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Doll shows outside of Asia?

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So I was wondering recently, what with the dollpas coming up and the coverage of various doll shows on Dannychoo.com, are there any doll shows for BJD/DD/etc outside of Asia? Personally I would love to go to one, to buy cute clothes, give in to my girlish side and converse with other people in the hobby. The only doll-related thing I have seen was a clothing stand for resin girls (I imagine Volks girls since they look quite childlike) at a small convention in Derby (I live in the UK). If there aren't any doll specific conventions, is there anywhere I can expect to come across DD related things?


Thanks everyone,

At home; DDH-07 'Medea',

Saving for; A body and Saber Lily ^_^

Waiting for:

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Most of the events will be held in Asia. However, There is IDEX in Florida, USA, and occasionally doll items in the artist alley of an anime convention here or there. Volks used to hold Dolpas in the USA, but they have not done so for a while.


No idea for stuff directly in Europe.


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there's Ldoll in lyon france (5 and 6 october)

(i feel a bit duh posting this because i think it is very well known)


the paris dollshow (or dollexpo, last time i was there, 4 years ago, they had a lot of bjd visitors but not so many bjd stands but it could have changed over time, i konow of some bjd shops going there)



and in the netherlands there is dolliverse a 1 day event with vendors, classes in various topics, contests and photo opportunities and lots more)


and i'm sure there must be more

(i can't post any links, i'm sure i am just to new to this forum, but with a bit of googling you can find all)

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