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Fixing a 65cm body

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Well, after much searching I finally did get myself an Obitsu 65cm boy from YJA. Imagine my joy when I won him for a decent price and then my excitement as I waited for him to come. Imagine to how ticked off I got when I open the box and tadaa!!! This is what I see:


Granted I get a refund back but still...


My boy's right foot is broken clear through and of course Obitsu doesn't really manufacture parts for him and not knowing a lot about Obitsus I was in vinyl-related depression. I browsed around Parabox and Obitsu's site trying to find out more but I could not find a part but all I saw was the 60cm ankle part and it wasn't what I wanted. I decided to ask around the DolliehSanctuary site where I've been a lurker for a while and the K2 was nice enough to offer to fix my boy's foot for me and if that didn't work, to sell me his hybrid 65cm girl body's foot. When I saw his photos of what the internal of the foot looked like, I noticed it was similar to a DD foot so I decided to get the old hair dryer out and check for myself.



After much labor (and a sore index finger) I finally managed to remove the internal skeleton of both feet. The foot on the right with the metal part is the Obitsu foot, the one on the left is the DD foot.



A side by side comparison. The shaft on the DD foot's ball joint is longer and of course it has no magnetic parts like the Obitsu foot on the right but they are similar enough that I thought it would work. I decided to replace the broken skeleton of the Obitsu with the internal skeleton of the DD foot. Granted I could have just used the DD foot but I wanted to keep his original foot as it looks more masculine than the DD foot.


After I managed to swap out the parts, here is what it looked like...



Notice the ball joint on the DD skeleton is bigger and there are screws on to the side but its hardly noticeable and didn't bother me at all.



The DD part also gives the Obitsu foot a sort of pinched look but like I said it didn't bother me much.



He could still stand okay afterall.



Now all I need is to get his outfit made and his DD head to have a face up.



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Glad to see you could get him all fixed up ^-^ I can't wait to see what you'll do with this gorgeous body >v< What head are you planning on using? c:

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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im using an 07 head



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im using an 07 head

Haha Errors brother is going to be the same always was gunna be a 65 lad sine they were first announced then when the 07 came out I was like " yeah More money" XD

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Congrats! I want to see pics of him with the DDH07 head please!!!

Home : Hitomi, Kaori, Lily, Natsuki, Kotori, Yui, Kagami, , Maya, Hana

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Oh Im sorry I have it packed and ready to send to Anouc.



We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den

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where do you get these bodies?!?!?!!!


i want one ;-;

resin boys and vinyl girls, thats what i love!

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where do you get these bodies?!?!?!!!


i want one ;-;


Had to stalk YJA for a while before I came upon one. You can try there.



We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den

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Oh Im sorry I have it packed and ready to send to Anouc.


No problem ^_^

A pic with another head would be great too

Home : Hitomi, Kaori, Lily, Natsuki, Kotori, Yui, Kagami, , Maya, Hana

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where do you get these bodies?!?!?!!!


i want one ;-;


Had to stalk YJA for a while before I came upon one. You can try there.


but ive never done anything like that before ;-; is there any way i can just go to ebay or a shop and get one?? (maybe you will be willing to help me get one?? owo;; ) pwease?? :<

resin boys and vinyl girls, thats what i love!

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I wonder if this can be done to the obitsu 65cm girl as well.

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I don't see why not.



We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den

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ok thanks and l think l may try this.


update: I have a question How do you put the DD2 feet on the obitsu inner feet part due to l'm getting a pair of DD2 feet but its just the feet and they don't come whit the inner part?

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