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Decals, eyes, or custom painted eyes?

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So, I found out why my beloved Yamato dolls don't work for me, they are only 50cm instead of 58cm like the Volks Dollfie Dreams. Now, my next question-eyes. I notice you can get open eyeholes, to put in eyes, solid eyeholes which you can use the decals on. I'm wondering if anyone gets the eyes custom painted? This is one of my biggest wonders/worries with these dolls. Can you paint on that vinyl skin? I've heard you can but it's a little harder? Also, and this is a little off topic of my subject line, but what do you prefer the hard or soft head? Sorry so many questions, and probably none of them new! Thanks!

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Wow, I didn't know that was what closed eye DD head were for! I thought it was, like, "save $3 and cut them open yourself." Well I learned something new today.

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Thank you for the link! I think that decides it for me, I like the painted on eyes best. Fortunately I have an amazing face up artists. I think she will like this challenge!

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I'd say the reason that most of us use inserted animetic eyes though is that when you paint them, you can't change them. For the most part, you never do anyway, but if you decide to have your girl cosplay as someone else, it's nice to change them. Also, animetic eyes are shinier.


But if you want to paint them on regardless, I'd be interested to see how your girl turns out.


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Also, on some forums, DDs with painted eyes are considered off-topic as the ability to change eyes and wigs is one of the "on-topic factors"


And I have to say, that good eyes bring much life to the DD. And You can make her look sideways for some photos, but straight for others. You cannot do that with decals.

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