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Obitsu Mafuyu

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Searching for Obitsu new releases I found this new girl - Mafuyu 48MY-001(まふゆ)









She has 48cm M body, new 50-04 head and 20mm eyes

Price ¥ 39,800 yen (tax included)


And she's pretty, too

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She's a couple of months old though, her preorder period were last December and, what I know, she'll be shipped to her owners in April so she's possible to find second hand soon.

Obitsu's latest doll are named Yurisu and isn't up on the website yet. She was revealed on the last wonfest but should be up for preorder soon.

Corellia(DD Marya), Sirius(DDS Sirius), Luka(DDdy OOB N-04), Alessa(DDdy Sakura Honya Head) Genma(Azone Kanojo)

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Sorry, found her out just today and didn't see any mention on our forum... orz

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Aw, she's really cute! I must have skipped over her in all the wonfest pics. Hope they release that head soon, it'll be fun to paint

Yurisa is a lot more stylized, more like a resin doll or art doll. Interesting to see them trying something new though.

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Hope they release that head soon, it'll be fun to paint


The Kanna(the doll that was released before Mafuyu) head, so far as I now, hasn't been released yet as a unpainted version so it wouldn't surprise me if the Mafuyu head will take some time too.

Corellia(DD Marya), Sirius(DDS Sirius), Luka(DDdy OOB N-04), Alessa(DDdy Sakura Honya Head) Genma(Azone Kanojo)

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Awe shes so adorable ^^ I really like her look is she from a real anime?

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Awe shes so adorable ^^ I really like her look is she from a real anime?


No, none of Obitsu's character dolls are from a anime. They're Image Character Dolls for Obitsu's doll line. Like Aoi and Yukino are for Volks.


I didn't know Obitsu made fullset dolls...


Not that surprising since the dolls are only sold through Obitsu's own site(with some exception) and are japanese only. I found out about them last autumn and were a bit surprised myself.

Corellia(DD Marya), Sirius(DDS Sirius), Luka(DDdy OOB N-04), Alessa(DDdy Sakura Honya Head) Genma(Azone Kanojo)

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I wonder what this head would look like on a obitsu 50cm body. She is cute.


I ordered this head from parabox. I also ordered a wig from wigs2dolls.com

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Does anyone know what this lovley girl would look like on an obitsu 47cm body?

I know that she is ment to be on the 48cm body but I dont like how thin it is.

I feel that the 47cm body is more "curvy" and such.

But Im not sure if the head would look too big on that body.

any help would be appreciated : w:

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To the above person l am wondering the same thing. I have this head. I have been doing some research but nothing so far. I have asked on den of angels and on the obitsu FB page as well. Hope we can get an answer to our question.

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This is probably way too late, but I figured that this info could still be useful to someone.


Obitsu uploaded some images of the 50-04/Mafuyu head on the 48/50cm bodies:




They also have more pictures of Mafuyu full sets on these bodies, as well as a breakdown of the 48/50cm standard bust sizes and the new obitsu acrylic anime eyes, on the same page:



This worries me a bit because now I think that the obitsu designer heads(which also takes a 8-9 wig) I originally wanted would almost definitely look too bobble-headed/young on my 50cm when I eventually receive her. xD


As for the question about how Mafuyu would look on a 47cm body, it would probably still look proportionate? The shoulder width of the 47cm is the same as the 48/50cm bodies. I couldn't find any pictures of this head in particular on a 47cm, but I assume the effect is similar to a DD head on the same body because the Mafuyu head can be seen as DD-sized.


This Japanese blog post has examples of DD heads on a 46cm and 50cm obitsu body:


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Thanks so much for all of the great Refrences! I think, that as long as the shoulders are the same length the head should look okay. : w:

Im deff gonna go for it, thanks again for all of the help!

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I finally got the Mafuyu head that l have a obitsu 50cm body. I love my girl now.

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Awww! What a sweetie. I would prefer if she were on a different body, but overall she's great.

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