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Hello from a new DD fan!

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Hi everyone!


I'm yet another collector whom has jumped over from the BJD bandwagon! Resin BJDs has been my love for the past 4 years. Though I loved the variety of BJDs, myriad of new molds (almost one per day!) are starting to overwhelm me ><


Admittedly, I held back in joining this community because I'm not a follower of anime ,but with the release of gorgeous sculpts like Aoko and Kosmos, and all the customization possibilities that comes with them. The time is now right to delve into the world of DDs. Don't wanna be missing out on any further releases. OTL


Although I had the intention move towards DD for some time, I had a pretty hard time convincing myself to jump over, until I saw the series of pictures of blue eyed Kosmos!


No prizes for guessing who will be the first to join my DD crew XD

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Welcome! ^_^ Kosmos is a beauty! I have a 1/4 scale resin statue and 1/6 scale pvc statue of her and can only wish to someday add the DD one to my Kosmos army!

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Welcome another user! I am surprised that your first Dollfie Dream to bring home would be Kosmos since her retail value is already over $1000 dollars, anyway I really would love to see her soon.

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Hi and welcome!!


Coming over from resin's you'll find that KOS-MOS is easy to transition with since she has a fairly realistic sculpt. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with her too!


Just wait until you get her in your hands. DD's are SO much lighter than resins!!!


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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Thank you for the warm welcome ^-^ I'm loving this close knit community.

So far I'm having great fun lookingand learning about DD care basics, and at everyone's pictures.

archangeli: I saw your custom Kosmos! Very impressive crafting job there, she's such a one of a kind darling


Kosmos is a real babe, even more so when she come with he DD sized weapons and armor!!!

Even though she is comes with a high end price tag, I had the impulse to grab her at once because I know my next shot at getting her will come with aftermarket pricing >_>


She really turned out to be a great impulse buy, because Aoko's (one of my fav sculpts) prices spiralled out of control, and now her aftermarket value is now worth beyond what Kosmos retails for. T-T

At this rate I won't be able to welcome Aoko home anytime soon


But still, hurray for KOS-MOS!

Can't wait to be blown off my feet by her magnificent armor and weaponry!

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Welcome to the forums, nice to meet you

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Thanks! Hope to learn more from everyone around here!

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Welcome ^-^ Hope you have a great time here. Good luck in finding Kos-Mos too ;P

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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