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The begining of a DDH 07 Saber custom !




DD at home : Asuka (Asuka french), Kanae (Yui)

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Mini-Doll-Meet XD


My sister (11) and i decide to do some short shoots ^^ ...

My sister got my old Obitsu one day as a present, and since this day she want her doll also on a photo ... So we decide to put her between my ones and let it look like a "Mini-doll-mett" XD




☆〜(ゝ。∂) ♥ Dollfie Dream Faceups ~ ☆

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Crowned with flowers again!




now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go have a major laundry day. Those frellin' weeds turned everything yellow

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How pretty! Dandelions have always been my favorite flower, but they DO have the tendency to get a bit messy.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Singer Yuna


Rise with her black wig and an outfit from her favorite brand, Musedoll ^^


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Just some quick phone pictures of the girls in their new outfits



Pink Balloon Dress Set by sakura_chan15, on Flickr

First we have Momoko in the Pink Balloon Dress Set that Sylph-no-Sumika obtained for me at Dolpa 29. I've been so in love with this outfit since I first missed out on the Blue Version. Now that I have this one I don't feel sad anymore I'll definitely still get the Blue Version should I ever see it for a decent price.


This just looks perfect on Momoko! The jeggings of course were too tight to fit on her so Seraphina got to keep them The top parts fit perfectly, but you can't button the very top button on the balloon dress. It's in the back though so can't see it with the vest on plus her long hair ^O^



Murasaki x Charuca Shirt by sakura_chan15, on Flickr

And here we have Seraphina showing off her new Murasaki x Charuca t-shirt with the jeggings she stole Kuraikawaii did a great job in making this shirt and it was very easy to slip on. Danbo wanted to be in the picture with Seraphina. Isn't he adorable?

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Murasaki x Charuca Shirt by sakura_chan15, on Flickr

And here we have Seraphina showing off her new Murasaki x Charuca t-shirt with the jeggings she stole .



She looks so damn awesome! I love that shirt on her, very casual but also sexy as heck. Nice photo!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Both of your girls look wonderful and I love the lace in Momoko's hair! Dare I ask where you got Seraphina's glasses?


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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She looks so damn awesome! I love that shirt on her, very casual but also sexy as heck. Nice photo!



I love casual styles so much And this combination of clothes really suits Seraphina. Plus she loves to have her looks complimented on


Both of your girls look wonderful and I love the lace in Momoko's hair! Dare I ask where you got Seraphina's glasses?


~Sister Kyoya

Thanks SK! The hairband that came with the set is really nice and sturdy And Seraphina's glasses are from SQLabs. Really love them, but you have to be careful with them as they feel quite fragile.

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This isn't the Dollfie Dream I hoped for.



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This isn't the Dollfie Dream I hoped for.




Oh my gawd, that is awesome! Totally reminds me of

Only with better hair.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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This isn't the Dollfie Dream I hoped for



OMG, you owe me a new keyboard now, this one is far too milktea flavored now

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This isn't the Dollfie Dream I hoped for.




gah! epic post.



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Just some MDDs clinging to Yuki, enjoy~



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Airy helping me pack up for my Move. She will be traveling with me across the US. ^^



Moving by OhnoRaptors, on Flickr

Edited by Guest

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Flowers for my mother this weekend~



She looks lovely. ^^

And also, did you re-do her eyebrows only?

They look so much better than the original ones. ^^;

Airy helping me pack up for my Move. She will be traveling with me across the US. ^^

Have a safe move!

Mina - DDS Millhi, Lucy - DDS Melty, Sammy - DDII Sakuno, Ellie - MDD DDH-01, Niki - MDD Mayu, Sasha - DDIII Miku

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I didn't redo her face up at all. It's completely default.

Thank you for your kind compliment.

Then I'm really not used to seeing her eyebrows, even though I have a Melty myself. XD

And you're very welcome!

Mina - DDS Millhi, Lucy - DDS Melty, Sammy - DDII Sakuno, Ellie - MDD DDH-01, Niki - MDD Mayu, Sasha - DDIII Miku

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I finally got my Nanami home ♥



.:DDS Nanami:. by Kraster, on Flickr

Edited by Guest

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