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edit: per mod request, i stress the fact that this entire OP, specifically what i said below, is entirely facetious


somebody posted these photos on 4ch*...so it's time to own up... which one of you was it?













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Uhm, what makes you think they're on this forum? There's a lot of dollfie owners who don't care for forums at all.

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Uhm, what makes you think they're on this forum? There's a lot of dollfie owners who don't care for forums at all.


it's something called "a joke", utilizing human technology known as "humor". do they have these things where you come from?

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it's something called "a joke", utilizing human technology known as "humor". do they have these things where you come from?

No need to be rude. You could simply have said 'it was a joke' instead of throwing insults.

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yes, but it's funnier to make a snarky comeback- i don't honestly have anything against you, i don't even know you! i have no reason to be seriously rude or malicious towards anyone on (or off) of these forums, that's not my style.

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This junk doesn't belong on these forums. People already think all DD owners are lonely perverted freaks, I think most of us here dislike that label and would rather not be associated with it.


Threads like this do not help use look like 'normal' doll people.


My new domain and blog is now based on tumblr, you can find me at http://www.aquilla429.com


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that's the whole point of the joke, no one on these forums would own up to taking these pictures. yet i found them to be silly and lighthearted, they made me laugh TBQH -- and if you can't laugh at yourself (and your hobbies are a part of you), then what can you do anyway?


i think that laughing at the absurdity of things like this shows confidence and allows us to have fun; being concerned about what people think of *you* and by extension your hobby means that maybe you should re-evaluate why you feel the need to 'protect' or 'defend' it.


if a mod thinks it [this thread] is inappropriate then go ahead and delete it! i posted because i thought someone else might also find it funny or amusing.


i always found people on the DD forums to be pretty easygoing and laid back people so i'm genuinely intrigued that people are offended; i would expect this kind of reaction on DoA more than on DD!

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leitan, if your intent in posting this is to actually find out how people feel about it, I suggest you reword your intro text... since it doesn't ask that at all... and instead only calls for the photographer to fess up.


I don't think there's anything wrong with asking about these photos and starting a discussion... but if snarky responses and drama continue, I'm going to delete this thread... since those kinds of things do not facilitate a discussion.


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sorry if i stepped on any toes littlebearries, i assumed that by the very nature of my caption and context of the pics that it would be completely obvious i wasn't serious. unfortunately tone and humor don't always translate correctly through the internet and humor itself is subjective but i assumed i was being bluntly obvious enough that anyone would be able to pick it up.


my only intent with the OP was to make people laugh at something silly i found while lurking dollfie threads offsite. i only delved into questioning people's reactions to the pictures when they interpreted them in a way that made me naturally query why they would take them so seriously when the pics are clearly so absurd.


i actually have very little interest in discussing that further unless people want to take the conversation in direction.


i am not a very sensitive or easily hurt person when it comes to what people say to me or about me/my hobbies/etc, so i may not consider at times that other people can be more sensitive and would actually take my snark seriously - when i make a joke about myself or someone else, i'm usually trying to defuse tension rather than create it. i have no motive to hurt people or be genuinely mean to people who i don't even know but i may say things that people take the wrong way in light of that.


TL;DR - Keep calm and Cirno on.

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You got that reaction because you committed a social faux pas by posting toilet humor, at least as far as the behavior norms of this forum are concerned. Sorta like wearing your pajamas to a classical orchestra concert. Technically you can do it, but if you do, everybody's going to look at you and wonder "WTF?".


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i think i said this earlier in the thread, but my general impression of the DD comm has always been that they take themselves less seriously than other subgenres of doll collecting (case in point: the mystery photographer who went out and staged these pictures was clearly having fun. the fact alone that someone, somewhere put real effort into alchemizing "Cirno blue pee" is just so ridiculous it's amazing)


i mainly lurk the photo forums and see plenty of whimsical, silly and weird photos all the time there and that's what always led me to such an impression. i don't spend much time in general Dollfie discussion threads so my perceptions of people are not based much on what they say but rather what i see them react positively to: things that make them smile.


on the other hand, i am the type of person who would rather wear my pajamas to a classical concert and enjoy the music rather than be forced into something uncomfortable for the sake of fitting in with the rest of the herd and remain distracted all night because my corset was too tightly laced.

not to mention, you assume my pajamas are cheaper than an evening dress....

(and since it clearly needs to be stated apparently, that last line is tongue in cheek. i wish i owned haute couture pajamas.)

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I have to admit... the pictures make me curious... is there something about Cirno's blue pee in the anime/game she comes from?


Otherwise, what the heck is this girl drinking? 0_0


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I have to admit... the pictures make me curious... is there something about Cirno's blue pee in the anime/game she comes from?


Otherwise, what the heck is this girl drinking? 0_0

As far as I know, there isn't.

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That is quite elaborate but the storyline is confusing to me. It is a chicken and the egg dilemma. Which came first? Is she drinking something that results in this effect on her urinary track? Either way, a lot of effort went into it. I bet there are so many things out there that are similar. It kind of reminds me of things like Robot Chicken.

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Finally somebody posted this here.


OP where you see this in 4ch*? *as in which section*


last i wandered myself into /gif/ and i have to say, i enjoy my time there LOL. cause theres this thread completely about being *lovey-dovey* with your DDs. all thanks to them, my question and mysteries are solved.


i do see some member here in /jp/.


chill guise. this is fun. like the Chinese forum they just laugh it off as 重口味

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It could be that she did not drink the liquid at all, and instead probably poured it on to the snow from under her dress, well that is what I had interpreted.


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I think those pictures are really funny

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Hah, that's kind of silly, and cute.


Honestly I don't see it any different than that slime photoshoot thread. Different tastes for different people.

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Actually find it amusing because it is a Canadian thing to do . Either finger a message or potty a message up.


*follows Salica and laughs along, or tries to.*

The proud master of a foxy (DD) Varakitsu, Renge, & Caster; Kon!~ Kon!

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We have currently tons of snow for Eastern...



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