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I'm glad that she got the body; they both look so cute here! I'm sure she's happy to have it!

Thank you! She sure does look very happy!

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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Got a bunch of more photos of Miku up so now I can spam the forums with her kawaii self. Here's a couple of her hanging out in my little world of make believe.





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Look at all those trains! That is frikkin fan-TASTIC! How long did it take to get so many trains and the layout done? What size are those? How many times have you pulled a Gomez Addams and wrecked some trains together?




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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The trains on the top shelf were from my grandpa, so most are older than I am. All the rest I've been collecting since my 12 year old son was 5, so 7 years, but over 75% of it is within the last 3 years. I have more than can fit on that wall, so I need to get more shelves up. The layout is no where near done. I started building in June of last year (Took me nearly 3 years before that to plan the layout.), and I still haven't even got phase 1 of 3 done. I hope to have the 1st phase done this year, and will probably take a year each for the remaining phases, if I don't keep spending my toy money on DD's (My wife thinks I have too many expensive hobbies. She's probably right.). These are O gauge. I also have trains in N, HO, S, LEGO, and 7.5" gauges. I'll get G sometime after I get the O gauge layout done (Or sooner, maybe.). You'll know I'll have some when you see photos of my girls riding them (But that's not to say I won't figure out how to get Miku to ride these trains either.).


As far as pulling a Gomez, not on purpose, but I've had some wrecks. Here's a photo of the most recent.




That boiler is cast metal, and yes, the running board is bent, a number board is missing near the stack, and the front coupler came off. That was from a 3' fall off of the layout onto the tile floor (Less than a week after I got it!). But it still works! I'll glue the number board and coupler back on, but will leave the bent running board as it'll just break off if I try to fix it. It'll just joint the other three or four locomotives I have with various visible damage from Gomezing it (Not including the various passenger and freight cars and cabooses.).

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Dang, that's amazing that you have even more train stuff that can't be displayed. That room would be soooo much fun to hang out in for me!


That's one heck of a wreck that engine had. Good to see it still works tho!


I used to have a small HO setup that my grandfather helped me with. He made a large board that was affixed to my bedroom wall ( I think it was a 4 foot by 8 foot piece of plywood ) that folded up and out of the way when I wasn't using it and folded down to let me play with track attached to it along with some basic landscape stuffs. It was lots of fun from what I remember.


Now to get back on track ( HA HA! ) I'll post a photo of my newest girl ( she's on the far right ) along with her two twins.


29522298134_e2a60d37f7_z.jpgThe Rei Trifecta! ^_^ by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Hee hee hee..... Rei Trifecta!!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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If you are ever going through PHX you're welcome to drop in. Trains are my #1 passion.


Here's my back on topic photo.



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Dang, that's amazing that you have even more train stuff that can't be displayed. That room would be soooo much fun to hang out in for me!


That's one heck of a wreck that engine had. Good to see it still works tho!


I used to have a small HO setup that my grandfather helped me with. He made a large board that was affixed to my bedroom wall ( I think it was a 4 foot by 8 foot piece of plywood ) that folded up and out of the way when I wasn't using it and folded down to let me play with track attached to it along with some basic landscape stuffs. It was lots of fun from what I remember.


Now to get back on track ( HA HA! ) I'll post a photo of my newest girl ( she's on the far right ) along with her two twins.


29522298134_e2a60d37f7_z.jpgThe Rei Trifecta! ^_^ by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Hee hee hee..... Rei Trifecta!!






Another Rei!? Oh my!!! How exciting!

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I may have found my holy grail boots today! Iroha seems quite happy with it, especially now that her catwoman look is almost complete


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I may have found my holy grail boots today! Iroha seems quite happy with it, especially now that her catwoman look is almost complete


Where did you score those?

She looks like a leather clad dream!


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Another Rei!? Oh my!!! How exciting!


Yeppers! Hopefully I'll have some time soon to do an intro story for her.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Yuyuko slips in between Ran and Rin.

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I may have found my holy grail boots today! Iroha seems quite happy with it, especially now that her catwoman look is almost complete



I ordered those boots last weekend! I am glad to know they fit DD. I thought it was a gamble when they are labelled to be 35cm long. How does the foot fit? Is it much bigger than SD16 shoe? I have that corset too!

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A closer look here


I ordered those boots last weekend! I am glad to know they fit DD. I thought it was a gamble when they are labelled to be 35cm long. How does the foot fit? Is it much bigger than SD16 shoe? I have that corset too!

I feel we have some common taste here

I was actually impressed how well they fit. It's like they have been made for DD

Here is a comparison shot with some Volks boots (SB-DD-003). The foot size is almost identical.



They are a little tight on thighs, but the leather is stretchy enough to close the zipper.

There is a little bit of gap at the top as you can notice on the first picture (on DDIII). It's perfect on DDdy though. A little bit too high maybe


Where did you score those?

She looks like a leather clad dream!

They are from Dollmore. They were out of stock for ages, so I decided to email them to express my great interest in them. The lady told me she will talk to her boss and see if they can have them back, and few days later, voila!

They are so great I'm even thinking of getting a second pair for my other girl

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I may have found my holy grail boots today! Iroha seems quite happy with it, especially now that her catwoman look is almost complete



Could you post where you got all the items she's wearing? I don't want it all, but there are a couple there I do want.

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Mainly from TcDoLL, except the belt which came from an IpleHouse outfit, the Black Artemis Set (moaar black leather ).


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Impressive outfit and magnificent girl. And your light tent makes a beautiful even lighting.


A shot of my new DDH-10, Mint, with lots of thanks to people who told me to keep her (I was definitely not thinking straight when I thought about finding her a new home the day she arrived...) :30346440751_2cbc048522_z.jpg

Edited by Guest

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How lovely, Kitsune. Can't wait to see more!

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Tani is gorgeous! Like Ayu she has that intense but mysterious vibe, but in a different way. Your styling of dolls is just amazing.


And now a photo that'll prolly only make sense to those who have played Pokemon Black 2/ White2:


Mei: “…Hmph. Like I’d even talk to Plasma sbleep.”

Akuro: “…B–but you bring out my full potential…!”

kabedon ain't easy with tsunderes...

At home: Mei (DDP Lucy custom), Aku (DDB Takane custom)


En route: L. (DD Matoi)

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Celia: You find this funny don't you?


Yes... Yes I do.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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She looks great in that wig too.


I would hope so since it's the one she normally wears. Lol Also those bangs are a pain. It's what I get for making an OC with a case of main character hair I suppose.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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The dreaded double puppy eye attack!



Rin: "Torino-san, thank you! You bought this just for us?" *bats eyelashes*

Len: ". . . you know she's terrible at sharing, right?"

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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