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Volks Dolls Party 29 After Event - May 18th, 2013

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My friend who entered the JP lottery didn't get an Asuna either.

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No Asuna for me either. I guess it is a blessing in disguise as I didn't have the money for her anyway (was going to put her on credit card!) But still - it hurts!!! At least it is the sting of trying and failing as opposed to regretting not trying at all.


Gonna stay optimistic though - maybe someday I'll have the cash and will be able to get her in the near future. Until then, I'm going to try and custom make my own - and my Asuna will be a Dynamite!


Oh - and congratulations to everyone who won! Hope to see some great pictures soon.

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Looks like no Asuna for me, either. My wallet breathes a secret sigh of relief.

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better wait till asuna has shipped to japan residents then. by then there should be a influx of extra asunas. at the moment they go over the 100k mark. unless you dun give a damn. then you should strike now


Hm... that's a good tip, though I don't expect her price to fluctuate too drastically. I'll keep an eye on the ones currently up and we'll see!

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No Asuna...just wasn't meant to be I suppose....

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yep no win here either

Home~ Yuki (DD Yukino )

Wishing for: Akira, Mio, Kanu, Saber

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I dident win asuna guess I will have to get her another way.

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Won Asuna. Just completed payment process now. Credit card was not happy however.


I don't think Volks ships many items to my location although the customs guys know these Volks dollfies aren't cheap. I have a hunch they consider geographical location too in considering lottery winners.


I won Sakura last time. My second lottery entry and second win. Just random luck I guess.

At home: DD Sakura Shinguji, DDS Yukiho Hagiwara, DD Asuna, DD Rina Ogata, DDS MOMO, DDS Ranko Kanzaki.

Waiting for: Hatsune Miku

Preordered: Ranka Lee

Countdown to Hatsune Miku.

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Entered Lottery for Asuna. I don't think she's very pretty at all, not like MOMO



I saw Asuna at the Volks in Akihabara ,and she is extremely more pretty that MOMO, the Volks pictures don''t show her beautiful face-up !


Thanks for that. I knew I had to get Momo from the moment I saw her, Asuna was a bit of an acquired taste, although she's also beautiful. MOMO was just love at first sight.


It's gr8 to know she's more beautiful. I was a bit disappointed with Sakura when I received her. But in a different wig she's really nice.

At home: DD Sakura Shinguji, DDS Yukiho Hagiwara, DD Asuna, DD Rina Ogata, DDS MOMO, DDS Ranko Kanzaki.

Waiting for: Hatsune Miku

Preordered: Ranka Lee

Countdown to Hatsune Miku.

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Oh boy....now I'm sad...I never got an email yesterday from volks so I went to ebay and won on bidding on an "overpriced" asuna doll just now (those japanese people really know how to counterbid alot )


To my suprise...I got today an email of volks saying I won asuna...Talk about a bitter pill

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Oh boy....now I'm sad...I never got an email yesterday from volks so I went to ebay and won on bidding on an "overpriced" asuna doll just now (those japanese people really know how to counterbid alot )


To my surprise...I got today an email of volks saying I won asuna...Talk about a bitter pill



Well hopefully can find someone who will be willing to take one of them off your hands.

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Yikes! Can you cancel the ebay one?
I cannot cuz it will ruined my good reputation there with all positive likes that I build up for years


although I do have something in mind with the extra asuna cloths (armor & sword & skirt) but probely will have to see if I can win the newer auction at ebay...then I might be less sad.

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Buyers can't receive negative feedback on ebay anymore, fyi.


Don't be afraid.


"Why are sellers allowed to leave only positive Feedback for buyers?

Sellers used to be able to leave negative Feedback for buyers. Unfortunately, we found that when buyers had bad experiences with sellers, they were often reluctant to leave neutral or negative Feedback out of fear that the seller would retaliate by leaving negative Feedback for them. And when buyers did receive unfair negative Feedback, they usually decreased their shopping on eBay. Overall, it became clear that the fear of retaliatory negative Feedback made it more difficult for good sellers to distinguish themselves from not-so-good sellers, and made the Feedback system as a whole less reliable."

eBay Q&A

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Yikes! Can you cancel the ebay one?
I cannot cuz it will ruined my good reputation there with all positive likes that I build up for years


although I do have something in mind with the extra asuna cloths (armor & sword & skirt) but probely will have to see if I can win the newer auction at ebay...then I might be less sad.


I would contact the seller and ask to cancel it especially if it was overpriced. Apologise and maybe if you think he'll be upset offer a small payment like €10 as a small compensation but don't pay. He won't loose anything really on the sale. Mostly it's just a small inconvenience for the seller.

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Oh boy....now I'm sad...I never got an email yesterday from volks so I went to ebay and won on bidding on an "overpriced" asuna doll just now (those japanese people really know how to counterbid alot )


To my suprise...I got today an email of volks saying I won asuna...Talk about a bitter pill


They're still sending out emails? Sheesh. I wonder why?

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as long as on your page it says lottery then its not yet final. they say they will start sending mails out at *** date on *** time. but not when it will end. happened to me with sakuya before. i just mailed them and asked what was wrong. then next day happy news of sakuya win

making my triumphant return

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Oh that's interesting. I didn't know that, thanks shinegamix.

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So there's still hope! The Yahoo Auction madness is rounding out around 1k yen.

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Cristal Zhaduir

*o* yay is still hope for me too , im in lottery yet .



Sorry for my bad english ...


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Last I checked mine still said lottery too *crosses fingers* I really want Asuna!

Happily at home:Lumière, Yoko, Nia, Lily, Vivienne, Altria, Lilith, Claire, Sakuya, Sakura, Haruhi, Aurelia, Melty, Miyako, Unnamed 03, Mariko (student), Momo, Miku, Snow Miku and Asuna.

Awaiting: Kirito

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Cristal Zhaduir
Last I checked mine still said lottery too *crosses fingers* I really want Asuna!


crossing fingers whit you >o<


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Oh boy....now I'm sad...I never got an email yesterday from volks so I went to ebay and won on bidding on an "overpriced" asuna doll just now (those japanese people really know how to counterbid alot )


To my suprise...I got today an email of volks saying I won asuna...Talk about a bitter pill


Even if you buy the Asuna on ebay, put it on the market one month later and you will recover your money. It's no big deal.

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Good news!


Volks is going to give people a second chance to get the limited dolls!


Tomorrow at 20.00 japan time they will be available in a click war =)


Chances are slim enough but certainly worth having a go. Details on the event page on volks

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