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Nia's yellowing problem

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I didn't know where to post this. I was looking around for Fate's (from Nanoha) set today and found one where in the pictures, her head was yellower. It reminded me a lot of Nia and I do remember reading a batch of her had some yellowing problems.

So, as I was starring...I was thinking, has anyone tried removing Nia's face-up??? o_O Because, it could, you know, be the MSC...because sometimes MSC can turn yellow...and it was only the head right? (apart from the stains Nia's accessories would make). So it could be the MSC after all......

So I am asking here in hopes that someone might have removed the face-up so they could enlighten me XD

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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It's probably a case of too much flame retardant in her vinyl. It's the most common reason why any plastic yellows in the sun. I think I saw a case of yellowing on a Nia body too, so it's not exclusive to her head.

Corellia(DD Marya), Sirius(DDS Sirius), Luka(DDdy OOB N-04), Alessa(DDdy Sakura Honya Head) Genma(Azone Kanojo)

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I think it's the actual vinyl that has yellowed, not the MSC. I have an older WS head that I got as a freebie with a body and it has the same yellowing issue as Nia.

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I see uvu Thank you for the info~

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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Got a Nia and an al azif older white skins, old white skin tends to turn yellow fast easily, though mariko looks okay probably the old vinyl they used, saw one selling a used nia on ffm in perfect stellar so its basically on the owner as well proper safekeeping.

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