☆ Nero (Saber Extra) ☆ Sora (Miku) ☆ Anemone (Sasara V2) ☆ Beauvoir (Sheryl Nome Remakep ver) ☆ Nymnir Nyven (Yuriko & Liliru) ☆ Jeanne D' Arc ☆ Y'shtola ☆ Leucothea (2b Remakeup ver) 


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Ooh! I really like those eyes. She has such a beautiful face anyway, but the eyes give her a sort of intelligent intensity!


Heading out to get a Christmas tree today and Ryomou decided to grab a coat and come with!



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My Kosma in full-ish armor which was a pain to put on.


KOS-MOS Armor on. 1 by Migon_, on Flickr

My Saber collection.


Seityan - DDIII Saber Extra, Kosma - DDIII KOS-MOS.

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It's not a full DD but it's part of one... the BEST part!






That's too funny not to share in my opinion.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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It's not a full DD but it's part of one... the BEST part!






That's too funny not to share in my opinion.






Best part. Lol. Sharon agrees.



Sharon: Barbie has nothing on these.

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That is pretty funny.

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omg, lol that 'ecchi things are bad' censor is the best XD

Some super lovely dolls in here! I can't wait til my head gets here so I can paint it and contribute!

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