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Thanks Innocentsake and baldylox ^^

@Billy: She doesn't want to wear it, having an eyepatch is too mainstream nowadays


A wild lion looking at her own reflection in a nearby watering hole


IMG_1662 by stupidlamer, on Flickr


And cooling off a bit


IMG_1666 by stupidlamer, on Flickr

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You have not enough minerals

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Sakura by DefectiveAngel, on Flickr


Sakura in her new waitress outfit.



OH MY FREAKING LORD..............


I have never seen such a beautiful and awesome Sakura!!! Seriously, she is just brilliant in that setup! And could she get any hotter? I just love her on the DDdy body, she's super sexy! Awesome get on the outfit my friend and an even better idea to have Sakura model it! I am soooo saving that photo of her, it's great!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Kanu and the black bean:



I love that wig!!

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OH MY FREAKING LORD..............


I have never seen such a beautiful and awesome Sakura!!! Seriously, she is just brilliant in that setup! And could she get any hotter? I just love her on the DDdy body, she's super sexy! Awesome get on the outfit my friend and an even better idea to have Sakura model it! I am soooo saving that photo of her, it's great!






Thank you so very much for your amazing comment.


I know how much you like Sakura so it makes me happy you approve of how I customized her.


Thank you again for all your praise. Who would have guessed Sakura would look so good as a Dddy. And thanks about the outfit your Yoko is the reason I got it. I seen the listing, thought of her wearing it, and pounced on the chance to own it...lol!


I'll for sure get lots more pics of Sakura modeling this. I can happily say my bond with Sakura has grown even more after seeing how amazing she looks now.

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Thank you so very much for your amazing comment. I know how much you like Sakura so it makes me happy you approve of how I customized her.


No, thank YOU for the amazing pic!


Thank you again for all your praise. Who would have guessed Sakura would look so good as a Dddy. And thanks about the outfit your Yoko is the reason I got it. I seen the listing, thought of her wearing it, and pounced on the chance to own it...lol!


As I told you before, I don't think I've EVER seen a Sakura on a DDdy body before and I'm amazed at how nice she looks on it. I always thought she had a more mature feel to her faceup and sculpt and this makes that even more evident.


And that's so cool about how it's MY fault you got this outfit! My Yoko was only wearing it because I asked her to, there were no enabling motives there... I swear! But I'm really glad you were able to get it and let Sakura model it.


I'll for sure get lots more pics of Sakura modeling this. I can happily say my bond with Sakura has grown even more after seeing how amazing she looks now.


Awesome! I look forward to seeing them!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Ok, I couldn't resist playing a little in Photoshop with my blank 05 head...




~Sister Kyoya


Hmmmm, Paul the Alien goes Anime??


(seriously, I like the look, all funnin' around aside!)

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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Hmmmm, Paul the Alien goes Anime??


(seriously, I like the look, all funnin' around aside!)


I had to look up who that was and he does look like a DD version. It would be interesting if someone made a DD alien at some point. With the normal skin being much more pink, this specific green wouldn't be possible unless Volks releases a white skin version of the 05 head.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I tried a picture today, but i used only f/1,8 ...Maybe i should use more the next time >___<




It may not have come out as you were expecting, but it's still really pretty. It has a dreamy quality.


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I tried a picture today, but i used only f/1,8 ...Maybe i should use more the next time >___<




She is sooo cute I love her face and her wig !

Her style is very nice too !

DD at home : Asuka (Asuka french), Kanae (Yui)

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Varakitsu stealing my Sake hmm....



Varakitsu & Sake by SubTrance, on Flickr

The proud master of a foxy (DD) Varakitsu, Renge, & Caster; Kon!~ Kon!

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Omg she's so cute!

Pew Pew~



Melty~ <3 by AntElitist, on Flickr

At home: Tomoe (HD03), Hotaru (Haruka), Setsuna (Rise), Rikky (Saber Alter), Kotori (HD06), Kanako (MDD HD04), Asahi (Lucy), Tsukiyo (Alice), Nozomi (modded HD01 MDD), Ninimiel (HD03 elf), Nene (Marisa), Miuna (HD07), Sylvie (HD06)

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Omg she's so cute!

Melty is the best girl to me


I love to take her photos more than Mashiro. I guess Mashiro can retire from my camera now lololol

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I may have posted this here, I can't remember though. Here is Sakuya with her new look and practicing some magic:



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Love Tibi and the cupcake! To cute.

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Love that pic! She is to cute, love the hair, the outfit, and those mismatched eyes!! I'm in love

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