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@baldylox that is probably the funniest thing I've seen today. Also, a Spyro kigu?! Nice! I'd love to see one of those DD size too.

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Omg baldylox that is so cute!! I love the kigurumis.

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@baldylox that is probably the funniest thing I've seen today. Also, a Spyro kigu?! Nice! I'd love to see one of those DD size too.


Omg baldylox that is so cute!! I love the kigurumis.


Thanks guys! I wish we could have had something a bit more Raptor-like to show off what we were trying to do but we figured this was more fun anyways. It was funny because at the meetup, everyone was asking what the deal was with Sumi and our outfits. Once we got Sumi in her pose along with us and Kaitlynn, everyone figured it out pretty quickly. I'm just glad other people liked the outfits. We got them off Ebay for like $20 each with shipping and the feet I have on were less than 10 bucks shipped. Well worth it to me!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Pretty Miku is pretty!



Miku Daylight by bodolza, on Flickr


These are the Smart Doll shorts. They cost a lot but I didn't think the TTYA SD13 ones would fit very well considering how their jeans don't hug the butt property on DDs. These fit perfectly

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OMG! This is what I wanted out of a Nico-chan! She needs more outfits/photoshoots! At least the tiger parka set!

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OMG! This is what I wanted out of a Nico-chan! She needs more outfits/photoshoots! At least the tiger parka set!

Don't worry, I'll be making more! I started with this one because the pieces are easy and I had fabric left over from making this cosplay for myself. I'm making her tiger parka next, then her blue yukata with yellow butterflies.


Also, thank you so much!

it's all daijoubu baby

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girlsrockrio is that the same wig Sonico had last time you showed her off? O: It looks like a different one. I read on your blog (or Facebook page, I can't remember) that you were waiting on a new wig for her. It looks great!


I'm also going to take this opportunity to show off Yoko and Nia. I reorganized my desk so that the girls would have more space, and I get to display some of my stuff. They seem rather happy with all this newfound free space.


22714281689_f41a51d289_z.jpgYoko and Nia have a snuggle by Sara Fernandez, on Flickr

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girlsrockrio is that the same wig Sonico had last time you showed her off? O: It looks like a different one. I read on your blog (or Facebook page, I can't remember) that you were waiting on a new wig for her. It looks great!

Yep, the original one I had on her was just a Kemper I could pick up quickly. This one is CoolCat, and it's much nicer. I'm flattered that someone actually reads my blog too, haha.


Your girls are so cute together! I love the cozy pose.

it's all daijoubu baby

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Seems like i forgot to share one of the firsts sneak peek of my fourth girl Amaryllis , she unexpectedly came to me as a gift from Pharaviel for my birthday in August , she's a MDD body with a 06 head i personally modded and faceupped, here trying out a couple of WDS eyes which probably her and her sisters will get a day or another (even if probably she'll have a different style and color) . Wig is also temporary (searching for a suitable wig for her from some time)


23129010901_f37b69aaa2.jpg12043098_183789711956592_8088975602962167188_n by Sydia87, su Flickr

****** My Custom DD outfits shop ******My Custom Faceups shop ******


Girls at home:


Lilac - DD2 WS + DDH-06 /Primrose - White Christmas Alna head /Iris - DDS NS + DDH-05 modded /Amaryllis - MDD NS + DDH-06 modded

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SydiaYuki, I love her soft smile!

Creme's items arrived today, so she is "herself" now. (Let's pretend that's a smart phone and not a sideways PSP... )


it's all daijoubu baby

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Shiori is modeling her new outfit my hubby bought for her in Japan. It was the last Volks outfit he could find in their store.



Edited by Guest

At Home:

DD Snow Miku, DD Luka, DDS Makoto, DD Airy, DDS KizunaAI

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I may not have fisted hands or good lighting in my apartment, but I do have a casual dress for Ranka!




I wish I could take decent pictures of it, but since it's already dark before I leave work, I probably have to wait until Spring.

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Doll Sizing | Pattern Index

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Miku complete with jewelry my mom bought while she was out and about, a pinwheel and jeans on her head on the way home from a doll meet yesterday. The Mikuzukin set stains along seams/threads which is a disappointment (Although considering it's volks I probably expected too much). She was due for stain treatment anyways after getting it bad from a tank top so, no big deal. I'll get a white t-shirt for her to wear under it next time as I really don't seem to like full bodysuits. It just looks bad. On the bright side she's been well spoiled before getting treated!


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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My knight Isabelle is happy because she can finally hold her sword Thanks Kitsune for the hands!


23002342439_bf80c2f32a_z.jpgDSC04780-enh by Mysha, on Flickr


And Maya just couldn't remain indifferent to this

23370277125_b9b94e5fea_z.jpgDSC04777-enh by Mysha, on Flickr


For some of you wondering - these are DD normal skin hands on Obitsu white skin body.



- Kizuna [smart Doll] - Isabelle [saber Extra + Obitsu60] - Maya [DDS DDH-06] - Angelica [DD Sakuya] - Kitty [MDD Mariko] - Moonlight [smart Doll] - Emily [DD Miku] -


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Just got this adorable Volks puppy dog outfit from Waha and HAD to put it on my little sourpuss Bud. I think it's perfect on her. She doesn't seem to agree....


23397431915_0c32f5876b_z.jpgPuppy outfit for Bud. by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


23288965692_5ca933ebef_z.jpgStupid dog outfit... this sucks. by Billy Bennett, on Flickr




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Just got this adorable Volks puppy dog outfit from Waha and HAD to put it on my little sourpuss Bud. I think it's perfect on her. She doesn't seem to agree....



looking pretty ticked off

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Bud is looking pretty ticked off


Yeah but she's still ADORABLE.


And speaking of adorable... would this be considered adorable? Or kind of scary?


23432498056_cd2e1b5a06_z.jpgGimmie cake or else! by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


I love this sword! It's huge and it's made of FLAMES! Kaitlynn seems to like it too. And yes, she is actually holding that all by herself! The only thing helping hold it up is her head.... it's leaning on her for support but other than that, nothing else is helping hold the weight.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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