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She looks like Di-Chan's avatar. *smiles because she is probably 99.999% wrong because the avatar is most likely Haruhi*


I'm so amazed at my deductive skills once they cross my amazing knowledge base of the anime universe!

10+ points for confidant cluelessness!


~Sister Kyoya (who is desperate for some non-homework induced fun...)


Yeah, Di-Chan's avatar is Haruhi.


The costume, I'm 99.99999% sure, is this...

Are you ready to rock? ^_^

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Hahahahah, yes it Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura! And I will post more photos after the weekend. My MDD body is currently out for repairs.


And my avatar is Haruhi from the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-chan.

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A scandalous forbidden love torn... or you know, just a Halloween shoot


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Great atmosphere! The colors really set the mood. Beautiful costumes, too.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Trying out my phone camera plus the emailing it to myself feature. Still trying to figure out how to use my Japanese cell phone so I can get the larger pic off eventually.


My very long custom project is coming close to an end. I can't show her face yet, since I'm waiting for eyes. Her outfit should give a hint which head mold she's using, as that's the head's default outfit (ignore the white socks, they are not part of the default outfit). I know it's hard to see in that particular pic thanks to shadows + size, but that's intentional.


Are you ready to rock? ^_^

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Random photo I took of Kud with a grape to try out some more lightroom techniques xD



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Your pictures are always gorgeous Nekopon. Stylish Saber Maid is absolutely stunning!


For my random piccy, Mashiro and Yuki pose together, kinda a unicorns unite thing going on for me. =3



Mashiro and Yuki by DefectiveAngel, on Flickr

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Awww, thanks!


Your girls are so cute together, like sisters!

Sisters with mesmerizing eyes. @___@;;

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DefectiveAngel, your girls are looking cute! i love the purple eyes X brunette combo, it looks so gorgeous.


as for this...this is ah... a test!




please let me know if this image works. it's animated. also...to add tweening, or not to add tweening?

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DefectiveAngel, your girls are looking cute! i love the purple eyes X brunette combo, it looks so gorgeous.


as for this...this is ah... a test!




please let me know if this image works. it's animated. also...to add tweening, or not to add tweening?


I get the broken image link icon.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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i can't find anywhere to host this file because flickr doesn't support animated gifs =/


i've made it as small as possible without losing all the quality entirely but it's still 1.2mb


edit: flickr hates animated gifs but it's okay with movies for some reason, so if you really wanna see it go here:




it will take a minute or two (literally) to load even if you have a fast connection because i did not reduce the filesize for the movie like i did for the gif. i'm not very happy with it, i dunno how to make it look good ><"

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Aw, that was cute! I love Fall. I'm surprised that none of your girls ended up with a leaf in their face. That's what would have happened if I had tried it.


F.Y.I. It only took about 30 seconds to load.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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actually only the one on the left is my girl (Mei, Rei 08 DD) ^^ the central one (Saber) belongs to Chise on this forum and the Cirno MDD belongs to pichu10176. Chise and Pichu were the leaf throwers!


PS. glad it only took 30 sec to load, for some reason i waited 2 minutes and i have really good internet, so go figure. now it's cached so idk!

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The animation took all but five seconds to load on my phone, so I'd imagine it would be even faster on the computer. It's really cute! I love the leaves.




My photo random for this morning.



Sweetest Smiles <3 by mintycafe, on Flickr

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I went out and did some fall pictures today.


I love your girls ! They are so pretty in these outfits ! Really cute pictures

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Waaah~ Waha! That outfit is super adorable!

And Piiiiink! I love pink!

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Waha: Your girl is so adorable, and I love that mouth! I don't know why I haven't noticed it before.




OMG! I want her! She's like a perfectly more grownup Rainie but with a different mouth. You simply amaze me. The faceups I've done look like they were scribbled on with crayon in comparison to yours. I can't stop looking at the photo. Even without the new face the picture is simply gorgeous.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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